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Buddhist Psych

Final Exam Vocab

Afflictive mental factors mental events born from clinging
Alayavijnana foundation consciousness/store consciousness
alien hand syndrome can't control 1 arm, results from damage to prefrontal cortex
automaticity system 1 = do without thinking
basic emotions anger, happiness, surprise, fear, disgust, sadness: distinct facial features that are the same across cultures and exist in blind babies
body scan systematically go through body, checking in
close counterfactual something almost happened
compassion the wish for all sentient beings to be free from suffering
controlled processing system 2
counterfactual alternative reality to real experience, distraction from current moment
counterfactual emotions emotions that are essentially counterfactual, like grief and regret
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex controls ability to perceive and respond to the environment effectively, damage leads to inability to orchestrate complex cognitive activities
dream yoga spiritual practice that extends meditation into sleep
emotional contagion tendency for 2 individuals to emotionally converge unconsciously
empathy feel others' emotions but know it isn't your own
endowment effect assign more value to things that you own
equanimity regard every sentient being as equal
flow completely engaged, lose sense of self-consciousness: depends on skill level and level of challenge
focusing illusion too much focus on a single aspect of an event, extend what we're thinking about at that moment to all the time
hedonic treadmill change in level of happiness but doesn't last, rise in accomplishments leads to increased expectations followed by habituation and an increased need to be happy
Karuna wish to relieve others' suffering, compassion
loving-kindness wishing others well
lucid dreaming conscious dream
MBCT mindfulness-based cognitive therapy including mindfulness of routine activities, body scan, mindfulness of breath, yoga, scheduled breathing
MBSR mindfulness-based stress reduction- 8 weeks including sitting meditation, body scan, mindful yoga, walking meditation
mental factors aspects of the mind that apprehend the quality of an object, color the mind
Metta wishing others well, loving kindness
mirror neurons in prefrontal cortex, activated when you see a motion and when you're doing it
non-identification with emotions lets emotions just be an observed process, not define your being
pain matrix processes and regulates pain info, activates when in pain and when see others in pain
planner vs. doer 2 separate selves, alternative scheme to systems 1 and 2
positive psychology cultivate positive qualities/well-being instead of just focusing on correcting illness
psychophysical methods study relationship between physical stimuli and reportable sensations, tests subjective perception
reality checking monitoring of info sources to insure accurate reps of spatiotemporal context
REM sleep rapid eye movement- muscle paralysis, muscle twitches, dreams
selecting awareness attribute of mind where focusing on this and not that
simulation generation of internal models of external reality, past or future directed
split brain 2 hemispheres disconnected
subjective wellbeing people's evaluations of their lives/happiness
synthetic happiness created happiness
system 1 intuition, knee-jerk response
system 2 reasoning, controlled, effortful
theory of mind ability to attribute mental states to others and to simulate others, can be separate from empathy
Created by: arpatrick
Popular Psychology sets




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