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Geology final

Glaciers are part of Two basic cycles... Hydrologic cycle, and Rock cycle
A think mass of ice that originates on land from the accumulation, compaction, and recrystallization of snow Glacier
*Exist in mountain areas*Flow down a valley from an accumulation center at it's head Valley (alpine) glaciers
*Exist on a larger scale than valley glaciers*Two major ice sheets on Earth are over Greenland and Antarctica*Often called continental ice sheets*Ice flows out in all directions from one or more snow accumulation centers Ice Sheets
Other Types of glaciers are Ice capsOutlet glaciersPiedmont Glaciers
Snow is recrystallized into a much denser mass of small grains called.. Firn
Occurs within iceUnder pressure, ice behaves as a plastic material Plastic flow
Entire ice mass slipping along the groundMost glaciers are thought to move this way by this process Basal slip
the area where a glacier forms Zone of Accumulation
the area where there is a net loss to the glacier due to melting Zone of wastage
The breaking off of large pieces of ice Calving
lifting of rocks Plucking
Rocks within the ice acting like sandpaper to smooth and polish the surface below Abrasion
Pulverized rock Rock flour
Grooves in the bedrock Glacial striations
material that is deposited directly by the ice Till
Sediments laid down by glacial meltwater Stratified drift
Layers or ridges of till Moraines
Moraines produced by alpine glaciers Lateral moraineMedial moraine
Smooth, elongated, parallel hillsSteep side faces the direction from which the ice advancedOccur in clusters called drumlin fieldsFormation not fully understood Drumlins
Often pockmarded with depressions called Kettles
Four major stages recognized in North America NebraskanKansanIllinoianWisconsinan
Created by: johnsot6
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