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7 Sci Test 10

Chapters 10.8-11

arachnids the group that includes spiders
autotroph organism that makes its own food
barnacles crustaceans that in adulthood attach permanently to an object
book lungs respiratory structure of arachnids that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide
brown algae group of algae kelps belong to
carapace the hard shell that covers the cephalothorax of some crustaceans
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen the four elements that make up cells
cell membrane surrounds and protects the cell
cellulose strengthens plant cell walls
cephalothorax and abdomen body regions of an arachnid
chelicerae pair of appendages an arachnid uses to seize and crush prey
chelipeds a crustacean's claw-tipped legs
chloroplasts organelles in plant cells that enable them to carry out photosynthesis
ciliates microorganisms that move using hairlike projections
copepods crustaceans that have only one eye
cytoplasm jellylike substance in cells that contains organelles
Daphnia water fleas
decapods ten-footed crustaceans. examples include lobsters, crayfish and crabs
DNA information-storing substance found in the nucleus
genes units through which characteristics are passed from parent to offspring
heredity passing on of characteristics from parent to offspring
Hooke discovered the cells of cork
krill make up a significant part of marine plankton
malaria disease caused by plasmodium
microscopic structure too small to be seen without magnification
millipede arthropod that has two pairs of legs per body segment
mushroom a club fungus
mycelium name for the entire mass of hyphae that forms the body of a fungus
mycologists scientists that study fungi
mygalomorphs one of two main groups of spiders
nucleus control center of the cell
plankton microorganisms found near the water's surface and provide food for larger organisms
plant type of cell that contains cellulose, large vacuoles, and chloroplasts
protozoa single-celled animal-like organisms
pseudopods what a sarcodine uses to move
rusts parasitic club fungi include smuts and __________
saprophytes organisms that get nourishment from dead organisms
vacuoles storage spaces
Van Leeuwenhoek Father of Microbiology
wood lice only terrestrial crustaceans
Created by: Mrs_CC
Popular Science sets




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