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Prokaryote lab.

Goodwin college, micro, pract 2

Bacillus anthrasis causes what disease? Anthrax
Bacillus anthracis is gram___. +
Bacillus anthracis belongs to what group? streptobacilli
Bacillus anthracis is of what morphology? Rod shaped.
Bacillus cereus is what morphology, grouping and gram__? rod shaped, streptobacilli, and gram +
Bacillus cereus causes what? Food poisoning
Bordetella pertussis belongs to what group, is gram___, and is of ___ morphology... Gram -, rod shaped, no group.
Bordetella pertussis causes what disease? Pertussis aka whooping cough
Borrelia burgdorferi is gram___, belongs to what group? and what is the morphology? Gram -, no group, spirochete shape.
What does spirochete shape mean? It's spiral with movement
What disease does Borrelia burgdorferi cause? Lyme disease
Clostridium botulinum is gram__, belongs to what group, and the morphology is... Gram +, no group, Rod shaped.
What disease does Clostridium botulinum cause? Botulism
Clostridium difficile is gram__, belongs to this group and is___ morphology... Gram +, no group, rod shaped.
Clostridium difficile causes what disease? C-diff
Clodridium perfringens is gram___, belongs to this group and is ___ morphology... Gram +, no group, Rod shaped
Clostridium perfringens causes what disease? Gas gangrene
Clostridium tetani is gram___, belongs to what group and is ___ morphology... Gram +, no group, rod shaped
Clostridium tetani causes what disease? Tetanus
Corynebacterium diphtheriae is gram__, belongs to this group and is what morphology... Gram +, no group, rod shaped.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae causes what disease? Diphtheria
Escherichia coli is gram__, belongs to what group, and is ___ morphology? Gram -, no group, rod shaped
Escherichia coli causes what disease? Food poisoning-normal flora in colon. the deadly strain also causes food poisoning but is not in our lg intestine.
Haemophilus influenzae is gram__, belongs to this group and is__ morphology... Gram -, no group, rod shaped
Haemophilus influenzae causes what disease? PNE, epiglottitis, meningitis, pink eye, ear infections.
Klebsiella pneumoniae is gram__, belongs to this group and is ___ morphology... Gram -, no group, rod shaped
Klebisiella pneumoniae causes what disease? its opportunistic- wound infections
Mycobacterium leprae stains by__, belongs to this group and is ___mrphology... Acid fast, no group, rod shaped.
Mycobacterium leprae causes what disease? Leprosy aka Hansens disease
Mycobacterium tuberculosis stains by__, belongs to this group and is___morphology... Acid fast, no group, rod shaped.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes what disease? Tuberculosis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is gram__, belongs to this group, and is ___ morphology Gram -, diplococcus, coccus shaped
Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes what disease? Gonorrhea
Neisseria meningitidis is gram__, belongs to this group and is ___ morphology... Gram -, diplococcus, coccus shaped
Neisseria meningitidis causes what disease? Meningitis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is gram__, belongs to this group and is __ morphology... Gram -, no group, rod shaped.
Psuedomonas aeruginosa causes what? opportunistic, wound infections
Salmonella typhi is gram___, belongs to this group, and is ___morphology... Gram -, no group, rod shaped
Salmonella typhi causes what disease? Typhoid fever
Staphylococcus aureus is gram__, belongs to this group and is ___ morphology... Gram +, staphylococcus group, coccus shaped.
MRSA is what? Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus pyogens is gram__, belongs to this groupp and is ___ morphology... Gram +, streptococcus group, coccus shaped
Streptococcus pyogens causes what? Many things but strep throat is one example.
Treponema pallidum is gram__, belongs to what group, and is ___ morphology... Gram -, no group, spirochete shaped
Treponema pallidum causes what disease? Syphillis
Vibrio cholerae is gram___, belongs to what group and is ___ morphology... gram -, no group, vibria shaped.
what shape is coccus? round
What shape is bacillus? Rod
What shape is spiral? spiral
What does diplococcus mean? two round
What does staphylococcus mean? irregular cluster of cells--(bunch of grapes)
What does streptobacillus mean? chain of bacillus (rods)
What does streptococcus mean? Chain of coccus (round)
What does tetrad mean? grouping of four cells
What does sarcina mean? clusters of eight cells
These are gram +. Bacillus, clostridium, staphylococcus, streptococcus, corynebacterium, listeria
These are acid fast-Waxy... Mycobacterium
These have no cell wall... Mycoplasma these have sterols
These are gram -... Borrelia burgdorferi, leptospria interrogans, treponema pallidum
These are encapsulated... Influenza, Neisseria, strep pneumonia
Created by: luvmycait7604
Popular Science sets




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