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Asian II

Midterm Review

disperse moisture Lung UB13
UB13 Lung
anger issues Liver UB18
UB 18 LIver
Tonify Blood UB 24 Back Sea of Qi
KD Color black
SP color yellow
LV color green
3 forehead point tai yin, yin tang, yu Yao
channel on anterior lateral arm LU
channel on anterior med arm HT
Channels anterior med to lat arm HT-PC-LU
channels posterior med to lat arm SI-SJ-LV
points for sciatica, LBP GB30 and UB 36
points for sciatica, LBP and Hip pain GB30
bones UB23 Kidney
Wind Heat UB 13 Lung
Constipation UB 25 LI
where is GB meridian lateral side of body
scalloped tongue dampness
the three nines CV9 above belly button, UB 39, SP 9 inferior med epicondyle
360 K3 medial ankle and UB60 lat ankle
influence jt and sinews GB34, inferior to lat epicondyle
UB 40 LBP, command point
only point of bottom of the foot KD1
KD3 and KD6 3 o'clock and 6 o clock on mediall ankle
yu yau middle of eyebrow, supraorbital ridge
frontal and sinus HA and all eye disorders, help open and bright eyes yu yau,
yin tang midline btw medial end of eyebrows
calms the shen, dispels wind, and clears heat from the body, treat frontal HA, sinus HA, and eye pain yin tang
tai yang in depression about 1 cun post to midpoint btw the lat end of eyebrow and outer canthus of eye
brightens the eyes and clears heat, treats HA due to wind heat and ascends liver Yang, Liver fire, and Liver Wind Tai Yang
CV17 front Mu Point for upper burner and Heart envelope. btw nipples on midline sternum level with 4th intercostals space
releasing stagnant emotional energy, tonifies and strengthens the energy in Upper burner, energy that relates to heart and lungs, open chest for breathing, lung problems chronic cough, SOB, bronchitis, asthma, chest pain, breast disorder, palpitations CV17
functions of the Lung governs qi and respiration, controls channels and blood vessels, descend and disperse qi and fluid, regulate water passages, rules exterior skin and hair, opens the nose, houses the corporeal soul Po
dispensing and dispersing Lung
Lu related to LI internally and externally, constipation and diarrhea
Lu regulates water passages difficult flow of urine,edema
LU opens into the nose nasal obstruction and discharge, loss of sense of smell, alar flaring, difficult breathing
LU dominates Qi and respiration SOB, dislike speaking, spontaneous sweats, aversion to cold, cough, panting, dyspnea
Lu dominates skin and body hair pores fail to close (sweat) thin dry hair, rough dry skin
yin organs heart, spleen, lung, kidney, liver
yang organs SI, ST,LI,Bladder, Gall Bladder
insomnia HT
T&T Sp
Wei Qi LU
low pitch ringing in ears KD
high pitch ringing in ears GB
staying asleep LV
elements - organs HT-Fire, Sp-Earth, LU-metal, Kd-water, Liver-wood
organ - sense organ Ht-tongue, Sp-mouth, Lu-nose, Kd-ear, Lv - eyes
organ -tissue influence Ht-blood vessels, Sp-muscles, Lu-skin and hair, Kd-bones, Lv-joints and sinews
color-organ HT-red, SP yellow/orange, LU white, KD black, Lv green
emotion-organ HT-joy, SP pensive/worry, LU sad, KD fear, LV angry
organ taste HT-bitter, SP sweet, Lu spicy, KD-salty LV-sour
season HT -summer, SP late summer, Lu -fall, KD - winter LV- spring
climate HT -heat, SP damp, Lu dryness, KD cold, Lv-wind
excess wind blows and disrupts pattern
excess earth damp muddy earth harder to work
excess HT joy hysteria
excess SP worry knot in stomach
excess sadness LU can't get breath with crying
excess fear KD pee pants
LV eyes dark circle stagnation
SP muscles weak without T&T
stutter HT tongue
dry cracked mouth SP
1st line of defense Skin and body hair wei qi LU
hair on head keratin, bones, nails
colored foods to tonify
cracked tongue spleen qi dificiency, damp
Created by: mloft
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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