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Mosby's Essential #3

Mosby's Essential Sciences - Chapter 3 - Definitions

Acupuncture The practice of inserting needles at specific points on meridians, or channels, to stimulate or sedate energy flow to regulate or alter body function.
Biomechanics The principles and methods of mechanics applied to the structure and function of the human body.
Charting The process of keeping a written record of a client or patient.
Combining vowel A vowel added between two roots or a root and a suffix to make pronunciation of the word easier.
Disharmony Distortions in health that result when the functions or systems are neither balanced nor working at their optimum.
Kinematics A branch of mechanics that involves the time, space, ad mass aspects of a moving system.
Kinesiology The study of movement.
Kinetics Those forces causing movement in a system.
Mechanics The branch pf physics dealing with the study of forces and the motion produced by their actions.
Prefix A word element added to the beginning of a root to change the meaning of the word.
Qi Also known as Chi, Qi, refers to the life force.
Root A word element that contains the basic meaning of the word.
Suffix A word element added to the end of a root to change the meaning of the word.
Word elements The parts of a word; the prefix, root, and suffix.
Yin/yang Terms used to describe polar relationships; it refers to the dynamic balance between opposing forces and the continual process of creation and destruction.
A, an- without or not
Ab- Away from
Acr(o)- Extremity, tip
Ad- Toward
Alba- White
Ambi- Both, on sides
Ana- Upward, backward, excessive, through
Andr(o) Male
Ankyl(o) Crooked, fused
Ante- Before, forward
Anti- Against, opposed
Audi- Hear
Auto- Self
Bi- Double, two
Bio- Life, Living matter
Brach- Short
Brady(o)- Slow, short, dull
Carcin(o)- Cancer, Malignant
Cata- Down, negative, under, against, lower
Caud- Tail, Inferior
Centi(i) Hundred
Chron(i, o, us) Time, Long time
Circum- Around
Contra- Against, Opposite
Counter- Agains, Opposite
Cry(m,o) Cold
De- Down, from, away from, not
Dext- Right
Di- Two, double, twice
Dia- Across, through, apart
Dis- Seperation, away from
Febri(i,o)- Fever, boil
Fract- Break, broken
Fund- Base, bottom
Gen- Beginning, origin, produce
Gluc- Sweet, sugar, glucose
Gyn(a,e,eco,o)- Female
Hemi- Half
Heter- Other, difference
Hol- Whole, all
Hom(eo,o)- Unchanged, alike, same
Hyg(ei, ie)- Health
Hyper- Excessive, too much, high
Hypo- Under, decreased, less than normal
Iatr(o)- Physician
Idio- Distinct, peculiar to the individual
Immuno- Protection
In- In, into, within, not
Infra- Beneath
Inter- Between
Intra- Within
Intro- Into, within
Iso- Equal, like, identical
Juxta- Adjoining, near to
Kyph(o)- Bend, hump
Lacto(o)- Milk
Lateral(al,o)- Side
Leuk- White
Levo- Left
Macro- Large
Mal- Bad, illness, disease
Mega- Large
Onc(o)- Tumor, mass
Ortho(o)- Straight, erect, correct
Osm(io,o)- Smell, odor
Oxy- Sharp, acute, acid
Palp- Touch, feel
Pan- All
Para- Abnormal, near
Path(o)- Disease, suffering
Pept(o)- Digestion
Per- By, through
Peri- Around
Phag(o)- Eat, consume
Pharmaco- Drugs, poison, medication
Physio- Natural, physical agents
Poly- Many, much
Post- After, behind
Pre- Before, in front of
Pro- Before, in front of
Pseudo- False
Quadra(a,i)- Four
Re- Again
Retro- Backward
Schist(o)- Split, divided
Scler(o)- Hard
Semi- Half
Sepsi- Putrid, rotten
Son(o)- Sound
Steno- Contrcted, narrow
Strat(i)- Layer
Sub- Under
Super- Above, over, excess
Dys- Bad, difficult, abnormal
Ecto- Outer, outside
En- In, into, within
Endo- Innner, inside
Epi- Over, on, upon
Eryth- Red
Esthesi- Sensation
Etio- Cause
Ex- Out, out of, from, away from
Micro- Small
Mono- One, single
Morph(o)- Form, Shape
