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Chapter 44

Special Laboratory Tests

Pregnancy testing is based on detection of what hormone? hCG
Does a positive reaction to any pregnancy test always indicate a normal pregnancy? No
What abnormal conditions can the detection of hCG indicate? Ectopic pregnancy, hydatiform mole of the uterus, choriocarcinoma, cancer of the lung, stomach, pancreas, colon, or breast
What is the preferred specimen for pregnancy testing and why? First morning void because it will have the highest concentratioin of hCG.
What are some different types of pregnancy tests and what kind of specimen is required. Blood specimen- serum, agglutination inhibition, and enzyme immunoassay Urine- over the counter
What does hCG stand for? human chorionic gonadotropin
What is infectious mononucleosis? Contagious disease that may have vague clinical symptoms and mimic other diseases.
What is a common nickname for IM? the kissing disease or mono
What is IM a result of? infection of lymphocytes by the Epstein-Barr Virus
How is EBV IM primarily transmitted? Saliva
What other ways can EBV be spread? Sharing drinking glasses, blood transfusions
What is the best way to prevent transmission of EBV? Careful handwashing
What is the average incubation period for IM? 7-14 days
In what age group is IM most often observed? 15-25 years old
What are the initial symptoms of IM and how long do they last? Fever and swollen glands for 3-5 days
IM in younger children is usually asymptomatic or has minor symptoms such as___ _____ _____ ______? pharyngitis, otitis media, bronchitis, and other upper respiratory discomforts
After fever and swollen glands what symptoms may develop over the next 7-20 days with IM? Headache, malaise, chest pain, cough, tonsillitis, rash, soft swollen lymph nodes, swollen spleen.
Why might a patient with IM be advised to refrain from contact sports and rough activities? To prevent rupture of the spleen.
Are there any drugs that are effective against EBV IM? No
What must the physician consider to properly diagnose IM? Blood and serology tests along with patient's symptoms.
What does PT test for? Bloods clotting ability
What kind of medication would a patient be on if they are having a PT? An anticoagulant such as Coumadin (warfarin)
What are the desired levels of INR? 2.0 - 3.0
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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