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Senior Comp Theology

systematic theology terms

A Posteriori An argument which starts from experience and projects something to explain experience
A Priori Before examination or analysis; reasoning from cause to effect
Accident In Scholastic Theology, it is something which a substance has which does not belong to its inherent nature. For example, communion elements smell like jice and taste like bread, but smell and taste are accidents, not the substance.
*Adonai (Hebrew) term for "Lord." The term preferred by the jewish Scribes in place of the awesome term "Jehovah."
Adoption the declaratory act of God, by which upon being Justified by faith in Jesus Christ, we are received into the family of God and reinstated in the privileges of sonship
*Aesthetics The Study of beauty
*Agape The word most often used in the New Testament to signify God's Love for man and the love which should bind men to one another, it is a "doing" or "giving" kind of love.
Agnosticism The belief that there is no ultimate truth to be known about God or religious values.
Alienation A term from existential rheology which refers to the estrangement of the self from itself, others, and God. It is a consequence of sin.
Analytic Philosophy It is not a shared body of knowledge but a view of the aim of philosophy. I analyzes words and phrases to determine the logic or meaning of them. Anything unverifiable is "meaningless." Only thing verifiable, math, logic, concrete evidence.
*Anathema It is the exclusion of heretics from the community of the faithful.
Anhypostasis A Technical term which says that when Christ supposedly returned to heaven He spread His spirit over all humanity and is no longer a real, concrete, individual person.
*Animism The belief that all natural phenomena are possessed with souls or spirits.
*Annihilationism The belief that the souls of the wicked will be punished by destruction
*Anthropology The study of man's moral and religious history and constitution
*Anthropomorphic Attributing human shape or characteristics to divine beings
Antilogoumena (Greek) The disputed bokks in the catalog of Scriptures arranged by Eusibius
Antinomianism Literally means "against law" and the teaching that after a person has believed on Christ he has no further need to heed the moral precepts of the Bible.
Anxiety A term common in extential theology which denotes our response to the realization that we are both finite and free at the same time. We know we have limitations and will face death some day. But we also know we have freedom to do what we please. ANXIETY
*Apocalyptic Literature Portion of the Bible that professes to uncover the future, especially events in the last days of the world history. Daniel and Revelations.
*Apollinarianism Condemmed at the Council of Constantinople in 381, this heresy argued that the immutable and perfect being of God could join in Christ with the imperfect being of humanity only if his humanity was incomplete. He couldn't have been fully man, if fully God
*Apologetics A reasoned defense of the Christian religion against intellectual objections of an attempt to establish the elements of our faith as true.
Arianism The teaching of Arius, that Christ was a created being; therefore not eternal; therefore not equal with God.
Arminianism The Doctrinal teaching of James Arminius which emphasized the free moral agency of man; thus his moral responsibility
Aseity A tern meaning self-substance, referring to God as having life in Himself
Atheism Denial of the EXISTENCE of God
Atonement Denotes that which brings together and reconciles estranged parties, making them at-one-ment, or of the same mind; signifies that propitiatory offering of Christ in his death to reconcile man
Basileia (Greek) Literally means "realm," "territory," "domain," or "people over whom a king rules;" the greek word for "kingdom."
*Beatific Vision refers to the unhindered and immediate vision of God, which one has in limited fashion in visions and complete when we get to heaven
Biblical Criticism Various types of historical inquiry into the origin and validity of biblical texts
Binitarianism The Belief that there are only two persons in the GodHead: Father and Son
Blasphemy Any speech, thought, our act which dishonors or defames the nature or name of God
Calvinism The doctrinal teaching of John calvin which emphasized the absolute sovereignty of God, which stressed His predestination of destiny.
Canon LIterally means "a straight rod measurement." By canonicity was Literally means "a straight rod or measurement." By canonicity was meant the right of a book to a place in the collection of sacred writings.
Catechism Doctrinal teachings for the instruction of the young in preparation for church membership.
Catholic meaning "universal"
Charismata (Greek) The gifts of the Spirit of the gifts of grace.
