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PE 09 Final Exam

PE 09 Final Exam Vocabulary

Front Crawl Freestyle, fastest stroke
Body position during front crawl Prone
Arms during front crawl Index finger side of hand enters water , elbow bent, one arm at a time, rotary breathing
Legs during front crawl Flutter kick, feet straight, kick from hip, below surface
Back Crawl Fastest stroke on the back
Body position for back crawl Supine
Legs for back crawl Flutter kick, submerged
Arms for back crawl Thumb side up first, pinky enters water, hand reaches directly behind, hand pulls forward to side, body roll on arm action, push arm back on finish
Elementary back stroke Uses symmetrical and simultaneous movements of ams and legs
Body position for elementary back stroke Supine, ears submerged
Arms for elementary back stroke Monkey, airplane, soldier, resting stroke
Legs for elementary back stroke Frog or whip kick, knees up to belly, cue: down, out, around
Breast stroke Known as the oldest stroke
Body position for breast stroke Prone
Arms for breast stroke Make pizza, heart shape, take breath, pull, breathe, kick, glide, cut pizza in half, resting stroke
Legs for breast stroke Whip kick, down, out, around
Side stroke body position Body is horizontal on its side, lower ear is close to the water
Arms for side stroke Begin in glide stage, arms outstretched, arms come towards each other, cue: pick an apple, put it in the basket
Legs for side stroke Scissors kick, bring top leg toward belly button, extend, straight
Surface dive Feet first or head first dive used while swimming on the surface of the water, extend arms over head to go down, bring to sides to go up
Flutter kick A swimming kick in which legs are held horizontal and rapidly moved up and down
Diving Head first plunge into the water
Body roll A rotating movement of the body around the midline
Emergency action plan An action plan for responding to a water emergency
Personal flotation device Keeps a person afloat in the water
Help Heat escaping lessening posture that increases the chances of survival by reducing the amount of heat lost, knees come up to chest, arms are at sides, face out of the water
Huddle Like the help position but with two or more people, chests together, children and elderly sandwiched between adults
Survival float Face down, only in warm water, lift head and arms to take a breath
Rescue tube A vinyl, foam filled tube used for making rescues
Treading water Moving arms and legs to keep the head out of the water
Sculling Moving through the water using only arms and hands
Buoyancy The upward force a fluid exerts on bodies floating on or submerged in it
Hypothermia A life threatening condition in which the body is unable to maintain warmth and the entire body cools rapidly. Organs cool, people become disoriented
FITT Frequency, intensity, time, and type
Skill related fitness components Have a relationship with enhanced performance in sports and motor skills
Agility Relates to the ability to rapidly change the position of the entire body in space with speed and accuracy
Balance Maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or moving
Coordination Relates to the ability to use the senses such as sight and hearing together with body parts in performing motor tasks smoothly
Speed Ex ability to perform a task in a short amount of time
Power The rate at which one can work
Reaction time The elapsed time between stimulation and the beginning of the reaction to it
Health related physical fitness The components of fitness related to good health
Body composition Relates to the relative amounts of muscle, fat, bone, and other body parts
Flexibility The range of motion available at a joint
Cardiovascular endurance The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained physical activity
Muscular strength The ability of the muscle to exert force
Muscular endurance The muscles ability to continue to perform without fatigue
Progression Increasing the stress to your body during exercise
Overload Going above and beyond what your body can perform, going to failure
Specificity Strengthening specific muscles to improve performance in an activity
Target heart rate Rate at which your cardiovascular system receives the most benefits from exercise without working too hard
Metabolism The chemical process b which the body breaks down food to release energy
Cardiovascular intensity workouts Jump roping, speed walking, jogging, circuit training, aerobic activities, kick boxing, and use of step boxes
Resistance training, anaerobic Use of weights or bands to strengthen or tone the muscle without aerobic expenditure, intense and doesn't last very long
Isometrics Muscles contract but very little body movement takes place, example: stretch legs by leaning against a wall with your hands
Health and skill components of volleyball Agility, jumping, hand eye coordination
How many Americans play volleyball? 46 million
When was volleyball invented? 1895
Who was volleyball invented by? William G. Morgan
When was the first game of volley ball played? July 7, 1896
Is a line ball out or in? In
What happens in the ball touches the net and goes over? It remains in play
What is a foot fault? When a foot goes over the line during a serve?
