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History Final

a negative result of the growth of the textile industry in Britain spread of slavery
absolute monarchy rule by divine right
connection of the Enlightenment ideas to the French revolution Enlightenment was a major cause of the revolution
first European country to industrialize Britain
France's greatest enemy during the Napoleonic Wars Britain
Galileo vs. the Church Galileo thought that the sun was the center of the universe, but the church believed that the earth was the center of the universe, so galileo was put on trial and sentenced to house arrest
how Marx believed that an equal distribution of wealth would be achieved by revolution
importance of skyscrapers in urban areas solution to the scarcity of space
importance of transportation systems in the development of suburbs people could go into the city for work
important legacy of the French Revolution worldwide fight for individual rights
independence in Brazil very little violence and bloodshed
industrial factory workers men, women, and children
King and Queen William and Mary of England to prevent a catholic from sitting on the throne
leading nations during the Industrial Revolution Britain ,France, the US, Japan, and Germany
Machiavelli "the end justifies the means"
Marx on the connection of work and pay direct connection between work and labor
Michelangelo the David, the Pieta, and the Sistine Chapel
Napoleon Bonaparte brilliant military leader, but also had a ruthless ambition
negative effects of the Industrial Revolution crowded, dirty cities, and polluted air and water
Peter the Great and Russian reforms transform Russia into a modern state
potato crop famine in Ireland made the Irish population drop between 1780 and 1920
printing press made printed material more accessible and more people learned to read
Protestant Reformation Luther's opposition to indulgences
reactions of European outside of Rance to the execution of King Louis XVI horror
reason why many peasants opposed the French Revolution the draft and anti-clerical moves
reason why so many French welcomed Napoleon he promised to restore order
Reign of Terror a threat to all French citizens
restrictions imposed by the Continental System trade with Britain
Scientific Method five steps
Scientific Revolution mid 1500s; new ways of thinking
Simon Bolivar plan to unite all of south America into one nation
Sun King Louis XIV
The Dreyfus Affair inspired the Zionist Movement
The Encyclopedia Diderot
the goal that Mazzini, Cavour, and Garibaldi all had in common the unification of Italy
the European events that inspired the revolts in the Austrian Empire revolutions in France, Italy, and the German states
the conditions the best describe the type of government that the Marxists wanted to create in Russia a socialist republic with no private property and the government owns and distributes all goods
the way that the Russian economy was different from the rest of Europe based on agriculture
the Red shirts Garibaldi's followers; they wore red shirts
Bismarck's philosophy of realpolitik practical, rather than idealistic; based on the interests of Prussia
the significance of the day known in Russia as Bloody Sunday troops fired at protestors near the Winter Palace; led to the October Manifesto
the Marxist follower that published a work supporting the overthrow of the Czar in 1902 Vladimir Lenin
the result and effect of the Russo-Japanese War Japan defeated Russia; it shocked the Russian citizens who called for new change
the importance of control of Constantinople to the Russians it gave access to the Mediterranean Sea
the cause of the dispute of the Crimean War the control of the Holy Land
the meaning of Bismarck's phrase "Blood and Iron he would use the Prussian military
the Young Turks they fought against the absolute power of the sultan
imperialist control of India British East India Company, then Britain
the main cause of the Sepoy Mutiny Indian soldiers were forced to bite the end off of a gun cartridge that was greased with pork or beef fat
the type of trade that was most important to for the Dutch in Southeast Asian the 1600s and the 1700s spices
the political motives among European leaders as they attempted imperialistic control over Africa the belief that controlling colonies would gain them more respect from other leaders
how Japan gained the strength to become an imperial power it began by strengthening its influence on Korea
how defenders of imperialism often applied Darwin's theory of natural selection to Social Darwinism they used it to justify their belief that some races are more fit than others
the reaction in Asia over Japan's victory against Russia in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904- 1905 they celebrated because it showed that an Asian power could defeat a European power and ghat Japan could be a threat
the countries that claimed territory in China as China's military weakened in the late 1800s Germany, Russia, Great Britain, and France
why the British began to export opium to China to tip the balance of trade in favor of Britain
two conditions contained in the treaty of Nanjing that showed that it was an unequal treaty it opened five ports to Western trade, gave extraterritoriality to British citizens
why control and occupation of Egypt was so important to Britain in 1882 to keep the government interested in the Suez Canal
the territories that thee US acquired at the end of the Spanish- American War Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines
the only nation that successfully remained independent during the "Scramble for Africa" Ethiopia which used a modern army
the factors that allowed European nations to extend imperialistic control over Asia and Africa military advantages and weapons
the country that Britain relied on for importing cotton following the Civil War in the US India
name given to the Bolsheviks the Red Army
name given to the opponents of the Bolsheviks the White Army
two examples of women's primary participation in WWI jobs at home and nurses in the military
the reason both sides turned to new advanced weapons during WWI stalemate
the series of events that led to WWI Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia moved to support Serbia, and Germany declared war on Russia
