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AP Literature Roots

Arch/Archy Rule, govern, 1st in importance
Cosm/Cosmo Order, Universe
Cred Believe
Dei/Div God
Duc/Duct/Duit Lead
Liber/Liver Free
Gram/Graph Write
Helio Sun
Mater Mother
Pater Father
Naut Sailor
Phob/Phobos Fear, Dislike
Port Carry
Psych Mind, Soul
Aud/Aus Listen
Bene/Bon Good, Well
Cracy Power
Dem/Demo People
Gen Kind, Race, Birth, Orgin
Logos, Log, Logue Reason
Metr/Meter Measure
Morph Form
Phon/Phone/Phono Sound
Poly Many
Vers/Vert Turn
Vis/Vid See
Astr, Aster, Astro Star
Anthrop Human Being
Aristo Best
Belli War
Cryph/Crypt Hidden, Secret
Dog/Dox Opinion, Teaching
Leg/Lex/Lekt/Lect Law, Word
Oper/Opus Work
Phil/Phila/Phile/Philo Love
Scop/Scope Watch, Look at
Strict/String Bind, Draw Tight
Temop/Tempor Time
The/Theo God
Vict/Vinc Conquer, Win
Ag/Agi/Ago Move, Go, Do
Cide Killing, Killer
Clam/Claim Declare, Call Out, Cry Out
Dic/Dict Speak, Say, Tell, Declare
Fid/Fide/Feder Faith, Trust
Fact/Frag Break
Ject/Jac/Ject Throw
Junct/Join Join
Mors/Mori/Mort Death
Punct Point, Dot
Rect/Recti Right, Straight
Secut/Sequ Follow
Viv/Vita Live, Alive, Life
Created by: Viperia
Popular Academic Vocabulary sets




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