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Study Guide Ch.10

Chapter 10

1. What is the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering? 10-1 mechanical weathering is when something weathers something physically chemical weathering is a change in matter and involves
2. Describe the weathering processes of each chemical weathering agent. 10-1 Water-when you place something in water and it dissolves. Acid Rain- when pollution is mixed with rain. acid ground water-when limestone mixes with polluted water a chemical reaction happens and can create caves.Acids in living things-Linchen make acid
3. Describe the weathering processes of each mechanical weathering agent. 10-1 Ice-the alternative freezing and thawing of soil and rock called frost action. Abrasion-the breaking rock created by mechanical action. Plants-roots creates and expand cracks. Animals-create underground holes by digging through soil.
4. What is the most important and most common agent of chemical weathering? Why do you think? 10-1 Water-water is used in lots of thing it can also change this very fast in harmful and beneficial ways.
5. What is the difference between weathering, abrasion, erosion, and deposition? 10-1 Erosion is the movement of the product of weathering. Abrasion and deposition are agents of weathering
6. What are the two most important factors in determining the rate of weathering? 10-2 Climate and elevation
7. How do hotter temperatures and wet climates affect the rate of weathering? 10-2 It increases chemical weathering such as oxidation
8. What are the horizons of a soil profile? What letter represents each horizon? What is found in each horizon? 10-3 O horizon is ground level. A horizon is topsoil. B horizon is subsoil. C horizon is weathered parent material. R horizon is bedrock.
9. What layer of soil would you find the most humus? 10-3 Horizon A or topsoil.
10. Which horizon does soil formation begin? 10-3 Horizon R
11. List some examples of decomposers and explain why they are important for soil? 10-3 Worms, they decompose plant and animals. mushrooms decompose dead trees and plants and help fertilize the soil.
12. Which soil horizon layer forms last? 10-3 R horizon known as bedrock
13. What is humus? 10-3 organic component of soil created by decomposition of plants and other materials.
14. What is soil? 10-3 dirt, earth, clay etc. A dark or dark brown material which is a mixture of organic remains.
15. Which horizon is called the parent material? 10-3 C horizon
16. What does it mean if soil is fertile? (10-3) it is rich,good to grow in, has lots of nutrients.
17. Compare the particle sizes of sand, clay, and silt. 10-3
18. Why is it good to have permeable soil or rocks? so air and water can flow between the soil/rock.
19. Define soil conservation. 10-4 Keeping soil fertile, stopping soil erosion, and stopping soil nutrient loss.
20. What are the 5 soil conservation techniques? Describe how each is used to conserve soil. Basic info. 10-4 contour plowing-instead of going strait down they go across for less water build up at the bottom. Terracing-it prevent water build up that causes erosion. No-Till farming-leaving old stalks to cover from rain. Cover crops-use a different crop a season
helps use less nutrients from crop. crop rotation-switch crops every year uses less or different nutrients of the soil.
Created by: Joshua sosa
Popular Science sets




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