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notes animal


invertebrates have no back bone,worm squid spiders
vertebrates Has a back bone or a spine,frogs,bears,alligaters
sponges phylum poreifera, they take in food through their poors and they are the simplist form of vertebrates
Cnidarinas All cnidarinas have tentecles covered with stinging cells.They use their stinging cells to protect them and get food, ex: Jellyfish, hydrozoans
flat worm Planarians, Fluckes, Tapeworm
mollusks Snails, slugs, clam, squide and octopuses
Arthropods Centipedes and millpedes
crustaceans shrimp, barnacles, crab, lobsters
insects lots of bugs
arachnid spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions
exoskeleton support and protects their body from outside
molting Arthropods shedding their exoskeleton, they do this to grow and repair
insects have three main body parts, six legs and two antennae
Echinoderms re spiny invertebrates that live in the ocean. Sea stars, sea urchine, and sand dallors are some familiar members of this group
All ivertebrates are in the phylum chordates
Fish Reproduction; lay eggs in the water Organ that keeps them afloat:awim bladder Body tempter: cold blooded Breathe: Through gills
Cartilaginous Fish Sharks and fish
amphibins Spend part of their lives in the water and on the land Frogs, toads and salamanders (ceacilians and newts also) Cold blooded must live near water keeps skin most to reproduce(lay eggs)
Reptiles Turtles, snakes, Alligators, lizards They do not have to return to the water to lay eggs like amphinians cold blooded- body temp changes (varies)
bird Warm blooded body temp constant (does not change) Down feathers to keep warm Contour feathers to fly adaptations to fly: Tiny holes in bones th make lighter, streamlined shape
Mammals Has hair Warm blooded Live birth mammary glands to give milk to young
Monotremes: lays eggs example, duckbilles platypus
Marsupials pounched and mammals that give live birth and babies crawl into pouches until matured, placentals give live birth baby atached with embilical cord
Created by: 3059192
Popular Science sets




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