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Chpt 29

WW2 and Its Aftermath

Appeasement Policy of giving in to an aggressor's demands in order to keep the peace.
Neutrality Acts A series of acts passed by the U.S. Congress from 1935 to 1939 that aimed to keep the U.S. from becoming involved in WWⅡ.
Blitzkrieg Lighting war.
Holocaust The systematic genocide of about six million European Jews by the Nazis during World War Ⅱ.
Aircraft Carrier Ships that accommodate the taking off and landing of airplanes, and transport aircraft.
Island-Hopping During World War Ⅱ, Allied strategy of recapturing some Japanese-held islands while bypassing others.
United Nations (UN) International organization established after World War Ⅱ with the goal of maintaining peace and cooperation in the international community.
Truman Doctrine United States policy, established in 1947, of trying to contain the spread of communism.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) A military alliance between several North Atlantic states to safeguard then from the presumed threat of the Soviet Union's communist bloc; countries from other regions later joined the alliance.
Pacifism Opposition to all war.
Axis Powers Group of countries led by Germany, Italy, and Japan that fought the Allies in World War Ⅱ.
Luftwaffe German air force.
Lend-Lease Act Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1941 that allowed the president (FDR) to sell or lend war supplies to any country whose defense was considered vital to the United States.
Yalta Conference Meeting between Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin in February 1945 where the three leaders made agreements regarding the end of World War Ⅱ.
Manhattan Project Code name for the project to build the first atomic bomb during WWⅡ.
Marshall Plan Massive aid package offered by the U.S. to Europe to help countries rebuild after WWⅡ.
Anschluss Union of Austria and Germany.
Nazi-Soviet Pact Agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union in 1939 in which the two nations promised not to fight each other and to divide up land in Eastern Europe.
Concentration Camps Detention center for civilians considered enemies of the state.
D-Day Code name for June 6, 1944, the day that Allied forces invaded France during WWⅡ.
V-E Day Victory in Europe Day, May 8, 1945, the day the Allies won WWⅡ in Europe.
Kamikaze Japanese pilot who undertook a suicide mission.
Warsaw Pact Mutual-defense alliance between the Soviet Union and seven satellites in Eastern Europe set up in 1955.
Created by: brendanlittle
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