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Science unit 4

Chapter 10

Cave A large underground hollow in a rock created over time by weathering and erosion
Condensation The process of changing state from a gas to a liquid
Crevasse Deep crack that forms in a glacier
Delta An area if built-up sediment deposited by a river where the river enmities into an ocean or a lake
Density The mass of a given volume
Deposition The change in state of a substance for, gas directly to a solid
Erosion The transport of sediments from one place to another by agents such as water, glaciers, gravity and wind
Evaporation The process of changing state from a liquid to a gas
Erratic A large boulder deposited on the ground by a glacier
Esker A winding ridge of material deposited by a stream running under a glacier
Fiord A narrow inlet of ocean between steep cliffs carved by glaciers
Freezing point The temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid as heat is removed
Glaciers A large moving mass of compressed ice and snow
Gravity the force that causes objects to be pulled towards the centre of the earth
Ground water The water that has seeped into the ground from the surface of earth
Hanging valley A U shaped valley cut off by a bigger valley created by a large glacier
Horn A pyramid shaped peak located between three cirques
Hydrologist A scientist who studies the earth's water systems and helps find solutions to problems related to water quality and quantity
Iceberg A large chunk of ice that breaks off a glacier into the ocean
Karst An area with many sinkholes
Landslide A sudden rapid movement of rock material down the slope of a hill or mountain
Melting The process of changing state from a solid to a liquid
Moraine A ridge of rocky material deposited by a glacier. Moraines can be found at the sides and farthest advance if a glacier
Outwash Material deposited by water from melting glaciers
Rapids An area of fast moving churning water in a steep rocky river
Salinity A measure of the amount of salts dissolved in a liquid
Solidification The process if changing state from a liquid to a solid by the removal of heat
Striations Stretch marks cut into rock by glaciers slowing moving over it
Sublimation The process of changing state from a solid into a gas without going through the liquid stage
Weathering (chemical, biological, physical) A gradual process of breaking down rock into smaller fragments.
Chemical weathering Chemical weathering is weathering that involves a chemical reaction with either water, air or another substance and materials in the rocks.
Biological weathering Biological weathering is when living things cause mechanical or chemical weathering.
Physical weathering Weathering caused by a physical force (eg. Wave action)
Created by: Immzzy
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