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Nutrients for your body - 6th Grade Home and Careers

Nutrients Substances in food that are important for the body's growth and maintenance.
Diet Everything you regularly eat or drink.
The 3 Functions of Protein Build, Repair, Maintain (body cells and tissues such as skin, hair, blook, muscles, and organs).
The 3 TYPES of Carbohydrates Starches, Sugar, and Fiber.
The 2 FUNCTIONS of Carbohydrates Energy and Fiber (which aids in digestion and helps the body eliminate wastes).
The 5 Functions of Fat Store energy, regulate body temperature, healthy/smooth skin, gets the nerves to work properly, and carries vitamins (A).
Vitamins Small amounts needed to regulate body functions (use other nutrients, store and use energy etc.)
Minerals "Earth" elements. Build sturdy bones and teeth, healthy blook, regular elimination of body wastes.
The 5 FUNCTIONS of Water REgulates body functions, carries nutrients to body cells, aids in digestion, removes body wastes, and helps control body temperature.
Deficiency Lack of nutrients can cause health problems now or in the future.
Balanced Meal All the nutrients from all the 5 food groups.
How can you get the right amounts of all the vitamins you need? Eat balanced meals.
Fat Soluble Mix only with fat.
What four vitamins are fat soluble? A, D, E, and K
Water Soluble Mix only with water.
What are some water soluble vitamins? B complex (B1,B2, B12), Folic Acid (B9), C, Niacin (B3), Biboflavin, Thiamine.
Which vitamins help you see at night and what foods are they in? Vitamin A -- in food such as carrots and liver.
Which vitmains help your skin stay healthy and what foods are they in? Vitamin A found in- carrots & apricots; Vitamin B2 found in- milk & breads; Vitamin C found in -oranges & brocolli; Vitamin B3 found in- liver & eggs.
Which vitamin helps your body fight germs and heals you from sickness and injury quickly? Vitamin C which is found in organges and strawberries.
Which vitamins help your nerves to stay healthy? Vitamin B - found in yeast & whole grains; Vitamin B3 found in -meats & whole grains, Vitamin B12 found in -milk & cheese.
What vitamin helps make strong bones and teeth Vitamin D found in milk & fish.
What vitamin helps keep nutrients from being destroyed? Vitamin E found in wheat germ & eggs.
What vitamin helps make red blood cells? Vitamin B9 found in brocolli & egg yolks and Vitamin B12 found in liver and milk.
What vitamin is needed for blood clotting? Vitamin K found in kale & cabbage.
Macrominerals Found in large amounts of food (examples: calcium, sodium, phosphorus, choloride, potassium, magnesium).
Trace Minerals Found in food in tiny amounts (Examples: iron, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt).
What minerals help buildl strong bones and teeth? Calcium found in -milk & cheese; phosphorus found in - milk & meat; sulphor found in- eggs & cabbage.
What minerals help your heart, muscles, and nerves? Calcium found in - milk & cheese; Magnesium found in - nuts & bananas; phosphorus found in - milk & fish; manganses found in - whole grains & seafood; Sodium found in - salt & pickles.
What mineral help take oxygen to all cells? Iron found in - meats and selfish.
What mineral helps your thyroid gland work properly? Iodine found in salt & seafood.
What mineral helps your body heal? Zinc found in meats and eggs.
What minerals help your body use vitamins and other minerals? Copper found in - meats & shellfish and Cobalt found in- milk & green leafy vegetables.
Created by: catrin013
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