the two fronts fought by Germany during WWI Western side with France and Eastern side with Russia
the reason many colonial people volunteered to fight for the allies in WWI they thought they would get independence when the war ended
immediate effect of trench warfare stalemate and a massive deadlock
the crime that led to the start of WWI assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
four new weapons of WWI poison gas, machine guns, tanks, and aircraft
genocide mass murder of one group of people
the Zimmerman Note a telegram sent to a German official in Mexico prior to US entrance into WWI that proposed an alliance between Germany and MExico
the two main goals of the Fourteen Points the reduction of weapons and the rights of all people to choose their own governments
the main goal of the League of Nations to encourage international cooperation and to keep peace between nations
the effect on Germany of the Treaty of Versailles forced to pay reparations, a weakened economy, return conquered lands, and they were blamed for WWI
the British Balfour Declaration a statement issued by the British foreign secretary in favor of establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine and it supported the Zionist movement
the reason Mao Zedong led the Long March through China the Communists were attacked by the Guomindang
the leader of the Great Purge Stalin
Amritsar Massacre British troops fired on a crowd of peaceful, unarmed Indian protestors, killing about 400 people
Gandhi's two most important concepts ahisma (nonviolence towards living things) and civil disobedience (refusal to obey unjust laws)
goal of Stalin for the Soviet Union to strengthen communism in the Soviet Union
the cause of the strained relationship between the US and Japan following WWI laws barring Japanese immigration
the reason of Japan's attack of Manchuria to gain natural resources
the difference in philosophy between Marx and Stalin Stalin wanted to increase the power of the government rather than reduce it
the basis that the Nuremberg Laws defined a person as Jewish on the ancestry of their grandparents
Black Tuesday 1929 the stock market crashed
the founder of the National Fascist party and the dictator of Italy Mussolini
anti-Jewish riots across Germany and Austria on the nights of November 9th and 10th, 1938 Kristallnacht
totalitarianism form of government in which the person or party in charge has absolute control overall aspects of life
the goal of Kemal Ataturk to turn Turkey into a modern secular state with separation between religion and government
the significance of Egypt's independence during the Interwar Years the only African nation to gain its independence during the Interwar Years
Herbert Hoover impression of the Great Depression the federal government should have a limited role in business and should not intervene
why so many Americans rushed to buy stocks during the 1920s they were afraid they would miss out on prosperity
the role the lack of resources the Japan played in the years following WWI it prevented Japan from becoming self-sufficient
the agreement signed between Japan and Germany in 1936 they agreed to work together to oppose the spread of communism
the major ideas that Hitler wrote about in his book, Mein Kampf nationalism and the superiority of the Aryans (the German people)
the factors that contributed to Hitler's rise to pwer in Germany many people were desperate for a strong leader that promised to improve their lives
the battle where Hitler said, "Surrender is forbidden." the Battle of Stalingrad
"we shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds..." (who- when- why) Winston Churchill on June 4, 1940 to inspire the people of Britain during the Battle of Britain
the result if the Siege of Leningrad on Russian civilians one millions civilians starved to death
Hitler's actions after the liberation of Paris he issued a counterattack against Belgium
the action by Hitler that marked the start of WWII the invasion of Poland
the group treated most harshly by the US government during WWII Japanese Americans
the countries that made up the axis Powers Italy, Japan, and Germany
the event that shifted the US away from isolationism during WWII the bombing of Pearl Harbor
the policy that Neville Chamberlain used prior to WWII in dealing with the Germans appeasement
why the Soviet Union was unprepared for Hitler's attack in June,1941 Germany has signed a non-aggression pact with Russia
Final Solution concentration camps, death camps, and the deliberate mass execution of Jews
the invention used by the British to defend against German air attacks radar
the Atlantic Charter the declaration of Britain and the US that stated that they looked forward to peace and prosperity
the battle that was a victory for the Allies and a turning point in the Pacific the Battle of Midway that was led by American Admiral Charles Nimitz where the Americans broke the secret Japanese code
the key German weapon in the battle for the Atlantic U-boats
when and where the allies launched a major, long-planned invasion of Europe on D-Day in Normandy, France
what was formed after WWII to encourage international cooperation and prevent war the United Nations
Hitler's response to the invasion of France by the Allies a counterattack at Belgium
why control of North Africa was vital for the Allies they could then control the Suez Canal and get oil to Britain
appeasement giving in to aggressive demands in order to maintain peace
the US position on giving military aid during WWI prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor gave military aid to Britain
the goal of the Yalta Conference to reach an agreement on what to do with postwar Europe
the reason for the Allied leaders' difficulty in reaching an agreement at the Potsdam Conference growing ill will between the Soviet Union and the other Allies
the turning point during WWII for the Soviet Union in the war in Europe the Battle of Stalingrad
the importance of the Soviet- German nonaggression pact it eliminated Britain and France's hope that the Soviet Union would help them defend against Germany
the person who made the decision to drop the atomic bomb during WWII Truman
Einsatzgruppen Nazi SS death squads