Christocentric Theology in which the person and work of Christ are the bases for all theological and ethical propositions
Christology The Doctrine of the Person of Christ
Church The community of those who have accepted the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ
Church Militant The Church in action, waging its battle against sin and unrighteousness in this present world
*Communicatio Idiomatium Literally means, "communion of the properties" and is a technical terms in Christology to say that the abilities of deity passed to Jesus' human side and the experiences of humanity passed to Christ's divine side Thus, we say "God suffered" Jesus created
Communion of the Saints From the Apostles' Creed, it refers to the communion (koinonia) that Christians share with one another both living and dead
*Concupiscence Anydesire or appetite of the lower nature that is not brought under the dominion and control of the mind. It creates a Party Animal mindset.
Conscience "Knowledge within oneself." The faculty which judges your own actions to be right or wrong.
*Consubstantiation The view of Martin Luther (and basically Lutherans) Which denied that the elements were actually transformed into the literal body and blood of Christ; but that the grace of Christ was in, with, elements and to be received by all, not only believers
Consummation Refers to the end of the world or the close of the history of the present world; from the latin "consummatio mundi"
Contrition Godly sorrow for having sinned against God and a resolution never to sin again.
Cosmology the study of God's relation to the origin and structure of the universe
Covenant A contract or relationship between two parties in which each party voluntarily agrees to certai conditions of the relationship and gives his or her word to uphold it.
*Covenantal Theology A type of theology in the Reformed or Calvanistic tradition which organized everything around the idea of the covenant God made with humanity
Creationism The belief that each ego is an immediate creation of God, while that body is propagated through the parents
Creed A confession of faith, articles of belief, set forth for acceptance.
Deism The view that God created the universe, placed it under natural law, then left it to run its own course
Deity The State of being a god. Used in Christian theology mostly of Christ to prove He was part of the GodHead
Demythologization a type of interpretation of the NT by Bultmann which sought to glean the kernels of truth from the primitive and prescientific language of the Bible. The problem is he dismissed much of the truth of the Bible as old fashioned and of no value.
Destructionism The materialistic belief that the soul is mortal and perished with the body.
Descent into Hell A phrase from the Apostles' Creed which discusses what Jesus did during the time He was in the grave. No Consensus can be reached as to what happened during that time.
Determinism The view that all events and human decision in life are the result of certain causes of programmed by God, since He is all-powerful and in charge of the world
Dichotomy Belief that man's nature is twofold with body and soul as constituent elements.
*Didache (Greek) Teaching, specifically, it is the teaching addressed to Christians
*Dispensationalism A type of religious thought that divides God's dealings with the world into certain tiomes and characterized by unique duties and responsibilities. An example: OT=age of father. NT= age of the Son. Church Age= age of the Holy Spirit.
*Docetism Means "to seem" and applies to a chrstological theory which says that Christ was divine, so only seemed to have a human body and only seemed to suffer on the Cross. God cannot be contained in a body and cannot suffer and die.
Dogma Refers to those doctrines explicitly formulated by the Church and held by duly constituted authorities.
Dogmatics That branch of theology which deals with the doctrines of the Christian faith held by a community of believers--the Church
*Ekklesia (Greek) Refers to the church as the "Called-out ones."
Ecclesiology The doctrine of the Church
Eisegesis Reading a meaning into the Scriptures
El (Hebrew) Hebrew term meaning power or dominion. Used in compound form with such other terms as SHADDAI, meaning "God who nourishes or strengthens:
Election refers to the chosen ones and is dependent on the personal acceptance of universal call-conditional. Calvansitic refers to the chosen ones and is unconditional and dependent upon predestination of the exercise of sovereign grace.
Elohim Term menaing "God who posses all power, God Almighty"
Emanation Creation flowed out of God's being so that a part of Himself went into the world. it is in contrast to creation out of nothing.
