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WGU-FOT-SpecialEd Ch1

exceptional children children who differ from societal norms
disability an inability or reduced capacity to perform a task in a specific way
handicap impact or consquence of a disability, not the condition itself
handicapism unequal and differential tredatment experience by those with a disability
developmentally delayed children that are behind educationally
at-risk children who have not yet been identified as having a disability, have a high probablility of having on because of harmful biological, enivironmental, or genetic conditions
special education customized instuctional program designed to meet the unique needs of an individual learner
categorical programs constructed around student needs and common instructional requirements instead of categoris of exceptionalities
incidence refers to a rate of inception, or the # of new instances of a disability occuring w/in a given time frame, usually a year
prevalence refers to the total # of individuals w/ a particular disability currently existing in a population at a given time
Itard Father of Special Education-jungle book-methods focused on sensorimotor activities
Seguin Itard's student, methods based on comprehensive assessment of strengths and weaknesses and sensorimotor activities designed to remediate specific disabilities
Seguin was considered one of the first early__ and wrote___which provided a base for____ interventionists, Idiocy and its treatment by the Physiological Method, Maria Montesorris work with the urban poor and children w/mental retardation
The work of Itard, Sequin and others of this time (1830-1880), helped to establish a foundation for man contemporary practices in special ed. including (3) individualized instuction, use of positive reinforcement, belief in the capability of all chidren to learn
Reverend Gallaudet helped est. the American Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, now American School for the Deaf
self-contained very first special ed. classes, students were typically grouped together and segregated from other pupils
ecology looks at the interrelationships and interactions of individuals within environments
ecological perspective a developing child cannot be viewed in isolation, but rather as part of a larger social system
there are 4 environments in which people develop, the first is microsystems immediate environments (family, home, neighbors)
mesosystems relationships b/t various microsystems (home-school, parent-professional, agency-home)
exosystems social structures that infulence the development, however the person does not have a direct role in the social system, external support systems, (work, schools, social groups, health services, community orgs., social service agencies, churches, media)
macrosystems ideological, cultural and institutional contexts in which the preceding systems are embedded (legislation, litigation, social attitudes, values/ethics)
collaboration how peole work together, style of interaction that professionals use in order to achieve a common goal
IEP individual education program necessitates a collaborative team process involving parents, teachers and professionals
consultation foucsed, problemsolving process in which one individual offers expertise and assistance to another
cooperative teaching direct collaboration in which a general educator and one or more support service providers voluntarily agree to work together in a co-active and coordinated fashion in the teneral educatin classroom. these educators who possess distinct and complementary
One teach, one support co-op teaching strategy, one lead teacher, one supporter
station teaching co-op teaching strategy, lesson is divided into 2+ segments and presented in different locations in the classroom, one teacher presents one lesson, other teacher teaches another
parallel teaching co-op teaching strategy, instuction planned jointly, but is delivered by each teacher to 1/2 of a heterogeneous group of learners. drill and practice activities that requires close teacher supervision and lowers the teacher/pupil ratio
alternative teaching co-op teaching strategy, one teacher provides instruction to the larger group, while the other teacher interacts with a small group of pupils
team teaching co-op teaching strategy, both teachers share the instructional activities equally.
service delivery teams multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary
multidisciplinary team very little coordination
interdisciplinary team team members form their evalutations independently, but program development and instructional cooperation among the team members lead to an integrated plan of services and a holistic view of the students' strengths and needs
transdisciplinary team independent evaluations, but they release their role as service providers by teaching thier skills to other team memebers, one of whom will serve as the primary interventionist (team leader). For children w/ special needs, this is normally a special ed.
universal design the design of instructional activities and materials that allows the learning goals to tbe achievable by individuals with wide differences in their abilities to see, hear, speak, move, read, write, understand English,..
individualized family service plan (IFSP) family focused
early intervention refer to the delivery of a coordinated and comprehensive package of specialized services to infants and toddlers with developmental delays or atprisk condtions and their families (0-2yrs.)
early childhood special education describe the provision of customized services uniquely crafted to meet the individual needs of youngsters with disabilities b/w 3 and 5
federal definition of transition services each student with a disability is to receive transition services, is designed within an outcome-oriented process, is based upon the individual student's needs, includes instruction, related services, community experiences, development of employment and ot
Created by: ageorge08
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