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Milady ch 5 contd

Chapter 5 Infection Control Principals and Practices

OSHA is part of this US Department Labor
The Hazardous Communications Act requires this. All chemical manufacturers or importers must acess the potential hazzards associated with thier products.
The printed requirement of chemical hazards. Material Data Sheet (MSDS)
Effective cleaner for blood, and bloody fluids on Non-porous surfaces. Hospital disinfectant
Disinfectant not recommended for salon use, but is proven to kill specific bacteria only transmitted through coughing. Tuberculocidal disinfectant
Exist to protect professional and consumer health, safety, and welfare. State regulatory agencies.
Guidelines written by both State and Federal Legislatures that determine scope of practice. Laws
Guidelines establishing specific standards of conduct. Ruules or Regulations.
The invasion of body tissues by disease causing pathogenic bacteria Infection
Harmful organisms that are spread from one person to another. Infectious disease
Four types of potentially harmful organisms nail techs must be aware of. Bacteria, Fungi, viruses, and parasites
Bacteria that is not harmful and often useful. Nonpathogenic
Bacteria that is harmful and can cause disease or infection. Pathogenic
Transmission of blood or body fluids by physical contact. Direct Transmission
Transmission of blood or bodily fluid by contact with a contaminated object. Indirect transmission
Nonscientific synonyms for disease producing bacteria. Microbes/Germs
Any organism that can only be seen by a microscope. Microrganism
An organism that grows, feeds, and shelters on or in another organism without contributing to the survival of that organism. Parasite
Poisonous substances produced by microorganisms. Toxins
A parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in cells of biological organisms, and replicates by taking over host cells reproduction function. Virus
Round-shaped bacteria that appear alone or in groups. Cocci
Pus forming bacteria that grow in clusters like a bunch of grapes, causing abscesses, pustules, and boils Staphlococci
Pus forming bacteria arranged in curved lines resembling a string of beads. Streptococci
Short rod shaped bacteria Bacilli
Spiral or corkscrew shaped bacteria Spirilla
Streptococci bacteria infections that are most common Strep throat and blood poisoning.
Bacilli bacteria infections that are most common. Tetanus, typhoid fever, tuberculosis and diphtheria.
Spirilla bacteria infections that are most common. Syphilis and Lyme disease.
This means self movement. Cocci show active self movement transmitting by air, dust, or within the substances they settle. Motility
The hair-like extensions that bacilli and spirilla use to move. They use a whip-like motion provide locomotion in liquid. Flagella or cilia
The liquid in the outer cell wall Protoplasm
The cycle in which bacteria grow, and reproduce Active Stage
The division of cells Mitosis
How often bacteria cells reproduce on average. 20-60 minutes
The nail pathogen Staphylococcus reproduces this often. 27-30 minutes
In this cycle certain bacteria cover themselves in a wax like substance and go dormant when conditions are not favorable and awaken when they are. Inactive or Spore-forming stage
A fluid created by tissue inflammation. Pus
Condition in which the body reacts to protect itself from injury, irritation, or infection. Inflammation
Are included in signs of infection Redness, heat, pain, and swelling.
Extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals, or other normally harmless substances Allergy
The presence or possible presence of blood or other infectious materials on an items surface. It can also be visible debris like dust hair or skin Contamination
Disease that is spread by contact from one person to another. Contagious Disease
The removal of blood or other potentially infectious materials Decontamination
Determination of the nature of a disease Diagnosis
Abnormal condition of all or part of the body Disease
Contact with broken skin, blood, body fluid, or other potentially infectious materials while performing services. Exposure Incident
Illness resulting from conditions of employment Occupational Disease
Disease caused by parasites like lice, mites, and ringworm Parasitic Disease
Disease produced by organisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites Pathogenic Disease
Disease that affects the body as a whole often due to under or over functioning of internal glands or organs Systemic Disease
Antibiotics are only useful in treating this type of infection. Bacterial Infections
This infection is difficult to kill without harming the body in the process. Antibiotics do not kill this infection Viral Infections.
Parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects the cells of a biological organism. Virus
Disease causing microorganisms carried in the blood or body fluids Bloodborne Pathogens
Most common Bloodborne pathogens Hepatitus and HIV
This Bloodborne pathogen can live on surfaces outside the body and when contracted damages the liver. Hepatitus
Microscopic plant parasites including mold, mildew,and yeast Fungi
Affects plants or can grow on inanimate objects but is not infectious to humans in a nail salon. Mildew
Contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite which burrows under the skin Scabies
The ability of the body to destroy and resist infection Immunity
Ability to resist infection developed through healthy living Natural Immunity
Ability to resist infection that the body develops after overcoming a disease or through inoculation. Acquired Immunity
Chemical Products that destroy all bacteria, fungi and viruses on surfaces. Disinfecting
Process that completely destroys all microbial life including spores and is only required if surgery is imminent. Sterilization
The effectiveness with which a disinfecting solution kills specific organisms when used according to label. Efficacy
Most advanced type of disinfectant used in salons, containing sophisticated blends to dramatically increase the effectiveness and prevent rust. Quaternary ammonium compounds (quats)
Powerful tuberculocidal disinfectant with a very high PH that can cause rust and eat plastic. Phenolic
Common household disinfectant that works well for all uses in the salon, but can cause be corrosive to metal and plastic. Bleach (sodium hypochlorite)
These disinfectants are not appropriate for salon use Fumigants and Glutaradehyde
Created by: beckieharris
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