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PDX Definitions

Head & Face

Enlarged skull may signify what? Hydrocephalus or Paget's Disease
Abnormal or accelerated rate of head circumference growth is a biological marker for what? Autism
Elongated head and prominent brow and jaw suggest what? Acromegaly
Ocular causes of abnormal head position in Torticollis Strabismus, Diplopia or Progressive Supranuclear Palsy(PSP)
Non-ocular causes of abnormal head position in Torticollis Cerebral Palsy, bony abnormalities, occipitocervical synostosis, Parkinsonism syndromes & unilateral hearing loss
Excessive hair growth in men hypertrichosis
Excessive hair growth in women & children only hirsutism
Hair loss alopecia
What does hair lost suggest? hormonal imbalances, aging or hypothyroidism
Coarse hair is found in what disorder? hypothyroidism
Fine hair is found in what disorder? hyperthyroidism
Redness and swelling of scalp in children cradle-cap
Redness and swelling of scalp in adults seborrheic dermatits
Tiny tan, yellow or brown oval dots close to the scalp nits
What do nits look like after hatching? Shells look white or clear and continues to be firmly attached to the hair shaft
Round or "moon" face with red cheeks Cushing's Syndrome
Edematous face nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism or pre-eclampsia
Swelling anterior to the ear lobes & above angles of the jaw indicate what? parotid gland enlargement (mumps)
Masked facies indicate what? Parkinson's
Disorders that go with Ptosis Horner's Syndrome, myasthenia gravis or oculomotor nerve lesion
Turning inward of lid margin and is seen in what type of people? entropion; elderly
Turning outward of lid margin and is seen in what type of people? ectropion; elderly
Eyeball protrudes forward and what disease is it seen in? exophtalmos; hyperthyroidism
Thinning of outer 1/3 of the eyebrow is seen in what disease? hypothyroidism
Nasal flaring means what? Respiratory Distress
Pursed lips means what? COPD
What do u check for on scalp & scalp? Masses, tenderness, pilonidal cysts, pigmented nevi
Inflammation of a gland sialadenitis
Pain from palpating or percussing the sinuses sugests what? sinusitis
BUzzing, blowing or wooshing sounds when listening to the arteries? bruits
Bruits of the temporal artery indicate what? temporal arteritis
Evidence of what usually follows a bruit in the temporal or orbital arteries? seizures, headaches, stroke syndromes, intracranial mass lesions or carotid bruits
Bilateral bruits of the orbital arteries may suggest what? hyperthyroidism
Sensory and motor to the jaw? CN 5
Motor to the face? CN 7
Sensory tests for CN 5 are what? light touch to the 3 divisions and corneal reflex
Motor tests for CN 5 are what? Clench/move/open the jaw
Test CN 5 in case of what? facial numbness, paresthesias, pain or motor weakness of the jaw
Test of the CN 7 of the face are what? Inspection of facial assymetry, wrinkle forehead, puff cheeks, frown or smile
Weakness of 1/2 of the face suggests what? Bell's Palsy
Weakness of 1/4 of the face suggests what? Stroke
Created by: 1277880004
Popular Chiropractic sets




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