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Chapter 18

Nomadic Empires and Eurasian Integration

Khubilai Khan Chinggis Khan's grandson who solidified China. He conquered the southern regions of China (song dynasty) and showed an active interest in both culture and administration, named administration Yuan Dynasty. failure was not conquering Japan 1260 southern China Khan solidified China, promoted Buddhism, but supported deists, muslims, and christians; because he focused on administration more he had a weak calvary and failed to conquer Japan
Ilkhanate brother Hulegu, end Abbasid empire. capture Baghdad, loot city, execute caliph. Move into Syria-but Muslim forces from Egypt stop them 1258 Persia resembled Persian administration, tolerance for all religions, eventually converted to Islam
Yuan dynasty in China, administrated by Khubilai Khan, and effected by the Bubonic Plague 1279 Southern China faced economic issues because Mongols did not maintain reserves of money, power struggle, imperial assignations and civil war marked this dynasty
Tamerlane Turk "timur the lame"- used Chingghis Khan as his role model, had a charismatic personality focused on expansion instead of administration. ruled thru tribal leaders who relied on existing bureaucrats to collect taxes. ruled through alliances 1360s Capital in Samarkand persia, afghanistan, russia, delhi, and almost china because Tamerlane was disinterested in administrate, his empire disintegrated within one hundred years.
Ming Yongle 3rd emperor of the Ming and he moved empire Nanjing to Beijing (south to north) constructed the forbidden city and repaired grand canal of chin and funded Zheng He China responsible for moving of the capital and worked on advancements that help the public, such as art and the grand canal
Khan leaders organized tribes under one subject or "ruler" rarely ruled directly, through leaders of allied tribes 1200 Asia represented the nomadic decentralized form of government
Battle of Manzikert battle against Byzantine empire, Seljuk Turks slaughter Byzantiums, took out emperor and placed with own authorities and political and social institutions 1071 modern Turkey
Seljuks (saljuqs) turkish ruling clan turned to Islam and migrated to Iran in hopes of improving their fortunes w/ alliance of Abassinid Empire 1000 Anatolia, Byzantine, Persia (Abassid Empire) Syria, Palestine
Khanbaliq capital of Jurchen area, Mongols make it the capital of China as well Jurchen and China
Golden Horde Mongol, and then Turkish Khanate that is located in Russia and mounted expeditions in Poland, hungary, east germany, did not occupy russia, but got tribute from them 1240 Russia
Hulegu Khubilai's brother who conquered both the Persians and the Baghdad Caliphate but was stopped by egyptian forces in Syria 1258 Persia expanded SW portion of Mongol Empire
Bubonic Plague an epidemic that the Yuan Dynasty faced 1330 southwest China killed up to half of the exposed population and created economic hardship in addition to human misery
Marco Polo Venetian traveler who lived 20 years at Khubilai's court, generous towards poor and built roads. named great khan 1260 China ruled Mongol empire at its height and succeeded in helping the poor
Yurt a traditional Mongolian housing that used wool to fashion large tents 1000 CE Central Asia
Shamans religious specialists who possessed supernatural powers, communicated with the gods and nature spirits, invoked divine aid on behalf of their comm, informed companions of their gods' will. 300 CE (before 600 CE) Central Asia duty was to intercede on behalf of the people, creating influence and power for their role
Temujin Also known as Chinggis Khan, or "universal ruler". He united the Mongols into a single confederation and appointed commanders on their skills and personal loyalty. captured most of northern China and seized Persia 1167 Persia and China established the first Mongol capital at Karakorum and responsible for the unification of all Mongols.. because he was more of a conqueror than administrator his empire was divided into four regions
Created by: cingram16
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