the cause of the US economic slowdown in the 1970s an increase in the cost of energy
one serious effect of the arms race danger of destruction by nuclear war
two countries that received hundreds of millions of dollars in aid as a result of the Truman Doctrine Greece and Turkey
perestroika restructuring of the corrupt government bureaucracy in the Soviet Union begun by Mikhail Gorbachev
glasnost refers to a new era of media freedom in the Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev
Gorbachev's response to the spread of revolution in Eastern Europe in 1989 he did nothing to interfere
Iron Curtain an imaginary line Western democratic countries and the Eastern communist countries in Europe
the belief that the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction
the event that led to the Test Ban Treaty the Cuban Missile Crisis
on what principle were the defense strategies of the Soviet Union and the US when they developed and built up large amounts of nuclear weapons deterrence
the to main reasons why six European nations in 1957formed the European Economic Community to eliminate trade barriers and unify economic policies
the collapse of this nation marked the end of the cold War the Soviet Union
the goal of the US when it went to war in Korea to prevent other attempts at communist expansion
the three countries in Southeast Asia that France controlled before WWII Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos
the importance of consumer spending in the US following WWII the economy grew because of consumer spending in the 1960s
two results of the Great Leap Forward sharp drops in agricultural production and widespread famine
the country that became the world's largest democracy in 1947 India
the US president that improved relations with China Richard Nixon
two important factors that helped Japan's economic recovery after WWII US economic aid and the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950
the reason US-led forces attacked Iraq again in 2003 They believed Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction
Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal in response to... the refusal of the US and Britain to fund a damn on the Nile River
What became the role of the nationalist leaders as a result of the Arab-Israeli war. They emerged as... strong leaders in places including Egypt and Iran
Reason France negotiated with nationalist leaders and granted independence to Tunisia and Morocco in 1956 Algeria required France's full attention
What Nasser did that caused Britain, France and Israel to attack Egypt in October of 1956 He took over the Suez Canal
The UN efforts that were tried and failed before the US led the coalition launched the Persian Gulf War in 1190 economic sanctions
How Iran changed under the leadership of the Ayatollah Khomeini the government enforced strict religious and social values
What the name OPEC stands for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Things that the members of the OPEC attempt to do regulate the production of oil exports to maximize revenues
Che Guevara's main goal for Cuba set up a Marxist regime
Definition of Liberation Theology the belief that the church should be active in the struggle for economic and social equality
Description of NAFTA a free-trade agreement that eliminated tariffs on trade between Canada, Mexico and the US
The three countries involved in NAFTA Canada,Mexico and the US
The tactics or actions the military dictatorships in Chile, Brazil and Argentina used to silence opposition to their governments torture and murder
Two causes of hyperinflation in Brazil in the 1990 opposition to the military dictatorship grew and oil prices rose
In the 1980s and the 1990s, Latin America generally became more... democratic as dictatorships began to fall
In addition to Chile, this Latin American country was generally successful in market reforms in the early 1990s Brazil
Three goals Castro was mainly focused on in Cuba ending US dominance, redistributing wealth, and reforming society
The election of Calderon in Mexico was significant because it showed a commitment to... democracy
Something true about foreign policy in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua support of anticommunist but corrupt governments
Two countries that the US funded opposition groups Nicaragua and Chile
Although NAFTA was intended to remove the barriers of trade, many Mexicans worried that the increased competition would do this Hurt the economy
How you would describe the worldwide terrorist attacks in the recent years Increasing
Three examples of natural disasters including the one that devastated large areas in Southeast Asia in 2004 Tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes
Anthrax is an example of this category of weapon Biological weapons
Developments in this area have led to the rapid growth of biotechnology. 2 things that scientists study in this field are... developments in genetics
Sustainable development economic development that doesn't permanently damage
Refugee someone who leaves their native country because they feel they are in danger
Deforestation and the problem it creates for some species of pants and animals rapid clearing of trees; they become endangered or extinct because of the loss of habitat
What scientists believe is the relationship between global warming and human activity Some believe global warming is caused by air pollution from human activity
Epidemic Outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads quickly and affects a lot of people
In this country there were about 1 million people massacred in 1999 due to tensions between Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups Rwanda
The similar situation that occurred in the early 2000s in the Darfur Arab militants there supported by the government attacked African villagers and looted and destroyed homes, 40,000 killed, 2 million refugees
Four of the discoveries and scientific advances that have come from space exploration Information on origins and development of stars, galaxies, and planets, knowledge about climate changes, new technologies, and consumer products such as eyeglass lenses
the American philosopher and writer that influenced Gandhi Henry David Thoreau
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