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Unit 14 - 10th

Unit 14: World War I (required)

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Austrian-Hungary official that was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist beginning a chain reaction that would cause World War One
Armenian Massacre Genocide of Christians by the Muslim Ottoman Empire
League of Nations Organization created after World War One to prevent another war, but had no power to enforce its policies
minority small group of a larger group, ex: Jews in Nazi Germany
Powder Keg of Europe Nickname for the Balkans that saw nationalistic rivalries and is where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated started World War One
propaganda using media (newspapers, radio, posters) to influence how people think and act
radicals people who want extreme change, ex: Hitler, Stalin
trench warfare warfare used during World War One where both sides dug ditches to protect their armies from gunfire
Treaty of Versailles document that ended World War One and forced Germany to take blame for starting the war and pay reparations
M.A.N.I.A. ways to remember the causes of World War One, M: militarism, A: alliances, N: nationalism, I: imperialism, A: assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand
World War One (cause, events, result) conflict that began after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that used trench warfare, and ended when Germany accepted the Treaty of Versailles
Created by: Moschak
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