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What are the 6 lymph nodes associated with the breast? Brachial nodes subscapular nodes infrascapular nodes internal mammary nodes anterior pectoral nodes
Where do the lymph nodes drain? Toward axillary chain, the opposite breast or even the abdomen
Thelarche around 0.8 years old and is 1-2 years before th onset of menarche
What does asymmetry of the breast tissue during development indicate? nothing
What happens to breasts during pregnancy? ducts increase in size and number with vascular engrogement
What happens to breasts after menapause? less support with fatty replacement
What is the most common breast mass? Benign cysts (fibrocystic change)
What causes benign cysts? occurs with cyclic hormonal stimulation
What is the shape of benign cysts? round to elliptical
What is the mobility of benign cysts? Freely mobile
What is the texture of benign cysts? soft to firm
Is there dimpling or retraction with benign cysts? no
Are benign cysts tender? They may be tender
What kind of mass is fibroadenoma? benign, round and solid
What is the shape and mobility of fibroadenoma? Well demarcated (obvious borders) and freely mobile
Are fibroadenoma tender? no
What is the texture of fibroadenoma? rubbery and firm
Is there retraction or fixation with fibroadenoma? no
What are fibroadenoma? breast tumors that are made of glandular and fibrous breast tissue
What shape is breast CA? irregular in contour
What is the consistency of breast CA? firm and hard
What are the boarders of breast CA like? no well delineated borders
What kid onf skin texture does breast CA have? dimpling, retraction and fixation
Is breast CA tender? no
What is gynecomastia? male breast development
How common is gynomastia and around what age? in a 2 out of 3 males around 13-14 years old
What should you consider with gynomastia? normal puberty drugs-marijuana hormone imbalance testicular/pituitary tumor
What are the 13 risk factors for breast CA? Early Menarche (before 13) Late menopause (after 52) Nullipartiy or low parity Late age at birth of firrst child (age 30) High socioeconomic status Caffeine and EtOH consumption Age greater than 40 Female Hormone replacement therapy Proliferative
How many women with breast CA have a family history of it? 10-20%
What are the genetic markers for breast CA? BRCA 1, BRCA 2, p53, and her-2
What is galactorrhea milk secretion
What must you rule out with galactorrhea? pregnancy, check TSH and Prolactin. Check medication list
What do you 4 things are seen in inspection for in the breast exam that may indicate breast CA? retractions dimpling peau d'orange unilateral prominent venous network
How should the patient be positioned during inspection? With arms at side, over head, pushing on hips and leaning forward.
What are retractions in the breast? contraction of fibrotic tissue that can occur with carcinoma
What is dimpling of the breast? Contraction of fibrotic tissue that occurs with carcinoma
What is peau d'orange? orange in color/ texture is dimpled appearance like an orange peel.
What does peau d'orange indicate? edema of the breast caused by blocked lymph drainage with inflammatory breast CA
What are unilateral prominent venous network? produced by dilated superficial veins from increased blood flow to a malignancy
How is the breast divided? Into 4 quadrants along with the tail of spence extending into the axilla
How are the axilla and supraclavicular areas of teh breast palpated? while the patient is seated
How is teh breast palpated while the patient is supine? Vertical Strip method
What age does fibrocystic dease happen? 20-49
What age does fibroadenoma occur? 15-55
What age is breast ca usually seen? 30-80
How does fibrocystic disease occur? usually bilaterally
How does fibroadenoma usually occur? usually bilateral
How does breast ca usually occur? usually lateral
How many cysts may occur in fibrocystic disease? multiple or single
How many areas appear with fibroadenoma? single but may be multiple
How many masses appear with breast CA? single
What is the mobility of breast CA? fixed
In what condition is there variation with menses? fibrocystic disease
Created by: tjamrose
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