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Classification The process of grouping things based on their similarities
Binomial Nomenclature The system used for naming organisms in which each organism is given a unique, scientific name.
Prokaryote An organism whose cells lack a nucleus and some other cell stuctures
Eukaryote An organism whose cell contain nuclei
Dichotomous key It is a table to use to identify certain organisms
Archaea bacteria They are members of the kingdom archaea
Virus A tiny, nonliving particle that invades and then reproduces inside a living cell
Host The organism that parasites and viruses lives in or on.
Parasite The organism that benefits by living on or in a host and harms it
Flagellum Is a long whip-like structure that helps a cell to move
Binary fission A form of asexual reproduction in which one cell divides to form two identical cells
Conjugation The process in which a unicellular organism transfers some of its genetic material to another unicellular organism
Endospore A small, rounded, thick walled, resting cell that forms inside a bacterial cell.
Decomposer An organisms that breaks down chemical from wastes and dead organisms, and returns important materials to the soil and water.
Protist A eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus.
Protozoan An animal like protist
Pseudopod A false foot or temporary bulge of cytoplasm used for feeding and movement in some protozoans
Cilia The hairlike projections on the outside of cells that move in a wave-like manner
Algae Plantlike protist
Spore A tiny cell that is able to grow into a new organism
Fungi A eukaryotic organism that has cell walls, uses spores to reproduce, and is a heterotroph that feeds by absorbing its food.
Hyphae The branching threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungi
Fruiting body The reproductive structure of a fungus that contains many hyphae and produces spores.
Budding A form of asexual reproduction of yeast in which a new cell grows out of the body as a parent
Lichen The combination of a fungus and either an alga or an autotrophic bacterium that live together that live together in a mutualistic relationship.
Cuticle The waxy ,waterproof layer that covers the leaves and stems of most plants.
Vascular Tissue The internal transporting tissue in some plants that is made up of tube-like structures.
Zygote A fertilized egg, produced by the joining of an egg and sperm
nonvascular tissue
rhizoid A thin root-like structure that anchors a moss and absorbs water and nutrients.
phloem The vascular tissue through which food moves in some plants.
xylem The vascular tissue through which water and nutrients move in some plants.
pollen Tiny particles produced by seed plants that contain the cells that later become sperm cells.
seed The plant structure contains a young plant inside a protective covering
embryo A young organism that develops from a zygote
cotyledon a seed leaf.
gemination The sprouting of the embryo from a seed that occurs where the embryo resumes growth.
cambium A layer of cells in a plant that produces new phloem xylem cells.
transpiration The process by which water is lost through a plant leaves
gymnosperm A plant that produces seeds that are not enclosed by a protective fruit
cone The reproductive system of the gymnosperm
pollination The transfer of pollen from male reproductive structures in plants
angiosperm A flowering plant that produces seeds enclosed in a protective structure.
fruit The ripened ovary and other structures of an angiosperm that enclose one or more seeds.
monocot An angiosperm with one seed leaf
dicot An angiosperm with two seed leaves
tropism the growth response of a plant toward or away from a stimulus
Created by: Sweete
Popular Science sets




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