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Science Questions

When humans eat they eat meat most of the time. They can't make the meat they ate grow back again in an instant. What is this an example of? It's an example of Parasitism. It's an example of parasitism because when the human eat the meat it might not be growing at the same rate we eat it so that unbalances nature.
Food and space isn't distributed evenly. Your never the only person who needs whatever you need to survive. What is this called? This is an example of competition because not all humans have everything they need in order to survive. That limits population growth. Then humans need space in order to have all there needs.
Every ecosystem has its own limits. They won't be able to sustain everything that comes there way. What is this? This is the carrying capacity. The carrying capacity is the limit of what the ecosystem can hold.
A human uses a plant and then plants it again because they will soon use it again. They plant in order for it to grow. What is this an example of? This is an example of mutualism because what the human is doing is using the plant for the humans use. Then the human replant sit so the plant can grow again. It benefits both of them.
A frog is hungry and sees a fly. The fly is the frogs prey and will soon be captured by the frog. The frog eats the fly. What is this an example of? This is an example of predation. This is predation because the consumer(the frog) captures it prey(the fly) and eats it.
An animal species is close to being extinct. scientist are helping the animal reproduce so it won't become extinct. What is this an example of? This is an example of cooperation. The humans are trying to get the animal to keep from getting extinct so the animal stays alive.
In an ecosystem there will be a group of the same species. This is an example of the population. What is this called? This is an example of the population. The population consist of all of the same species that live in an ecosystem.
All energy forms begin in the same place. The get there own energy from a big ball of burning gas? What is this big ball of burning gas called. All things get there energy from the sun. The sun is last a extremely big star that helps things grow and get energy.
Not all organisms can make there own energy. They usually get there energy from a producer and then proceed with what they were doing? What is an example of this? An example of this is when a animal that doesn't relay on the sun to get its energy gets it from a plant. The plants uses the sun for energy to grow and stuff so when the animal eats it gets energy.
Consumers get there energy from other consumers because they can't make there own energy. They are called omnivores and carnivores. What do those names stand for? Since the consumer can't get its energy on its own it gets it from other so it eats meat and plants. These are called omnivores because they eat both. When they only eat meat they are called carnivores.
Food chains explain how a group of organism get there energy. It basically shows how it's transferred. What is an example? An example of a food chain would start at the sun. The sun would give a plant energy so it grows which is then eaten by a deer. The deer then gets energy and gets eaten by a lion so now the lion has energy.
A food web works differently than a food chain. The food web is like a food chain for the overall ecosystem. How do they work. They would start with the sun and then lead to plants that get there energy from the sun. Then the plants would be eaten by a first order consumers. Then second order consumers would eat first order consumers to get energy.
An energy pyramid is displayed. The bottom level is a group of plants. The seconds level containing first order consumers which are less than how many plants. Why does the pyramid look this way ? The seconds level contains less organisms than the first section because it takes less first order consumers to get all the energy from the plants because the first order consumers don't need a lot of energy. As you go down the pyramid you use less energy
The bottom layer of the energy pyramid contains more energy than any other but how do the first order consumers use less energy? The bottom contains the most because that's were it all begins but the energy goes down as you go to the top because the consumers don't get as much as the first order consumers did. not all energy is transferred.
When a animal or plant dies it gets eaten by another animal. The animal that ate the dead animal was a scavenger. Who and what is in charge for the rest of the job to be done? After the scavenger eats it the plant or animal gets decomposed by a decomposer. Decomposers are microscopic since there so small but that decomposed organism will sone help plants and things grow again.
Created by: Jasmin1089925
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