Empiricism All knowledge must come from experience
Entire Sanctification the act of God, sudsequent to regeneration, by which believers are made free from original sin or depravitiy, and brought into a state of entire devotement to God, and the holy obedience of love and made perfect
Eros A term denoting "feeling" aspect of love or the longing of the lower for the higher
Eschatology The doctrine of last things
Essence A term which denotes the sum total of God's perfections
Eternity the attribute of God whereby He stands superior to time, free from such temporal distinction as past or future
Ethics The study of moral values
*Eucharist The Lord's Supper; Holy Communion--with special reference to the attitude of gratitude
*Exegesis A careful analytical study of the Scriptures; leading out of the Scriptures
Existence In contrast to essence, it refers to the actuality in time and space of a subject rather than its mere possibility or potentiality. In Existentialism it refers to the unique way human beings live their lives in the world
Existential It signifies something that is of ultimate significance for your being, as existential truth is truth which relates directly to the way you live
Expiation The maiking right by means of some act or offering for the offense or injury done to some person... closely related to atonement, propitiation and sacrifice
Faith The term used for man's response to God's revelation
Fiducia Latin Faith, confidence, trust
*Filioque vs. Homoiousion Greek A term stating that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Son as well as from the Father. It became a crucial issue between the Eastern and Western churches
Foreknowledge God's ability to know past, present, and future in one eternal act of knowledge. The fact that God knows something does not mean He plans or wills it
Full Salvation Suggests that the salvation of out Lord Jesus Christ is fully adequate for the entire sin problem
Fundamentalism An ultra conservative view of Christianity which holds tightly to 5 fundamental doctrines as essential to the faith. 1. Inspiration- infallibility of the Bible 2. Trinity 3. Virgin birth-deity of Christ 4. Substutionary view of atonement 5. Bodily Ress.
Gehenna greek Refers to the place provided for the final punishment of evil angels and impenitent men: it literally refers to torture and punishment in the future world
*Glossolalia "Speaking in tongues" in the form of unintelligible utterances
*Gnosticism A heresy in the Early Church which taught that all matter was evil: so as Christ had a body of substance He could not be truly divine
Grace The most crucial concept in Christian theology because it refers to the free and unmerited act through which God restores sinful people to Himself
Grace, Irresistible God chooses to save whom He wants to and the recipient cannot resist it
Grace, Prevenient The supernatural help of God that assists and individual to have faith in Him
Hades refers to the realm of the dead: the intermediate state of wicked men
*Hamartiology The doctrine of sin
*Heilgeschichte German word for salvation history. It refers to God's work in the OT and NT to bring humanity back to Himself
Hell the state of utter and irrevocable damnation to which the unregenerate soul is condemned after death
Heresy the conscious and willful rejection of any doctrine or belief held to be normative by the church.
*Hermeneutics The science of biblical interpretation
Holiness Descibes a state of moral and spiritual purity; it refers more particularly to the state or condition of the sanctified.
*Homoiousion Means the son is like the Father but is not eternal- not considered divine
Homologoumena The widely accepted books of Scripture which Eusebius listed in his catalog
Hypostasis Individual being; roughly equivalent to the Latin persona
Image of God The likeness to God with He originally created humanity
Imago Dei Image of God in man
Immanence refers to the belief that the infinite God dwells within the universe, denotes the nearness or presence or indwelling of God in the creation
immortality The existence of the human personality after death
*Impassibility Not capable of being affected or acted upon. the belief that because God is perfect He cannot be affected by anything
*Imputation If Christ's righteousness is imputed to us, God sees us as righteous because of what Christ has done
Incarnation the becoming flesh of the divine
Inspiration From the Greek word "the breathing of God" When referring to Scripture it means "the influence of the H.S. upon the writers of the books of the Bible in such a manner that their productions became the expressions of God's will."
Intermediate State The existence of human spirit between the death of the body and the resurrection.
Jehovah The name for God which speaks of the faithfulness of God to His people. It was held in highest awe by jewish scribes, called the Incommunicable Name
Judgment, Final the general or last judgement which gives the final destiny of all people
Justification That act by which God brings man back into proper relationship with Him
*Kenosis Literally means "self-emptying" and refers to Christ's earthly humiliation
*Kerygma Proclamation of the Gospel to the unbelievers. it is used to refer both to the content and the act of proclamation
*Koinonia Refers to "the peculiar kind of communion Christians have with God and with one another in Christ... the community which Christians should have with one another
*Logos Literally means "discourse" or "reason" used to express the relationship of christ to God and translated "word" in John I
*Metonoia Repentance
Miilenialism The belief in a thousand year reign of peace over which Christ shall reign
Miracle An intervention of divine Power in the establish course of nature beyond man's understanding.
Modalism The view that God is one in nature and person, showing different faces at different times
Monophysitism Emphasized the immutable and perfect nature of Jesus Christ by holding that He had only a divine nature while on this earth
*Natural Theology The attempt to construct a doctrine of God without having the Bible. It appeals to reason and experience alone.
