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Growth and Pain Objectives

IGF-1 Growth hormone produced by the liver
Hypothalmus secretes somatostatin and GNRH whihc both act on pituitary gland
GMRH stimulates the pituitary to release GH
Somatostatin inhibits the release of GH
GH works to create protein synthesis in cells, and works with the IGF-1 to cause muscle and skeletal growth.
Dwarfism GH deficiency
Gigantism excess GH in children; excessive linear growth
Acromegaly Excess GH in adults; enlarged hands, feet and facial features
Gynocomastia caused by marijuana; abnormally large breasts in men
Relevant growth history in infants bright wieght/length/height; pregnancy/birth complications; milestones/development patterns; disease or illness
Relevant growth history in children Age of menarche; growth velocity; sports and peer involvement; sexual maturity rating
Pregnant women relevant grwoth history Last menstrual cycle; wieght and weight gain; eating disorders (PICA); nausea/vomitting
Relevant growth history in older adults difficulty in obtaining or preparing meals; trouble eating/chewing/swallowing; trouble feeding themselves
Measuring weight no shoes or heaving clothing; ideally only in a gown
Measuring infant weight special scale in grams. Naked, no diaper
Hip Measurement Widest part of gluteal region
Waist Measurement Midpoint between illiac crest and costal margin
Waist/Hip Ratio Divide waist by hip. Should be less than 1 in men and less than .85 in women
High waist/hip ratio Apple shape. Associated with a lot of medical conditions
Height Measurement remove shoes. measure this in recumbent position until 2 years of age
Head circumference every visit until 3 years of age, measure largest circumference
Macrocephaly two or more standard deviations above normal distribution mean (rule out hydrocephally)
Microcephaly two or more standard deviations below normal distribution (causes mental retardation)
Arm span Measurement longest distance between fingers with arms abducted at a 90 degree angle from the body
Ballard Gestational Assessment Tool used within 36 hours of birth; looks at 6 physical and 6 neuromuscular findings; EGA < 37 preterm; EGA 37-41 term; EGA > 41 Postterm
Sexual Maturity rating in adolescents to dexcribe teh relationship to normal and abnormal pubertal development
Thelarche Breast bud, first sign of puberty
Menarch Development of menses; usually at SMP 3 or 4
Premature Menarche before age 6 in African Americans and 7 in Caucasians
Adrenarche development of pubic hair
Precocious puberty premature menarche and adrenache
Males: first sign of puberty enlargement of scrotum
Early puberty for males before 9 y/o
Cushing Syndrome excessive cortisol production by the adrenal complex. Characterized by weakness, weight gain, hyperpigmentation, oligomennorhea and decreased testosterone
Achondroplasia genetic disorder resulting in decreased growth in cartilage in the epiphysis. Results in premature ossification
Pain Assessment JCAHO requrires on every patient
interpretation of pain unequal. Different for every person; note non-verbal communication
Perception of pain age, emotion, culture, sleep, development
Pain Scales 1-10
Created by: tjamrose
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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