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What causes Mass Movement? Gravity
What is Mass Movement? When a mass of land moves
What are the four types of Mass Movement? A Landslide, a Slump, a Mudflow, and a Creep
What is the material that is moved by erosion? Sediment
What is a landslide? When rock and soil quickly slide down a steep slope.
What is a Slump? A mass of rock and soil that suddenly slips down a slope.
What is a Mudflow? The rapid downhill movement of a mixture of water, rock, and soil.
What is a Creep? The very slow downhill movement of rock and soil.
What is Deposition? When the agents of erosion lay down sediment.
What is the major agent that has shaped Earth’s surface? Moving Water
What is runoff? All the remaining water that moves over Earths surface.
What are the 5 factors that control the amount of runoff? 1.The amount of rain in an area. 2.Vegetation. 3.The type of soil. 4.The shape of the land. 5.How people use the land.
What are Rills? Tiny grooves in the soil
What are Gullys? A large groove in the soil that carries runoff after a rainstorm.
What is a Stream? A channel in which water is continually flowing down a slope.
What is a River? A large stream.
What land features are created by water erosion? 1.Valleys 2.Waterfalls 3.Floodplains 4.Meanders 5.Oxbow Lakes
What is a Valley? Steep slopes along the river.
What is a Waterfall? When water falls off a rock that is too hard to erode.
What is a Floodplain? The flat wide are of land along a river.
What is a Meander? A looplike bend in the course if a river.
What is an Oxbow Lake? A meander that has been cut off from the river.
What features are made by deposits from rivers? 1.Alluvial Fans 2.Deltas 3.Soil on flood plains
What is an Alluvial Fan? A wide sloping deposit of sediment formed where a stream leaves a mountian range.
What is Delta? Sediment deposited where a river flows in to an ocean or lake builds up a landform.
What is soil on flood plains? When rivers flood and they leave sediment on the flood plains.
What is Karst Topography Karst Topography is when the roof of a cave colllapses because of the erosion of the underlying limestone.
What is till? The mixture of sediments that a glacier deposits directly on the surface after it melts.
What is the process where wind picks up sediment and moves it? Deflation
What are the land features that can be made by glacial erosion. A Cirque, an Arête, a Horn, a V & U shaped Valleys, and a Fjord.
What is a Moraine? The till deposited at the edges of a glacier that forms a ridge.
What is a Drumlin? A long mound of till that is smoothed in the direction of the glaciers flow.
What is a Kettle Lake? A depression left in till by melting ice fills with water.
What force causes a wave to slow down and break when it reaches shallow water? Friction
Created by: 16sabbate
Popular Science sets




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