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7 Sci Test 5 Ch 6-7

angiosperms & gymnosperms two groups of seed plants
bats only mammals that can actually fly
blue whale largest mammal ever known
body structure most important basis for classifying living things
bryophytes plants without vascular systems
carnivore flesh-eating animal
club moss type of nonseed vascular plant
colenterates invertebrates that have tentacles with stinging cells; includes coral
echinoderms marine animals covered with spines; includes starfish & sand dollars
echolocation special system by which bats are able to find their prey
endoskeleton refers to an internal skeleton
fern plants with leaves called fronds
flatworms invertebrates that include flukes, tapeworms & planarians
four number of chambers in a mammal's heart
herbivore animal that eats only plants
hibernation term that refers to a dormant winter state in which body temperature drops close to the freezing point
incisors front cutting teeth of a mammal
invertebrates animals without backbones
Linnaeus Father of Taxonomy
mammals only animals that have a diaphragm
mollusks invertebrates that have a muscular foot & often an external shell
moss plant without a vascular system that often forms a ush, green coating on moist surfaces
nematodes invertebrates with long, slender; non-segmented bodies that taper at both ends; also called roundworms
omnivore animal that eats both plants and animals
parasites organisms hat live in or on other organisms & obtain nutrients from them
placental mammals whose young develop in a uterus or womb
Ray developed a modern definition of the word species
scientific name Genus species (italicized or underlined)
segmented worms invertebrates that include earthworms & leeches
setae Bristle-like structures that help segmented worms move
sloth slow-moving arboreal mammal with large claws
species distinct type of organism
sponges only multicellular animals without nervous system; also known as pore-bearers
spores tiny one-celled reproductive structures produced by certain nonseed plants
taxonomy science of classification
tracheophytes plants with vascular systems
vertebrates animals with backbones
visceral hump contains the internal organs of mollusks
warm-blooded term used to refer to animals that regulate their body temperature internally
zoologist biologist who study animals
Created by: Mrs_CC
Popular Science sets




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