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SAT Vocabulary

SAT Words

abstract relating to or involving general ideas or qualities rather than specific people, objects, or actions
aesthetic of or relating to art or beauty
alleviate to make (something) less painful, difficult, or severe
ambivalent simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action
indignant feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy
apathetic having or showing little or no feeling or emotion
auspicious showing or suggesting that future success is likely
benevolent marked by or disposed to doing good; well-meaning; generous
candor the quality of being open, sincere, and honest
despondent feeling or showing extreme discouragement from loss of hope or courage
cogent convincing; reasonable
comprehensive large in scope or content
contemporary current, modern; from the same time
conviction a fixed or strong belief
cynical denying the sincerity of people’s motives and actions
diligent marked by painstaking effort; hard-working
dubious doubtful; of unlikely authenticity
eclectic made up of a variety of sources or styles
egregious conspicuously bad or offensive
disdainful treating or regarding as beneath one’s dignity; showing aloof contempt or scorn
exculpate to free from guilt or blame
florid describing flowery or elaborate speech
gratuitous given freely; unearned; unwarranted
hackneyed worn-out through overuse; trite
jovial happy
idealize to consider perfect
impartial not in favor of one side or the other; unbiased
imperious arrogantly domineering or overbearing
inherent inborn; built-in
sycophantic acting polite toward someone important in order to gain advantage
innovative introducing something new
inveterate long established; deep-rooted; habitual
laudatory giving praise
maverick one who is independent and resists adherence to a group
apprehensive anxious or fearful about the future; capable
mollify to calm or soothe
novel strikingly new or unusual
obdurate stubborn; inflexible
objectivity treating facts without influence from personal feelings or prejudices
didactic intended for teaching/instruction; too much inclined to teach others
obstinate stubbornly adhering to an opinion or a course of action
ornate elaborately decorated
ostentatious describing a showy or pretentious display
paramount of chief concern or importance
exuberant filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement
penitent expressing remorse for one’s misdeeds
pervasive dispersed throughout
plausible seemingly valid or acceptable; credible
profound having great depth or seriousness
obsequious polite and obedient in order to gain something
prosaic unimaginative; dull
quandary a state of uncertainty or perplexity
rancorous hateful; marked by deep seated ill-will
spurious not genuine; false, counterfeit
bantering good-natured teasing or joking
Created by: arheckler1224
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