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Renaissance and R


Michelangelo Italian artist who painted many artworks inside some of the Vatican's churches
Henry VIII English monarch who broke from the Catholic church and made himself head of the Church of England
Humanism The doctrine that people's duty is to promote human welfare
Scientific Revolution The period beginning in 1600 when thinkers began using experimentation, observation, and mathematics to understand the workings of nature
Perspective The appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer
Predestination (theology)being determined in advance; especially the doctrine(usually associated with Calvin)that God has foreordained every event throughout eternity(including the final salvation of mankind)
Council of Trent In 1545 when people wanted to change church beliefs and practices they started a movement called Protestantism, the Catholic Church responded by calling the Council of Trent
Copernicus Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center(1473-1543)
Leonardo Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect; the most versatile genius of the Italian Renaissance(1452-1519)
Indulgences Certificates sold by the church that would cancel a person's sins
Petrarch Francesco Petrarch was an Italian poet and scholar who started a movement to reevaluate the literature of ancient Rome. That process of rediscovery led to the Renaissance
Utopia An imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal.
Sect A subdivision of a larger religious group
Florence A city in central Italy on the Arno River; provincial capital of Tuscany; center of the Italian Renaissance from 14th to 16th centuries
Thomas Moore A Christian Humanist writer who wrote Utopia
Vernacular The everyday speech of the people(as distinguished from literary language)
Diect of Worms The diect(assembly)at worms when Martin Luther appeared to answer charges of heresy
Descartes French philosopher and mathematician; developed dualistic theory of mind and matter; introduced the use of coordinates to locate a point in two or three dimensions(1596-1650)
Martin Luther German monk who protested false doctrines of the Roman Church, sparking the Protestant Reformation
Machievelli He wrote the Prince, in which he supported absolute power for rulers
Charles V Hapsburg Holy Roman Emperor during Protestant Reformation
Ghetto The quarter of many European cities in which Jews are required to live
Canonize To officially declare a person(who has died)a saint
Catholic Reformation The time period where the Catholic Church had to respond to intense criticisms
Geneva City which became known as "Protestant Rome"
Newton English mathematician and physicist; remembered for developing the calculus and for his law of gravitation and his three laws of motion(1642-1727)
Shakespeare English poet and dramatist considered one of the greatest English writers(1564-1616)
Theocracy A political unit governed by a deity(or by officials thought to be divinely guided)
Humanities Studies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills(rather than occupational or professional skills)
Galileo Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries(1564-1642)
John Calvin French priest who broke away form the Catholic Church. He believed that God had already chosen who would be saved
Patron Someone who supports or champions something
Gutenburg German printer who was the first in Europe to print using movable type and the first to use a press
Created by: 83celbak
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