How many hits per side? 3
How many points per game? 25, 27 with a tie
What does a match consist of? First team to win 2 out of 3, or 3 out of 5
What are some individual foul examples? A player touches or catches the ball and calls it out, commits a body foul, hits the ball twice in a row, back player spikes the ball and fails
Give examples of at the net fouls? Player touches net, ball is pushed or held against against the net, foot crosses net line
How do players normally line up? Cover as much territory as possible, looks like a W
Where are front row players when the ball is served from the other side? Farther back
Where are the front row players when the ball is served from your side? At the net
Bump An underhand hit made with both hands together
Set A high pass above your head made with the fingertips
Attack/spike A ball hit forcibly at a downward angle from above the net, used offensively
Block Both arms and hands raised parallel to the net in order to block the spike, used defensively
Dig Passing a ball from an attack/spike
Tip off-speed spike
Serving Putting the ball into play over the net into the opponents court, underhand, overhand, and jump serve
Rotation Act of shifting positions in clockwise direction
Double hit When a player hits a ball twice in a row
Simultaneous Contact Two players touch the ball at the same time
Side out Serving team fails to serve or return the ball according to the rules
What is weight training? A form of exercise in which muscles are repeatedly contracted against a weight to reach fatigue, reshapes the body and builds muscles
Give 5 benefits of weight training? Allows you to move easier, improves muscular endurance, raises metabolism, burns calories even while resting, helps maintain a healthy body weight
Overload High intensity, lifter keeps going to point of failure or fatigue, stimulates more muscle fibers to be used
Progression To systematically increase the stress a muscle receives during an exercise, done by increasing weight, increasing repetitions, increasing sets, decreasing rest intervals
Specificity Strengthening specific muscles to improve performance in an activity
Range of motion Moving through the muscle and joints full range
Aerobic exercise A continuous activity that relies on oxygen for energy, continues for 30 minutes, heart rate must be increased by 60-80%, burns fat, builds endurance
Anaerobic exercise Start and stop, burns glycogen for energy, instead of oxygen, example: weight lifting
Failure Being unable to complete a move due to fatigue
Repetition Each individual movement of an exercise or lift
Resistance E actual weight against which a muscle is working
Rest interval A pause between sets that allows the body to recover and prepare for the next series
Set A series of repetitions performed without a rest
Hypertrophy The increased size of a muscle as a result of high intensity weight training
Atrophy The decrease in muscle size and strength due to inactivity
Intensity The amount of force or energy you expend during a workout
Antagonistic muscle groups Muscles that work in opposition to each other, examples: bicep and tricep, hamstring and quadricep
Flexion A decrease in a joint angle
Extension An increase in a joint angle
Contraction Increase in muscular tension
Relaxation Decrease in muscular tension
Testosterone The hormone responsible for the increase in the size of muscle tissue
Anabolic steroids Synthetic productions of testosterone
Inhale Breathing that takes place during the recovery or negative part of the lift
Exhale Breathing that takes place during the exertion or positive part of the lift
Eccentric contraction Negative part or the recovery of the lift, muscles lengthen during resistance
Concentric contraction Positive part of the lift or the exertion, muscles shorten during resistance
Isometric exercises Lifts that go through no ROM with a constant resistance
Isotonic exercises Lifts that go through a ROM with the exact same weight or resistance
Isokinetic exercises Lifts that go through a ROM with a varied weight or resistance to maintain a high muscle tension
Muscular strength The maximum amount of force that can be exerted
Muscular endurance The maximum amount of force that can be exerted over a long period of time
Core lifts Lifts that involve the major muscle groups, generally working the belly of the muscle, squats, bench press, power cleans
Auxiliary lifts Lifts that involve the smaller muscles, generally working the ends of the muscles
Give examples of weight room rules Always have a spotter, vary lifts, put everything where you found it
Strength training Higher intensity, lower repetitions, most productive
Power training Slightly lower weight, more repetitions, builds strength, endurance, amd moderate muscle growth
Endurance training Tones the body, used to sustain activity over an extended period of time
What was kickball originally called? Kick baseball
When was kickball invented? 1917
Who was kickball invented by? Nicholas C. Seuss
How many positions are there in kickball on the field? 10
How many innings are there in kickball? 9
What is a full inning? Both teams bat
What is considered legal for a pitch Must be underhand, below knee level, pitcher must pitch from behind back rubber
What is considered a strike? A ball kicked into foul territory, rolled over home plate, below knee level
What is considered a ball? Anything at does not pass home plate
How many outs per inning? 3
What are considered outs? Two strikes, a caught ball, base runner is forced out, 2 foul ball kicks, base runner hit with ball while not on base
Do runners score if last out is a force out? No
Does a runner have to tag up before advancing to the next base if a fly ball is caught? Yes
What are the positions? Left field, left center, right field, right center, shortstop, First, second, third, pitcher, catcher
Created by: 18barkea
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