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SW Asia Geo

Geography of SW Asia Study Guide

Desalination removing salt from salt water to make drinking water
Water Rights agreements between countries about how water from rivers is used and shared
Monotheism belief in 1 god
Five Pillars 5 main beliefs of Islam
Kurds ethnic group in Syria, Turkey, and Iraq
Arabs largest ethnic group in SW Asia
Persians ethnic group located in Iran
Ethnic Group a group of people that have a shared culture and history
Strait of Hormuz connects the Persian Gulf with the Arabian Sea
Suez Canal connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea
Religious Group group of people that share the same beliefs
Moses led Hebrews out of Egypt
Abraham founder of Judaism; prophet of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity
Jesus founder of Christianity
Muhammad founder of Islam
Judaism – Who was the founder; What are followers called; What is the holy book? Abraham; Jews; Torah
Christianity – Who was the founder; What are followers called; What is the holy book? Jesus; Christians; Bible
Islam – Who was the founder; What are followers called; What is the holy book? Muhammad; Muslims; Qu’ran
What river do Syria, Israel, and Jordan share? Jordan River
How has building dams on rivers in Southwest Asia caused problems between countries that share the rivers? Countries downriver from the dam receive less water.
What are the two valuable natural resources used for energy found in SW Asia? Oil and natural gas
How much of the world’s oil supply is found in SW Asia? 50%
How has the discovery of oil affected the economy of those countries? Countries that have large oil deposits enjoy higher standards of living.
Countries located around which body of water have the most oil reserves? Persian Gulf
Most cities in SW Asia are located near what? Rivers
What is the climate like in SW Asia? Desert (hot and dry)
Much of SW Asia is what type of geographic feature? desert
What basic belief made Christianity different from Judaism? The belief that Jesus is the Messiah.
What are the two main branches of Islam? What issue led to the split in Islam? Shia and Sunni; they disagreed over who should lead the Muslim community after the death of Muhammad
Which river has caused conflict in Southwest Asia because of water rights? Euphrates River
What is the difference between a religious group and an ethnic group; What are three examples of each in Southwest Asia? Ethnic groups are people that share similar history and culture; three examples are Persians, Arabs, and Kurds. Religious groups are people that share similar beliefs; three examples are Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
What is OPEC? What is the purpose of OPEC? Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries; the purpose is control the oil supply in the world.
How has the presence of oil in some Southwest Asian countries affected the standard of living? Countries that have large oil deposits enjoy higher standards of living than countries without oil deposits.
Created by: MsBentley
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