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U.S. into WWI

1900 - 1920's

1900 - 1920's Questions1900 - 1920's - Answers
When was the first flight recorded 1903
Who flew the first airplane Wright Brothers
when was The Jungle published 1906
What was "The Jungle" about a report on the dirty conditions in the Chicago meatpacking Industry. It led to the Pure Food & Drug Act in 1906.
What were muckrakers Journalists commited to exposing soical economic and political ills of industrial life
When was the first assembly line created 1909
Who invented the assembly line Henry Ford to make the Model T
When did WW I begin 1914
What was the immediate cause of WW I Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Why did US enter WW I Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare, Zimmerman Telegram and sinking of Lusitania (a british passenger ship)
When did US enter WW 1 1917
What was the Zimmerman Telegram a secret message from Germany to Mexico suggesting an alliance against the US
What was US policy prior to WW 1 Isolationishm - to refrain from having political or economic relations with other nations
When was the Armistice signed 1918
What does Armistice mean The term "armistice" means a cessation of hostilities as a prelude to peace negotiations.
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed 1919
What was the League of Nations a way for the leaders of countries from all over the world to talk over their differences without the use of force
When was the 18th ammendment ratified and what was it 1919, National Prohibition
When was the 19th Amendment ratified and what was it 1920, Women's Suffrage (vote)
What woman was behind the Women's Suffrage Susan B. Anthony
What was the Temperance Movement Against the sale of alcoholic beverages
Who were the Central Powers during WW I (also known as the Triple Alliance) A military alliance between Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy - later replaced by the Ottoman Empire
Who were the Allied powers during WW I (initially the Triple Entente) Initially France, Great Britain and Russia later more than 20 nations including Russia, France and Britian
Created by: Tsmithandco
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