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Chapter 5,6,7,8

process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energies from our environment Sensation
process by which our brain organizes and interprets sensory information, transforming it into meaningful objects and events. Perception
The minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time. ABSOLUTE THRESHOLD
The minimum difference between two stimuli required for detection 50% of the time; experience it as " just a noticeable difference" DIFFERENCE THRESHOLD
Below our absolute threshold for conscious awareness . Subliminal
Reduced sensitivity in response to constant stimulation. SENSORY ADAPTATION
A mental predisposition to perceive one thing and not another. PERCEPTUAL SET
Sight Vision (Light waves striking the eye ) Rods & Cones in the retina
Sound ( hearing ) Audition ( Sound waves striking the outer ear ) Cochlear hair cells in the inner ear.
Smell Olfaction ( Chemical molecules breathed in through the nose ) Millions of receptors at top of NASAL CAVITY .
Taste Gustation ( Chemicals molecules in the mouth ) BASIC TONGUE RECEPTORS FOR SWEET ,SOUR, SALTY ,BITTER & UMAMI.
Touch Touch ( Pressure , warmth,cold,on the skin ) skin receptors detect pressure ,warmth,cold & pain.
BODY POSITION - kinesthesis Any change in position of a body part, interacting with vision.
BODY MOVEMENT - vestibular sense Movement of fluids in the inner ear caused by head/ body movement .( ( Hairlike receptors in the inner ear's semicircular canals & vestibular sacs.
A mixing of sensory information SYNESTHESIA
The processing of many aspects of a problem or scene at the same time ; the brains natural mode of information processing including vision. PARALLEL PROCESSING
failure to recognize faces ; they know they are looking at a face ,but cannot tell who the face is even if it's their own or that of a friend or relative. PROSOPAGNOSIA
A type of learning in which we learn to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events. Classical Conditioning
An initial stage ,when we link a neutral stimulus (NS) and an unconditioned stimulus ( US) so that the neutral stimulus (NS=CS) begins triggering the conditioned response (CR) Acquisition
The tendency ,after conditioning to respond similarly to stimuli that resemble the conditioned stimulus (CS) Generalization
The learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and other irrelevant stimuli Discrimination
The weakening of a conditioned response (CR)when an unconditioned stimulus (US) does not follow a conditioned stimulus (CS) Extinction
The reappearance ,after a pause ,of an extinguished conditioned response (CR) Spontaneous Recovery
A type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher. Operant Conditioning ( B.F. Skinner)
Any event that strengthens the behavior it follows. Reinforcement
An event that is innately reinforcing,often by satisfying a biological need ( Hunger,Thirst) PRIMARY REINFORCER
An event that gains its reinforcing power through it's link with a primary reinforcer (Money ,Praise ,attention, possessions ) CONDITIONED/SECONDARY REINFORCER
An event that decreases /weakens the behavior it follows Punishment
An operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide actions closer and closer toward a desired behavior. SHAPING
The acquisition of mental information ,whether by observing events ,by watching others, or through language . Cognitive learning ( Albert Bandura)
The Immediate ,very brief recording of sensory information in the MEMORY SYSTEM (Large capacity but short duration ) Sensory Memory
Visual sensory memory ICONIC MEMORY
Auditory sensory memory ECHOIC MEMORY
The relatively permanent and LIMITLESS STOREHOUSE of the memory system. included knowledge ,skills , and experiences LONG TERM MEMORY (LTM)
Memory facts and personal events you can consciously retrieve . Explicit (Declarative ) Memory
Retaining learned skills ,or classically conditioned associations ,without conscious awareness. Implicit (Nondeclarative ) Memory
Activated Memory that holds few items briefly before the information is store or forgotten . SHORT TERM MEMORY (STM)
Retaining learned skills ,or classically conditioned associations ,without conscious awareness. Implicit (Nondeclarative ) Memory
Activated Memory that holds few items briefly before the information is store or forgotten . SHORT TERM MEMORY (STM)
Duration and capacity are relatively limited. SHORT TERM MEMORY (STM)
Like an active DESKTOP-BRAIN processes important information ,making sense of new input and linking it with long-term memories SHORT TERM MEMORY (STM)
Called "WORKING " memory a newer understanding of short term memory that stresses conscious ,active processing of incoming auditory and visual -spatial information, and of information retrieved from long term memory. SHORT TERM MEMORY (STM)
The system for sensing the position and movement of Iindividual body parts . KINESTHESIA
Unconscious encoding of everyday information such as space,time,frequency, and well - learned word meanings. Automatic processing
Encoding that requires attention and conscious effort. Effortfull processing
The tendency for distributed study or practice to yield better long term retention than is achieved through massed study or practice. Spacing effect
Enhanced memory after retrieving ,rather than simply rereading,information. Testing effect
The tendency to recall best the last and first items of a list. Serial position effect
A clear memory in an emotionally significant moment or event . Flashbulb Memory
Memory demonstrated by retrieving information learned earlier ,as on a fill-in-the-blank test. Recall
Memory demonstrated by identifying items previously learned ,as on a multiple choice best. Recognition
Any stimulus (event,feeling,place, and so on) linked to a specific memory. Retrieval Cue
That eerie sense that "I've experience this before ." Déjá vu
The disruptive effect of prior learning on the recall of new information. Proactive Interference
The disruptive effect of new learning on the recall of old information. Retroactive Interference
In Psychoanalytic theory ,the basic defense mechanism that banishes from consciousness the thoughts ,feelings , and memories that arouse anxiety. Repression
Every time you use information, and mentally act on it by forming ideas ,reasoning,solving problems ,drawing conclusions,expressing thoughts ,or comprehending the thoughts of others. Thinking
Mental representation of a previously stored experience ;includes all five senses -visual ,auditory olfactory ,gustatory ,motor,tactile imagery. Mental Image
A mental grouping of similar objects,events,ideas ,and people. Concepts
Our spoken,written,or signed words and the ways we combined them to communicate meaning. Language
A Methodical ,logical rule or procedure that guarantees you will solve a particular problem (ex. Step by step description for evacuating a building during a fire. Algorithms
Simple thinking strategies that often allow yes to make judgement and solve problems efficiently; usually speedier but also more error-prone than algorithms (such as running or an exit when you smell smoke) Heuristics
A sudden realization of the solution to a problem (an Aha! Reaction ) Insight
Estimating the likelihood of an event based on its availability in memory; if instances come readily to mind, we assume such events are common (not based on how likely they are to actually occur) Availability Heuristic
the inability to see a problem from a new perspective. Fixation
tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort evidence that contradicts them. Confirmation Bias
-the tendency to be more confident than correct-to overestimate the accuracy of our beliefs and judgments. Overconfidence
-the way an issue is posed; framing can significantly affect decisions and judgments Framing
clinging to beliefs and ignoring evidence that proves they are wrong. Belief Perseverance
beginning at about 4 months, the stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language. Babbling stage
from about age 1 to 2, the stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly in single words. One-word stage
beginning about age 2, the stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly two-word statements. Two-word stage (telegraphic)
-mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations Intelligence
: defining scores by comparing them with the performance of a pretested standardization group (must have norms and instructions must be uniform) Standardization
extent to which a test yields consistent results, as assessed by the consistency of scores on two halves of the test, on alternate forms of the test, or on retesting. Reliability
the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to. Validity
knowledge of a prevalent cultural stereotype about performance can interfere with your performance through fear of confirming that stereotype Stereotype Threat
Created by: sunflowersplace
Popular Psychology sets




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