*Ontological Argument A proof for the existence of God based on the thought: "that than which a greater cannot be conceived"
Original Righteousness The state of moral rightness Adam and Eve enjoyed before the fall.
Original Sin the corruption of the nature of every man, whereby man is in his own nature inclined to evil so that the flesh lusteth contrary to the Spirit.
Orthodoxy "right belief"
*Panentheism God is in His creation and maintains an identity outside of it. His being is located in His creation and beyond it.
*Parousia The theory that God and the universe are one and the same: the opposite of deism
*Patripassianism The view that the Father suffered with the sufferings of Jesus on the earth. So, the father was born, suffered and died as Jesus did.
Persona Refers to the individual person or self who possesses a rational nature and is self-conscious and self-determining
*Phenomenology A philosophy taught by Edmund Husserl which sought to break down all experiences of life to their lowest components for investigation. The intent was to get to the essence or the structure of the experience.
Pragmatism A theory of truth taught by William James and John Dewey which placed emphasis on what works. it strongly influenced modernism
Predestination Arminian-God's plan of saving men Calvanistic- The arpitrary indiscriminate act of God intended to secure the salvation of so many and no more
Priesthood of all Believers One of the basic distinctions of the protestant reformation which gives every believer direct access to God and the responsibility to act as a priest in helping others find their way to God
Process Theology The view of Alfred Whitehead, which says change is the central component of reality. all of life and God Himself are in constant change. The only thing for certain in this world is change
*Prolegomena The introductory portion of a theology book which lays out the nature and presuppositions of the study.
*Propitiation To appease the wrath of an offended person or to atone for offenses
*Protestant Principle Grace is not bound to any finite form. God is the inexhaustible power and ground of all being. True faith is in God alone, not faith in faith or works. The cross is the center of the Christian faith
Pseudepigrapha a collection of spurious writings which the Jewish of Christian church has never accepted
Rationalism any Theology or philosophical position which values reason as the ultimate judge of all statement.
*Recapitulation taught by Irenaeus, it is the view that Jesus Christ lived life on earth and succeeded where Adam failed. Thus, He recapitulated all that God intended perfect humanity to be done.
Reconciliation Closely related to "atonement;" refers to the canceling out of the estranged relationship between God and Man because of sin. It also includes the judicial aspect by which God absorbed the demerit of the account of sin against us through Jesus
Redemption Literally mean "to buy back"
*Panentheism God is in His creation and maintains an identity outside of it. His being is located in His creation and beyond it.
*Parousia The theory that God and the universe are one and the same: the opposite of deism
*Patripassianism The view that the Father suffered with the sufferings of Jesus on the earth. So, the father was born, suffered and died as Jesus did.
Persona Refers to the individual person or self who possesses a rational nature and is self-conscious and self-determining
*Phenomenology A philosophy taught by Edmund Husserl which sought to break down all experiences of life to their lowest components for investigation. The intent was to get to the essence or the structure of the experience.
Pragmatism A theory of truth taught by William James and John Dewey which placed emphasis on what works. it strongly influenced modernism
Predestination Arminian-God's plan of saving men Calvanistic- The arpitrary indiscriminate act of God intended to secure the salvation of so many and no more
Priesthood of all Believers One of the basic distinctions of the protestant reformation which gives every believer direct access to God and the responsibility to act as a priest in helping others find their way to God
Process Theology The view of Alfred Whitehead, which says change is the central component of reality. all of life and God Himself are in constant change. The only thing for certain in this world is change
*Prolegomena The introductory portion of a theology book which lays out the nature and presuppositions of the study.
*Propitiation To appease the wrath of an offended person or to atone for offenses
*Protestant Principle Grace is not bound to any finite form. God is the inexhaustible power and ground of all being. True faith is in God alone, not faith in faith or works. The cross is the center of the Christian faith
Pseudepigrapha a collection of spurious writings which the Jewish of Christian church has never accepted
Rationalism any Theology or philosophical position which values reason as the ultimate judge of all statement.
*Recapitulation taught by Irenaeus, it is the view that Jesus Christ lived life on earth and succeeded where Adam failed. Thus, He recapitulated all that God intended perfect humanity to be done.
