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Level D Unit 33

Academic Vocabulary

TermDefinitionFill-in-the-blank sentence
aggressive behaving in an angry or violent way towards another person; OR using forceful methods and determined to succeed Hyenas are ___ eaters. They eat very fast and forcefully and get violent if someone tries to take their food.
behavior the way that you act He is acting very strange. Do you know why his ___ is so strange?
breed a type of dog, sheep, pig, etc. (N) OR to produce baby animals If animals ___, they produce young animals.
conflict serious disagreement [often + with] OR difference: a situation in which 2 or more things cannot easily exist together [often + between] I had a ___ with my teacher about my grade. My teacher gave me a D on my essay, but I really thought it was a good essay and I told him so.
consist of to be formed or made from two or more things The test will ___ an essay question and 20 grammar questions.
cooperate to work together with someone in order to achieve the same goal We need to ___ if we are going to finish this project. We have to work together to get it done.
defend to protect someone or something fro being attacked OR support someone or something that is being criticized She tried to ___ herself against the attacker with a knife.
deprivation To be denied, to not have enough of something After their baby was born, the couple suffered from sleep ______.
determine to decide, to (cause) something to work in a particular way, to direct He didn't know what to do. He needed to _____ what was the right decision.
dominant most important, powerful, or influential The ____ wolf in the pack is the leader of the pack.
dramatic relating to a performance OR significant After she took the medicine, she had a ___ improvement in her health.
effective successful in producing the desired result Exercising and eating healthier foods are ___ ways to lose weight if you are overweight.
function purpose, role, use The main ____ of the a lawn mower is to cut grass.
furthermore in addition, also I like Milos. ___, think we should hire him for the job.
hierarchy a system or organization where people are ranked one above the other He is low in the corporate ____. He cleans the bathrooms.
impair to weaken or damage something (a human faculty or function) Don't drive if you are ____ed in any way.
infection the process of getting a disease, a sickness He has a bad ____, and he is too sick to go to work.
intelligent smart Even though they don't look very smart, hyenas are very ___ animals.
interaction A kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The ___ between the two business was not very positive, so they decided not to merge.
location place The ___ of your business is very important. You need to chose a place that has a lot of visibility.
necessity a need, something that someone needs in order to live Food is a ____, not a luxury.
objective 1. a goal 2. unprejudiced, not influenced by others' opinions His ___ is to enter the credit program at LCC. Teachers try to be ___ when they grade papers. They try not to be influenced by what they know about the student.
possibility a chance, probably, something that might happen There is a ___ that we may go to California over the break. However, we are not sure yet.
protect to keep safe from harm or injury Flamingos ___ their young. They keep them safe.
status the social standing of someone; rank Doctors have a high social ___ in the United States. People look up to them.
suitable appropriate, right for a particular person This toy is not ___ for children under 3. The parts are too small and they may choke.
survival the state of continuing to live or exist, usually in spite of an accident or difficult conditions Animals in the wild have to work every day at their ___. If they don't, they will die.
threat a danger People worry about the ___ of a cougar attack on campus. However, a cougar has never even tried to attack anyone here at Lane.
unusual strange, different We have had ___ weather this winter. It has been much warmer than it normally is.
accomplish to succeed in doing something Q: What did you ___ today? A: I did my laundry, studied for tomorrow's test and finished my essay for writing class. I feel great!!
Created by: henny3765
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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