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TDGE 1- Midterm

Theatre-General UCSD Todd Salovey Winter14

Catharsis Release or purge of unwanted emotion
Suspension of Disbelief Our response to drama is characterized by a wiling of suspension of disbelief; Although we know we're watching an actor we sympathize
Proscenium Theatre (Types of Theatre):Looks through a picture frame
Thrust Theatre (Types of Theatre):Extends into the audience on three sides (A Doll House)
Theatre in the Round (Types of Theatre):Audience surrounds theatre Cons: constantly has to flip scene, little room for set
Black Box Theatre (Types of Theatre):Can be moved around (In the Time of the Butterflies)
Environmental Staging (Types of Theatre):No separation between actors and performance
Site Specific (Types of Theatre):Using a specific area as the set/stage
Street Theatre (Types of Theatre):Performances done in the public
Objective Urgent Need
Types of Dramatic Conflicts: ? Conflict with: Needs, self, nature, society, greater forces
Freytag's Pyramid ? Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Denouement
Inciting Incident Event that changes everything
Exposition Intro of characters, place, circumstances
Auteur (Types of Directors):Co-director of piece whose visual choices are very important towards meaning/ story telling of text
Interpreter (Types of Directors):Presenting playwrights story in a way which highlights aspects deemed most important
Serve the text (Types of Directors):director is invisible at the service of the playwright
Mise En Scene "Putting into scene"-"Enviornment"- Everything that appears on scene: arrangement, sets, props, actors, costumes, and lighting
Elements of Design: ? Line, Shape, Movement, Texture, Color, Scale
Single Set All action takes place in one locale
Multi Scene Moves through many locations created by scenic elements-Completely tranforms each set
Unit set Focus is changed to different areas on the stage but these locales remain on stage for the entire show
Directors Concept The central unifying idea of production
Denouement Tying up loose ends, Final resolution/clarification of a dramatic or narrative plot
Created by: 100000023225286
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