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Chapter 13 Questions

what was one root of medieval culture in western Europe? Roman heritage
What was the most important achievement of Pope Gregory 1? He made the papacy a secular power
Why was Charles Martel's victory at the Battle of Tours so important for Christianity? It kept western Europe from becoming part of a Muslim Empire
What was Charlemagne's greatest achievement? Reuniting western Europe
What role did Pope Gregory the Great play in spreading the idea of a vast unifies kingdom? He broadened the Church's secular affairs and spread the idea of a churchly kingdom
What were Christian Church's religious communities called? Monastries
Who were the Germanic people who were in power of the Roman provinces of Gaul? The Franks
Who brought Christianity to the Franks? Clovis
Who was the book of rules to be used for governing monasteries was written by? Benedict
What was the most dominate institution during the early European Middle Ages? Church
What years did the Medieval period span for? from 500 AD to 1500 AD
Who was at the top of the Medieval social class structure? The kings and popes
What is feudalism? A system of loyalties and protections based on mutual obligations
What were the three main groups of the feudal society? The ones who prayed, the ones who fought, and the ones who worked
What did the peasants do on the manor? They worked and produced almost everything they needed.
What was the ethnic background of the Vikings? Germanic
Who were the Northmen? Vikings
Who were the Turkish nomads? Magyars
What was a manor? A lord's estate
Who were mounted horsemen who pledged to defend their lords' lands in exchange for their own land? Knights
What was a tithe? A church tax paid to the village priest
What was the main reason why feudalism developed in Europe? THey had no central goverment, and they need to find safety and security so they followed local leaders
Why did the serfs rarely have to leave their manor? They were self-sufficent. They produced everything they needed for their daily life
Why did the serfs accept their economic hardships? If they didn't, they were afraid they wouldn't be accepted into heaven
Whats the code of chivalry? For a knight to protects his lord, his god, and his chosen lady
Created by: 19hkim
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