Multi- Many
Necr(o)- Death, destruction, corpse
Neo- New
Noct(i,o)- Night
Non- Not
Olig- Small, scanty
Supra- Above, over
Therm- Warm
Torti(i,o)- Twisted
Tract- Pull down
Trans- Across
Ultr(a,o)- Exessive, extreme, beyond
Uni- One
Zyg(o,us)- Yoke, join, together
Abdomin(o)- Abdomen
Aden(o)- Gland
Adren(o)- Adrenal Gland
Angi(o)- Vessel
Arteri(o)- Artery
Arthr(o)- Joint
Bronch(o)- Bronchus, bronchi
Card-, Cardi(o)- Heart
Cephal(o)- Head
Chondr(o)- Cartilage
Col(o)- Colon
Cost(o)- Rib
Crani(o)- Skull
Cyan(o)- Blue
Cyst(o)- Bladder, cyst
Cyt(o) Cell
Derma- Skin
Duoden(o)- Duodenum
Encephal(o)- Brain
Enter(o)- Intestines
Fibr(o)- Fiber, Fibrous
Gastr(o)- Stomach
Gloss(o)- Tongue
Gyn-, gyne-, gynec(o)- Woman
Hem-, Hema-, hem(o)- Blood
Hemat(o)- Blood
Hepat(o)- Liver
Hydro(o)- Water
Hyster(o)- Uterus
Ile(o)-, ili(o)- Ileum
Laryng(o)- Larynyx
Mamm(o)- Breast, mammary gland
Mast(o)- Mammary gland, breast
men(o)- Menstruation
My(o)- Muscle
Myel(o)- Spinal cord, bone marrow
Nephr(o)- Kidney
Neur(o)- Nerve
Ocul(o)- Eye
Ophthalm(o)- Eye
Orth(o)- Straight, normal, correct
Oste(o)- Bone
Ot(o)- Ear
Ped(o)- Child, foot
Pharyng(o)- Pharynx
Phleb(o)- Vein
Pnea- Breathing, respiration
Proct(o)- Rectum
Psych(o)- Mind
Pulm(o)- Lung
Py(o)- Pus
Rect(o)- Rectum
Rhino(o)- Nose
Salping(o)- Eustachian Tube, uterine tube
Splen(o)- Spleen
Sten(o)- Narrow, constriction
Stern(o)- Sternum
Stomat(o)- Mouth
Therm(o)- Heat
Thorac(o)- Chest
Thromb(o)- Clot, thrombus
Thyr(o)- Thyroid
Tox(o)- Poison
Toxic(o)- Poison, poisonus
Trace(o)- Trachea
Ur(o)- Urine, urinary tract, urination
Urethr(o)- Urethra
Urin(o)- Urine
Uter(o)- Uterus
Vas(o)- Blood vessel, vas deferens
Ven(o)- Vein
Vertebr(o)- Spine, vertabrae
-able Capable of, suitable for
-ago Disease
-algeisa Pain
-agia Pain
-aisis State or condition of, usually abnormal
-cele Herina, herniation, pouching
-cide Kil, causing death
-cule Very small
-cyte Cell
-dom State of being
-duct Tube, channel
-eal Pertaining to
-ease Condition
-ectomy Excision, removal of
-eme Swelling, distention
-emisis Vomiting
-emia Blood condition
-ferent Bear, carry
-feron To strike
-form Shape, structure
-genesis Development, production, creation
-globin Protein
-gram Record
-graph Diagram, recording instrument
-graphy making a record
-hood State, quality of, condition
-iasis Condition of
-ician On skilled in, one who practices
-ism Condition
-itis Inflammation
-ity Quality of, state of
-ive Having power to, that which performs
-ize To treat by, that which performs
-kinesis Motion
-lemma Sheath, Covering
-logy The study of
-lysis Destruction of, decomposition
-malacia Softening
-megaly Enlargement
-oid Form, like, resemble
-oma Tumor
-opsy View of
-osis condition
-otomy Cutting into
-paresis Paralysis
-pathy Disease
-penia Lack, deficiency
-phobia An exaggerated fear
-phylaxi Protection
-plasty Surgical repair or reshaping
-plegia Paralysis
-pnea To breathe
-porosis Passage
-ptosis Falling, sagging, dropping, down
-rrhage, -rrhagia Excessive flow
-rrhea Profuse flow, discharge
-sclerosis Dryness, hardness
--scope Examination instrument
-scopy Examination using a scope
-sepsis Putrefaction
-some Body
-stasis Maintenance, maintaining a constant level
-stenosis Narrow, tighten, short, constrict
-stomy, -ostomy Creation of an opening
-thymia Thymus gland, mind, soul, emotions
-tomy, -otomy Incision, cutting into
-tonia Stretching, putting under tension
-trophic Related to growth, development, or nutrition
-ule Little, small
-uria Condition of the urine
-version To turn
-vert Turn
ABD Abdomen
ADL Activities of dailing living
ad lib as desired
alt dieb every other day
alt hour alternative hours
alt noc alternative nights
AM, am Morning
a.m.a. Against medical advice
ANS Autonomic nervous system
approx approximately