Reconciliation Closely related to "atonement;" refers to the canceling out of the estranged relationship between God and Man because of sin. It also includes the judicial aspect by which God absorbed the demerit of the account of sin against us through Jesus
Redemption Literally mean "to buy back"
*Panentheism God is in His creation and maintains an identity outside of it. His being is located in His creation and beyond it.
*Parousia The theory that God and the universe are one and the same: the opposite of deism
*Patripassianism The view that the Father suffered with the sufferings of Jesus on the earth. So, the father was born, suffered and died as Jesus did.
Persona Refers to the individual person or self who possesses a rational nature and is self-conscious and self-determining
*Phenomenology A philosophy taught by Edmund Husserl which sought to break down all experiences of life to their lowest components for investigation. The intent was to get to the essence or the structure of the experience.
Pragmatism A theory of truth taught by William James and John Dewey which placed emphasis on what works. it strongly influenced modernism
Predestination Arminian-God's plan of saving men Calvanistic- The arpitrary indiscriminate act of God intended to secure the salvation of so many and no more
Priesthood of all Believers One of the basic distinctions of the protestant reformation which gives every believer direct access to God and the responsibility to act as a priest in helping others find their way to God
Process Theology The view of Alfred Whitehead, which says change is the central component of reality. all of life and God Himself are in constant change. The only thing for certain in this world is change
*Prolegomena The introductory portion of a theology book which lays out the nature and presuppositions of the study.
*Propitiation To appease the wrath of an offended person or to atone for offenses
*Protestant Principle Grace is not bound to any finite form. God is the inexhaustible power and ground of all being. True faith is in God alone, not faith in faith or works. The cross is the center of the Christian faith
Pseudepigrapha a collection of spurious writings which the Jewish of Christian church has never accepted
Rationalism any Theology or philosophical position which values reason as the ultimate judge of all statement.
*Recapitulation taught by Irenaeus, it is the view that Jesus Christ lived life on earth and succeeded where Adam failed. Thus, He recapitulated all that God intended perfect humanity to be done.
Reconciliation Closely related to "atonement;" refers to the canceling out of the estranged relationship between God and Man because of sin. It also includes the judicial aspect by which God absorbed the demerit of the account of sin against us through Jesus
Redemption Literally mean "to buy back"
Sanctification The process by which a believer is made holy by power of the Holy Spirit
Sarx Flesh
Schism The willful act of separating oneself from the unity of the church
Second Advent The second coming of Jesus Christ into the world
Second Blessing Sanctification is a second distinct work of divine grace subsequent to regeneration
Septuagint The translation of the OT from Hebrew to Greek by the Jews
Social Gospel An attempt to bring about the Kingdom of God on a societal level by solving the social problems on the earth
*Soteriology The doctrine of Salvation
Subordinationism Son is subordinate to the Father
Sublapsarianism The Calvinistic teaching that God decreed the destiny of man after the Fall
Supralapsarianism The Calvinistic teaching that God decreed the destiny of man before the Fall
Synergism The working together of God and Humanity in our salvation. God gives us grace and save us, but we must use our free will to ask and exercise faith
Theism belief in a personal God
Torah The section of the OT consisting of the Law
Total Depravity The term used to characterize the view of man under the power of "Original Sin" it means that there is nothing in man that is not infected by the power of sin
*Traducianism The belief tat the soul originates in connection with the origin of the body, as a psychophysical unity.
*Transcendence Refers to the belief that the infinite God stands above the entire universe; conveys "otherness"
Trichotomy Belief that man consists of three component parts- body soul and spirit.
Tritheism Belief in three individual Gods rather than unity
Triunity The belief that "each person the Trinity" should be thought of as something like separate, distinct personalities, but whose intensive unity exceeds anything in human experience.
Unitarianism Jesus was a good man and He is the Son of God in the same sense in which we are all the sons of God.
*Universalism The belief that all men will be saved; sin will be punished but the sinner will be saved.
Vicarious "one in the place of another." refers to Christ's suffering in our place
*Vulgate Translate into Latin by Jerome
Witness of the Spirit That inward evidence of acceptance with God which the H.S. reveals directly to the consciousness of the believer.
Created by: snpeterson3232
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