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Chapter 30 Body Syst

Clinical Body Systems and Procedures

What legal necessity is required from patients before all urine drug screening tests can be performed? a signed consent
What is the quantity of urine required for a urine drug test? at least 40 mL
What must the patient show before performing a urine drug screening test? photo identification
How many kits should you supply for a drug screening? at least 2 choices
How should a drug screening specimen be handled? according to legal requirements
define enuresis nocturnal bedwetting
define malaise general discomfort
what are the symptoms of cystitis? dysuria, frequency, burning, urgency
what radiographic test uses a contrast media to view the urinary tract for blockages, narrowing, growths, and calculi? IVP=intravenous pyelogram
what procedure is used to obtain a sterile urine specimen? catheterization
what diagnostic test is most commonly performed in the POL? urinalysis
what is the most common disorder of the urinary system UTI=urinary tract infection
What is a BUN test? What is it testing for? Blood Urea Nitrogen Test. Testing for Urea and Creatinine
Define proteinuria protein in the urine
Define dysuria difficult or painful urination
define pyuria pus in the urine
define oliguria scanty urine
define hematuria blood in the urine
define nocturia excessive urination at night
what is required to prepare for an IVP? laxatives, fasting, enemas
what is lithotripsy? crushing of a kidney stone
what are the 5 functions of the digestive system? ingestion, peristalsis, digestion, absorption, defecation
what is peristalsis movement of food through the entire digestive system from mouth to anus
smaller nutrients are absorbed into the digestive system through what organ? small intestines
the distal s-curve of the large intestine is called what? and what procedure views it? sigmoid colon, and sigmoidoscopy
define hematemesis vomiting blood
define melena blood in feces
define hematochezia bright red blood in feces
what are the symptoms of gastritis epigastric pain (stomach discomfort), Nausea, vomiting
gastric ulcers found in the stomach are also called? peptic ulcers
what bacteria's overgrowth causes a gastric ulcer? helicobacter pylori or H.pylori
gastric ulcers caused by h.pylori can be treated with what? antibiotics
what is guaiac? wood resin formerly used as a reagent in lab tests for presence of occult blood
what diagnostic procedure is used to detect gallstones? cholecystogram
define esophagogastroduodenoscopy viewing of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum with a scope
What abbreviation do we sometimes use for an esophagogastroduodenoscopy EGD
when performing a hemoccult test all specimens should be considered biohazardous material and ____________ precautions MUST be observed standard
what diagnostic exam/test does not require the patient to use a laxative as part of their preparation for the test? stool or fecal occult blood
What tests require changes in the patient's diet before the test is performed? fecal occult blood, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, IVP
hepatitis A inflammation of liver from contaminated food/H2O
gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and intestinal tract. Pt. can c/o N/V and diarrhea.
anorexia nervosa A psychological eating disorder where the pt. does not eat
Crohn's Disease chronic disease that causes inflammation of the ileum resulting in diarrhea, RLQ pain, and blood in the stool
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
bulimia a psychological eating disorder where the pt. may binge/purge and abuse laxatives in order to not gain weight
gastroesophageal reflux disease a small valve in the lower esophagus leaks causing stomach acid to back up from the stomach to the esophagus causing frequent heartburn and pain behind the sternum
gastritis inflammation of the stomach lining causing epigastric pain nausea and or vomiting
diverticulitis inflammation caused by impacted feces or bacteria in the sacs. Symptoms include pain, cramp like, usually in the LLQ or LUQ
cholelithiasis a condition of having stones in the gallbladder
what are the functions of your sensory system? sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste, equilibrium
what type of cells are located in all of the sense organs that make these functions possible? receptor cells
what is the gelatinous mass located behind the lens of the eye? vitreous humor
what is the name of the screening test for color blindness? ishihara color graph
what is the name of the screening test for distance visual acuity? snellen exam
where should the patient stare when performing the eye instillation of eye drops? at a fixed spot on the ceiling
what are the 3 bones of the middle ear? malleus, incus, stapes
what are the common names for the bones of the middle ear? hammer, anvil, stirrup
what part of the ear is responsible for maintaining equilibrium? inner ear/vestibule
what is the organ of hearing? cochlea
the auditory nerve takes the impulses to what part of the brain to be processed? temporal lobe
how far away should each plate be held when performing a color vision test? 14 - 16 inchest
during ear irrigation, what direction should the auricle be pulled to help straighten the ear canal? upward and back
irregular lens curvature or cornea shape causing light rays to focus on multiple areas of the retina astigmatism
inflamed sebaceous gland of the eyelid sty (hordeolum)
farsightedness. light rays are focused behind the retina. hyperopia
nearsightedness. light rays are focused in front of the retina. myopia
lens loses its transparent nature and becomes opaque. cataract
highly contagious if caused by bacteria conjunctivitis
swimmers ear. inflammation of the external auditory canal. external otitis
acute infection of the middle ear usually caused by bacteria otitis media
conduction deafness caused by hardening of the stapes otosclerosis
characterized by deafness, vertigo, nausea, and tinnitus meniere's disease
what is the treatment for epistaxis? electrocautery and/or nasal packing
what position should the patient be in during a nasal instillation? head tilted back, head lower than shoulders.
inflammation of the lining of the lung is known as ________. pleurisy
the measurements of air flow, volume, and capacity are known as what type of test? PFT= pulmonary function test or spirometry
what is the congenital disorder caused by nonunion of the maxillary bones? cleft palate
indications of decreased mobility and postural changes associated with aging or injury may alter your _________ (manner of walking) gait
what are the three functions of the skeletal system? support and protection for organs, allows for attachment of ligaments, tendons, muscles, stores nutrients
what are the two functions of the muscular system? gives body form and shape, responsible for coordination of movement.
what is the difference between a strain and a sprain? strain is a muscle injury, sprain is an injury to a joint, ligament or tendon
name fracture type: bone splintered into fragments comminuted
name fracture type: bone splintered and forced together impacted
bone bent on one side and broken on the other greenstick
bone is fractured and punctures the skin compound/open
what are the 4 things a patient should report to a provider after receiving a cast? 1) bad odor 2) numbness, tingling, severe pain/swelling, difficulty moving 3) burning sensation over bony area 4) bleeding or pink to red discoloration on cast
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