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Lung, Heart, Abdominal Interpretation

Bronchitis Percussion is resonant; breath sounds are vesicular; adventitious sounds are crackles in early inspiration & expiration, wheezes or rhonchi
Asthma Respiration is prolonged expiration; percussion is resonant-diffusely hyperresonant; breath sounds are often obscured by wheezes; adventitious sounds are wheezes, possibly crackles; tactile fremitus is decreased
COPD Respiration is prolonged expiration; percussion is diffusely hyperresonant; breath sounds are decreased-absent; adventitious sounds are none or the crackles, wheezes & rhonchi associated with chronic bronchitis
Costochondritis Normal auscultation findings, tenderness to the chest wall and overlying the costochondral junctions
RML Pneumonia Percussion is dull RML; breath sounds are bronchial over RML; adventitious sounds are late inspiratory crackles RML; tactile fremitus is increased over involved area with bronchophony, egophony & whispered pectoriloquy
Right Pneumothorax Percussion is hyperresonant; trachea is shifted to opposite side; breath sounds are decreased-absent on right; adventious sounds are none or possible pleural rub; tactile fremitus is decreased or absent on the right
Left Pleural Effusion Percussion is dull-flat on left; trachea shifted contralateral; breath sounds are decreased-absent, bronchial may be heard; adventitious sounds are none, possible pleural rub; tactile fremitus is absent/dec. may be increased on top of large PE
bronchiogenic carcinoma Abn percussion, breath sounds change, moist rales(pneumonia), endobronchial obstruction may result in localized wheeze, lobar collapse possible in area of decreased breath sounds & dullness to percussion
Enlarged Left Heart S4 heard with bell at mitral valve; lateral, rapid & increased apical impulse observed; large laterally displaced & diffuse PMI palpated; laterally displaced left border on percussion; mitral or tricupsid regurgitation findings
Mitral Valve Prolapse Mid-systolic click at mitral valve, more clearly heard with Valsalva maneuver but lessens with squatting
Aortic Stenosis ASC mnemonic: Angina & Syncope, both exercise related, & Congestive heart failure; murmur is in later systole, with a harsh quality and a crescendo-decrescendo shape; nearly absent S2
Aortic Regurgitation Lub Pewwww(Blowing Sound); heart at aortic valve in seated position leaning forward
S2 Splitting At left 2nd/3rd interspace's(Pulmonic valve) in inspiration
S3 Opening snap, ken-TUCK-y
S4 TEN-nes-see
Appendicitis Positive rebound tenderness(Rovsing's sign); positive psoas &/or obturator sign, cutaneous hyperesthesia, McBurney's sign, fever
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Abdominal aortic bruit; abdominal palpation indicates width of aorta >3cm
Cholecystitis Sharp increase in tenderness with a sudden stop in inspiratory effort constitutes a positive Murphy's sign of acute cholecystitis
Liver Cancer liver bruit & friction rub
Diverticulitis Acute diverticulitis most often involves the sigmoid colon, thus resembling left-side appendicitis
Splenomegaly Positive splnic percussion sign; spleen is palpable
Inguinal Hernia Palpate a pulsion mass in inguinal region when patient lifts head off the exam table & coughs; mass not comparable to the opposite side
High Residual Urine in the Bladder Suprapubic bulge; smooth, round, tense mass; distended bladder will elicit a lower percussion note than the surrounding air-filled intestines
Created by: 1277880004
Popular Chiropractic sets




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