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Crispin Vocabulary 1

Chapters 1 through 3

midst middle; the interior part or middle part
shroud burial garment
taunt to challenge in a mocking or insulting manner; tease; jeer at
pauper a very poor person, especially one supported by charity
steward manager at a large estate
deign To think fit or in keeping with one's dignity
transgression sin; violation of law
poach 1. to hunt or fish unlawfully 2. to cook in simmering liquid, especially eggs
forfeit to lose or to lose the right to as a punishment for an error, offense, or crime
cease stop, end
welt 1. a ridge or lump raised on the skin, usually by a blow 2. part of a shoe between the shoe upper and the sole
minions a servile dependent; favorite
parchment the skin of a sheep or goat prepared as writing material
kin relative
transfix to hold motionless
avail to use to an advantage
recurrence going or coming back in thought, discussion, or action
mortality the number of deaths in a given time or place
impoverished made poor
jests comic acts or remarks; jokes
shun avoid deliberately forever
plight predicament
serf a member of a servile feudal class bound to the soil and subject to the will of his lord
mercenary a soldier hired by a foreign country to fight in its army for wages
Created by: marthell
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