as tol as tolerated
BM Bowel movement
BP Blood pressure
Ca Cancer
CC Cheif Complaint
c/o Complains of
CPR Cardiopulmonary resucitation
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
CVA Cerebrovascular accident, stroke
DJD Degenerative joint disease
DM Diabetes melitus
Dx Diagnosis
ext Extract
ft Foot (or feet)
fx Fracture
GI Gastrointestinal
GU Genitourinary
h, hr Hour
H2O Water
Hx History
IBW Ideal Body Weight
ICT Inflammation of connective tissue
ID The same
L Left,, length, lumbar
lig Ligament
M Muscle, meter, myopia
ML Midline
meds Mediacations
n Normal
NA nonapplicable
OB Obstetrics
OTC Over the counter
P Pulse
PA Postural analysis
PM, pm Afternoon
PT Physical Therapy
Px Prognosis
R Respiration
R/O Rule out
ROM Range of Motion
Rx Prescription
SOB Shortness of Breath
SP, spir Spirit
Sym symmetric
T Temperature
TLC Tender Loving Care
Tx Treatment
URI Upper respiratory infection
WD Well developed
WN Well nourished
Flexion A decrease in th eangle between two bones as the body part moves out of the anatomic position
Extension An increase in the angle between two bones, usually moving the body part back toward teh anatomic position
Hyperextension Any extension beyond normal or healthy; any extension that takes the part further in the direction of the extension
Abduction Movement of the appendicular body away from the midline
Adduction Movement of the appendicular body part toward the midline
Right Lateral Flexion Movement of the axial body part to the right
Left Lateral Flexion movement of the axial body part to the left
Right Rotation Partially turning or pivoting the axial body part in an arc around a central axis to the right
Left Rotation Partially turning or pivoting the axial body part in an arc around a central axis to the left
Medial Rotation Partially turning or pivoting a body part of the appendicular body in an arc around a central axis toward the midline of the body
Lateral Rotation Partially turning or pivoting a body of the appendicular body in an arc around the central axis away from the midline of the body
Circumduction Is not a movement, rather is is a sequence of movements that turn or privot the part through an entire arc, makeing a complete circle
Protraction Pushing of the part forward in a horizontal plane
Retraction Pulling of the part back in a horizontal plane
Elevation Moving the part upward
Depression Moving the part downward
Supination Movement of the forearm that turns the palm anterioly, as in cupping a bowl of soup
Pronation Movement of the forearm that turns the palm posteriorly
Inversion Movement of the sole of the foot inward, toward the midline
Eversion Movement of the sole of the foot outward, away from the midline
Plantar Flexion Movement of the foot downward
Dorsiflexion Movement of the foot upward
Anterior In front of or toward the front
Posterior Behind, in back, or in the rear
Proximal Closer to the trunk or the point of origin
Distal Situated away from the trunk or midline of the body, away from the origin
Lateral On or to the side, outside, away from the midline
Medial Relating to the middle, center, or midline
Ipsilateral The same side
Contralateral The opposite side
Superior Higher than or above
Inferior Lower than or below
Volar The palm side of the hande
Plantar The sole side of the foot
Valgus Ends bent inward; angulation of a part of the body inward toward the midline ><
Varus Ends bent outward, for example, bent toward teh wall <>
Internal An inside surface of the inside part of the body
External The outside surface of the body
Deep Inside or away from the surface
Superficial Toward or on the surface
Dextral (dextro) Right
Sininstral (sinistro) Left
Created by: krazy4god
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