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Absolutism In Europe

The Absolute Monarch of Europe

Absolutism A period of history where monarchs had unlimited power over their countries
Type of power absolute monarchs had Unlimited
The decline of this religious body brought the rise of absolutism Catholic Church
Divine Right States that rulers get their rights to rule from God
Peace of Augsburg Agreement that gave each German prince right to decide if his state would be Catholic or Protestant
Signer of the Peace of Augsburg Charles V
Ruler of Spain after Charles V Phillip II
Country attacked by Spanish Armada England
Year Spanish Armada was destroyed 1588
Writer of Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote First modern European novel
Emperor who split empire between brother and son Charles V
Spanish king responsible for Spanish Armada Phillip II
4 reasons for Spanish decline 1. Inbreeding 2. No manufacturing in Spain 3. Influx of gold causing inflation 4. Netherlands broke away
Catholic queen of France ordered Huguenots in Paris killed St. Bartholomeuw's Day Massacre
Huguenots French Protestant
Signer of the Edict of Nantes Henry IV
Stated Subjects no longer had to follow religion of throne; for French Catholics, ended religious wars, but Catholicism is the official religion Edict of Nantes
Advisor who ruled during the weak reign of Louis XIII Cardinal Richelieu
Nickname of Louis XIV The Sun King
Louis XIV stated "I am ...." The state
Treasurer of France who saved the French economy during the reign of Louis XIV Jean Baptiste Colbert
War which began over the heir to the Spanish throne War of Spanish Sucession
Treaty that ended the War of Spanish Sucession Treaty of Utrecht
The Treaty of Utrecht stated France and Spain could never have this Same monarch
Ruling dynasty of England that included Henry VIII and Elizabeth I Tudor
Most hated English monarch Bloody Mary
Dynasty which ruled England after the Tudors Stuarts
King who commissioned the King James Bible James I
3 issues over which James I clashed with Parliament Money, Authority, Religion
Document signed and ignored by Charles I Petition of Right
War between Parliament and King Charles I English Civil War
Supported the king during English Civil War Cavaliers or Royalists
Supporters of Parliament during English Civil War Roundheads
1st reigning English monarch to be tried and executed Charles I
Leader of New Model Army who became Lord Protectorate of England Oliver Cromwell
English Protestants of the late 1500’s and most of the 1600’s that want to purify Church of England through Reform Puritans
Known as the Merry Monarch Charles II
Name for the period during which the English monarchy and English culture was restored Restoration
A government ruled by Parliament with no king Commonwealth
Bloodless overthrow of English king James II Glorious Revolution
King and Queen after Glorious Revolution William and Mary
Document prevented monarch from levying taxes without consent of Parliament, among other provisions – Generally limited the power of the monarchy English Bill of Rights
Czar Ruler of Russia
Russian czar who instituted good reforms but became known as the Terrible Ivan
Russian czar who was committed to westernizing Russia Peter the Great
Westernization Bringing elements of Western culture into a country
Boyars Russian landowners
Warm water port acquired by Peter the Great St. Petersburg
New Capital of Russia under Peter the Great St. Petersburg
Czarina of Russia who saw herself as the successor of Peter the Great and continued his reforms Catherine the Great
Powerful ruling family who ruled both Austria and Spain; included Maria Theresa Hapsburgs
Rival family of the Hapsburgs; controlled Prussia Hohenzollerns
War that began due to large conflicts between the Protestants and Catholics Thirty Years War
Treaty which ended the Thirty Years War Treaty of Westphalia
Ruler of Austria who limited the workday of peasants, reduced the power of noble lords, and strengthened the power of the Austrian monarchy Maria Theresa
Changed Austrian law to allow Maria Theresa to rule & keep Austrian lands under one Hapsburg ruler Pragmatic Sanction
Prussian king who challenged Maria Theresa's reign Frederick the Great
War between Austria and Prussia over land and Austrian ruler War of Austrian Succession
Created by: argrant1215
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