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AH - Unit 4: WW2

Am. History - Unit 4: WW2

Totalitarian A government that exerts total control over the nation and its citizens' lives
Fascism A type of totalitarian government that emphasizes the importance of the nation or an ethnic group, and the supreme authority of the leader over that of the individual
Nazism An extreme form of fascism shaped by Adolf Hitler's fanatical ideas about German nationalism, racial superiority, expansionism, and government control of the economy
Axis Powers In WW2, Germany, Italy, and Japan
Appeasement Policy of giving in to a competitor's demands in order to preserve peace and prevent a war
Blitzkrieg Kind of warfare emphasizing rapid and mechanized movement; used by Germany during WW2
Allies In WW2, the alliance of Great Britain, the U.S., the Soviet Union, and other nations
Manchurian Incident In 1931, Japanese troops, claiming that Chinese soldiers had tried to blow up a railway line, took matters in their own hands by capturing many southern Manchurian cities and by continuing to take over the country even after Chinese troops had withdrawn
Neutrality Acts 1939 laws designed to keep the U.S. out of disputes or wars
Cash and carry WW2 policy requiring nations at war to pay cash for all non-military goods and to be responsible for transporting the goods from the U.S.
Lend-Lease Act 1941 law that authorized the President to aid any nation whose defense he believed was vital to American security
Communism A type of totalitarian government that gives the government complete ownership of land and property to use for the common good
Militarism A type of totalitarian government that emphasizes the importance of the military, those that serve in the military, and having a military ready for war
Isolationism Policy of avoiding political or economic alliances with other countries
Disarmament An agreement between nations of the world to voluntarily reduce or give up their stockpile of weapons
Rationing Distributing goods to citizens in fixed amounts
War Bond Certificate sold by the government to raise money to support the war effort
Internment The imprisonment or confinement of people (usually a specific group of people) without a trial
Genocide Committing acts of violence that are intended to destroy all or part of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group
Holocaust The genocide of approximately 6 million Jews during World War 2
Anti-Semitism Hostility or discrimination against Jewish people
Created by: tmgilbert
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