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Rainbow RED Physics

Vocabulary words for the red section

Sir Isaac Newton 17th century physicist & mathematician considered the founder of Newtonian Physics (the physics of motion) and of integral calculus
Newtons's First Law of Motion Objects remain at rest unless acted upon by some force
Newton's Second Law of Motion For an object of a certain mass, the greater the force applied to the object, the greater its acceleration - or the lesser the force applied the lesser its acceleration
Acceleration An object's increase in velocity over time
Newton's Third Law of Motion For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
Gravitation Basic natural force of attraction existing among all masses in the universe, but noticeable only in the large masses, such as planets, stars and natural satellites
Gravitational Field Gravitation of a particular mass over its entire extent of influence
Gravity Gravitation displayed by the earth
Constant Not changing, the same under all circumstances; a value that does not vary as the gravitational acceleration in a vacuum is constant for all masses
Rate of Acceleration Due to Gravity 9.8 meters per second
Parallel running alongside and never crossing
Orbit circular motion of an object around a central point as the result of a centripetal force and its own inertia; especially the movement of a planet around the sun or a satellite around a planet
Inertia the tendency of moving objects (masses) to keep moving and of stationary objects to remain stationary unless they are acted upon by forces
Fluid non-solid matter (liquids or gases) that are characterized by their tendency to flow when acted upon by forces
Trigonometry series of mathematical techniques useful for analyzing cyclic patterns such as waves and curves
Work a force applied over distance
Machine device used in applying work for the completion of a task
Fulcrum pivot point of a lever where the direction of motion changes
Lever simple machine used to change the direction of motion and/or to increase either force or distance of a motion at the expense of the other
System portion of the universe being considered
Potential Energy energy stored in an object by doing work against force
Kinetic Energy energy of motion (released energy); opposite of potential (resting) energy
Law of Conservation of Energy universal principal that energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is simply transferable from one form to another
Generator device for generating electricity by moving a magnetic field in the vicinity of an electrical conductor
Resistance device that converts electrical energy to heat energy by collisions among its atoms and the electrons that flow through it
Tungsten Filament narrow piece of wire which glows when an electric current is passed through it (used in light bulbs)
Mass Energy expression of mass as a form of energy or the quantity of energy present in the form of mass
Atomic Bomb explosive device that makes use of nuclear energy
Fossil Fuels fuel thought to have arisen over time from the decay of biomass beneath the surface of the earth
Electromagnetic Force either of two related natural attractions (electric or magnetic) between two objects having either opposite charges or opposite magnetic poles
Atoms smallest stable form of matter consisting of some number of protons and neutrons in a central solid nucleus and a series of electrons held in orbit around the nucleus
Protons positively charged particle having an atomic mass of 1 AMU and occurring in the nuclei of atoms
Neutrons subatomic particle occurring in the nuclei of atoms, having a mass of 1 AMU but no charge
Electrons one of the three fundamental particles making up atoms having a negative charge
Nucleus central portion of an atom containing protons and neutrons held together by nuclear forces and around which electrons orbit
Repel push apart as two like charges or similar magnetic poles
Charge basic characteristics of a particle that displays a force of electrical attraction to an opposite-charged particle
Electric Force force of attraction or repulsion existing between two fundamental particles (protons or electrons); one aspect of electromagnetic force
Static staying the same; opposite of dynamic
Current main path of travel of a fluid
Element a single atom or pure substance having certain characteristic number of protons
Nuclear Force natural force of attraction between protons within the nucleus of an atom that prevents them from repelling one another from the nucleus
Radioactive describing atoms that give off energy and subatomic particles as their unstable nuclei decay (break up)
Thermometer device for measuring temperature
Expansion Spreading out of the molecules in a substance due to absorption of heat energy by the atoms and an increase in their vibration
Contraction pulling together; as molecules when the cool, having less vibrational energy; opposite of expansion
Turbine device for converting fluid motion into mechanical motion used to turn a shaft
Locomotion movement from place to place
Interaction any result of an encounter among objects
Chemical specific type of matter distinguished from other types based on the specific elements making it up and how they are bound to one another
Chemical Reactions interactions of chemical compounds to form new combinations of elements drawn to these changes by the forces that exist between their atoms
Light electromagnetic radiation, especially in the visible band of wavelengths
Spectrum entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
Infrared electromagnetic radiation (light) having energies lower than those of the red end of the visible spectrum
Ultraviolet band of electromagnetic spectrum more energentic than visible violet light
Wavelength distance from wave crest to wave crest in a series of waves and indicating the amount of energy generating the series of waves (the shorter wavelengths corresponding to higher levels of energy)
Fluorescent type of light bulb filled with a gas or vapor that gives off light energy (fluoresces) when an electric charge is placed across it
Incandescent type of light bulb consisting of a narrow wire called a filament that glows brightly when an electric current is applied across it
Color perception & interpretation by the brain of different energies (or wavelengths) of electromagnetic energy (light)
Pigment (Chemical) chemical that absorbs light, giving it a characteristic color
Glare reflected light from a surface that interferes with clear vision
Translucent passing distorted light such that images may not be clearly seen
Prism angular glass device used for splitting a beam of light into its component colors
Lens piece of curved glass specially shaped for bending light as in scientific instruments and optical devices (e.g. binoculars, reading glasses)
Magnification increase in the apparent size due to passage of light through one or more lenses
Bicovex lens which is thinner at the outer edges and increasingly thicker towards its center due to the bulging of each of the two opposing surfaces; makes things appear bigger
Biconcave lens which is ticker at the outer edges and increasingly thinner toward its center due to the concavity of each of the two opposing surfaces; makes thing appear smaller
Created by: bep62442
Popular Science sets




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