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Asoc. Clin. Sciences

Part 2 boards: Dermatology

Small lesion <1 cm that is flat and colored such as a freckle Macule
Small raised lesion <1 cm that is associated with measles & syphilis(solid) Papule
Small lesion <1 cm with serous fluid and associated with herpes and chicken pox Vescicle
Small lesion <1 cm filled with pus associated with staph infection such as a furuncle Pustule
Hard raised lesion >1 cm Nodule
Fluid filled lesion >1 cm in size and associated with phemphigus Bulla
Precancerous lesion seen on mucus membranes and associated with tobacco use Leukoplakia
Located on the face, nose and cheeks and is exacerbated by sunlight, caffeine and alcohol Acne Roasacea
Condition of sebaceous glands characterized by comedones and pus filled cysts. Acne Vulgaris
Many raised lesions and >1 cm Plaque
Flake of epidermis Scales
Dried fluid on skin Crust
Open wound that has fluid coming out, wound that doesn't heal Ulcer
Superficial loss of epidermis without scratching Erosion
Break in skin as a groove Fissure
Dead tissue Scar
Thickening of the skin Lichenification
Superficial loss of epidermis by scratching Excoriation
Plug of sebaceous material in opening of hair follicle Comedones
Closed, raised sac in a tissue that contains fluid Cyst
Small cyst that has no opening milia
Hole's in the skin by scabies Burrow
Superficial dilated blood vessels Telangiectasia
Well demented deposits of blood <1 cm Petechiae
Sun spot, liver spot and is the most benign sun-induced lesion Actinic Lentigo
Pitted erythematous lesion or ulcer in the mouth Aphthous Stomatitis
Staph-infected hair follicle that presents as a painful nodule? Many of these? Faruncle; Carbuncle
Red fiery, advancing lesion on the skin caused by beta hemolytic strep. Patient will have a fever and an elevated ASO titer Erysipelas
Skin reaction usually associated with strep characterized by bilateral, red & tender nodules Erythema Nodosum
Small vesicles or cold sores located on the mouth or in the genital region Herpes Simplex
Increased keratinization producing a non-inflammatory skin lesion Ichthyosis aka Fish Skin
Crusty lesions found around the corners of the mouth or on the hand in children caused by staph or strep. Which one is more common? Impetigo; Strep
Reddened areas caused by moisture, friction & warmth retention found on opposing skin surfaces Intertrigo
Dense, sharply elevated, progressively enlarging scar with collagenous hyperplasia seen in African-Americans, Latinos and Asians. Keloid
Inflammatory pruritic disease characterized by papules with shiny, fine inconspicuous SCALES and whitish lines or puncta Lichen Planus
Discrete coin shaped, ring or annular lesion that coalesce to form patches which ooze and crust over Nummular Eczema
Tender bacterial or fungal hand infection or foot infection where the nail and skin meet at the side Paronychia
Potentially life threatening condition exhibiting bulla on the skin Pemphigus Vulgaris
Oval/round lesions called herald patch's and caused by a virus. Pityriasis rosea
Silver scales on the extensor surfaces of knees and elbows Psoriasis
Transmissible infection caused by mites and characterized by grouped vesicles & superficial linea furrows in the groin Scabies
Dandruff and cradle cap in newborns Seborrheic Dermatitis
Auto-immune depigmentation after developement Vitiligo
Complete depigmentation of the body first observed at birth Albinism
Premalignant condition of the skin caused by exposure to the sun Actinic Keratosis
Most common skin cancer that is waxy and indurated Basal Cell
Malignant tumor of epithelial cells and is irregular and flaky Squamous cell
Most invasive skin cancer and is multicolored Melanoma
Created by: 1277880004
Popular Chiropractic sets




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