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Chapter 5

Unit 2

Sensation Stimuli entering the brain
Perception Brain's interpretation of sensation
Transduction Electrical conversion from sensation to perception
Absolute threshold Minimum amount of sensation required (1) in order for the brain to form an accurate perception 50% of the time
Just Noticeable Difference minimum amount of sensory change required for the brain to maintain accurate perception 50% of the time (difference in volume)
Difference Threshold Minimum amount of variation between identical or similar sensation to have accurate perception 50% of the time
Subliminal Threshold Unconcious mind is aware, concious mind is not
Sensory Adaptation Modify when needed
Weber's Law Contradicts threshold, the brain's ability to determine threshold depends on the sensation
Signal Detection theory Contradicts threshold, if the person is motivated to make a perception the sensation will be more likely
False positive the brain thinks it forms perception, but it doesn't
False negative fails to identify an actual perception
Gate theory Large fiber input, small fiber input
Large fiber input gate closed
Small fiber input gate open
Primary senses See, hear, smell, taste, touch
See vision
Hear audition
Smell olfaction
Taste Gustation
Touch Somatosense
Secondary sense Balance and movement
Balance Vestibular
Movement kinesthetic
Visual capture If more than 1 of your senses is being focused on, vision is #1
Light wavelength=distance
Hue color
Cornea Protective covering
Pupil Opening in which light enters
Iris Muscle expands and contracts the pupil
lens focuses light and flips the image
Retina Screen in back of eye that activates neurons
Fovea area of central focus
Cones Retina cells activated by color (Central vision)
Rods Retina cells activated by black and white (peripheral vision)
Optic nerve carries signal to the brain
Blind spot Missing photoreceptor cells leads to lack of vision
Sound Amplitude and frequency
Amplitude volume
Frequency Pitch
Outer ear collects the sound wave; pinna and ear canal
Pinna Directs sound into the ear
Ear canal carries wave to the inner ear
Middle ear Eardrum and bones
eardrum vibrates from the sound wave
Bones transmit vibration to the oval window
Inner ear Cochlea, semicircular canals, Eustacian Tube, auditory nerve
Cochlea Fluid chamber lined with hair cells
Semicircular canals Control balance
Eustacion tube equalize pressure
Auditory nerve carries signals to the brain
Created by: maechtlesarah
Popular Psychology sets




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