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APWH Dates 1

Alexander The Great 323 BCE
Beginning of Trans-Saharan Trade Routes 4th Century
Beginnings of Christianity 32
Beginnings of Agriculture 8000 BCE
Beginnings of Bronze Age - and Early Civilizations 3000 BCE
End of Han Dynasty 220
End of Pax Romana 180
Fall of Rome 476
Greek Golden Age - philosophers, etc. 5th Century BCE
Iron Age 1300 BCE
Justinian Rule of Byzantine Empire 527
Life of Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu (Beginnings of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism) 6th Century BCE
Qin Unified China 221 BCE
Roman Capital moved to Constantinople 333
Fall of Mauryan Dynasty 184 bCE
Fall of Gupta 550
Founding of Islam 622
Printing Invented in CHina Ca 730
Battle of Tours 732
Decline of Classical Maya Ca 900
Great Schism 1054
Norman conquest of England 1066
Battle of Manzikert 1071
1st Crusade 1095
Chinggis Khan begins Mongol conquests 1206
Mongols sack Baghdad 1258
Marco Polo's Travels 1271-1295
Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty in China 1279-1368
Mansa Musa's pilgrimage 1324
Travels of Ibn Battuta 1325-1349
Bubonic Plague in Europe 1347-1348
Ming Dynasty 1368-1644
Zhang He's voyages 1405-1433
Rise of Inca Empire 1438
Ottomans capture Constantinople 1453
Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope 1488
Columbus/Reconquista of spain 1492
1st slaves to the Americas 1502
Martin Luther/95 theses 1517
Cortez conquered the Aztecs 1521
Pizarro toppled the Inca 1533
Battle of Lepanto (defeat of Ottoman Navy) 1571
Defeat of Spanish Armada by the British 1588
Battle of Sekigahara - unification of Japan - beginning of Tokugawa rule 1600
Foundation of Jamestown 1607
30 years war 1618-1648
Unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna 1683
Glorious Revolution/ English bill of rights 1689
7 years war/French and indian war 1756-1763
Invention of spinning jenny 1767
American revolution/Smith writes wealth of nations 1776
French revolution begins 1789
Jenner's smallpox vaccine 1796
Haitian independence 1804
BriTish abolition of transatlantiC slave trade 1807
Congress of Vienna 1815
Independence of Latin America 1820s
1st opium war in China 1839
European revolutions/Communist manifesto 1848
Commodore Perry opens Japan 1853
Sepoy mutiny 1857
End of Russian serfdom/italian unification 1861
Emancipation proclamation 1863
German unification 1871
Berlin conference (division of Africa) 1885
New Zealand grants women's suffrage 1893
Battle of adowa (Ethiopians defeat Italians) 1896
Spanish American war 1898
Boer war 1899-1902
Created by: joshy10002
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