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Stack #14670

Chapter 17

1550-1800 The Age of Absolutism
1556 Philip II becomes king of Spain
1618 Start of Thirty Years War: religious conflict between German Protestants and Catholics
1642 English Civil War begins against armies of Parliament
1697 Czar Peter the Great of Russia tours Europe to study western tech and ideas
1715 KIng Louis XIV of France dies after 72 year reign
1795 Russia, Prussia and Austria complete the partition of Poland
1519 Charles V, grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain becomes new king of Spanish empire with Hapsburg empire
1556 Charles V gives up titles and enters monastery
absolute monarch ruler with complete authority over government and lives of the people
divine right authority came directly from God
Battle of Lepanto, 1571 Spain defeats Ottoman fleet in Med Sea
1581 Dutch Netherlands declared independence from Spain, protestant
Sea Dogs English sea captains
Sir Francis Drake Sea Dog who plundered Spanish ships
armada Spanish fleet
1588 King Philip II armada attacks English, Spain loses
1550-1650 Spain's siglo de oro, golden century
El Greco "the Greek" painter
Diego Velazquez court painter to King Philip II
Miquel de Cervantes wrote Don Quixote, battles windmills
Lope de Vega wrote 1500 plays including The Sheep Well
August 24, 1572 St. Barthomew's Day: massacre of 3000 Huguenots by Catholics
1589 Henry V inherits French throne, becomes Catholic
Edict of Nantes: grants Huguenots religious toleration 1598
1610 Henry IV assassinated, Louis XIII rules
Cardinal Armand Richeieu ruled under Louis in 1624-1642
1643 Louis XIV inherits throne
Fronde uprising in France rebeled against king
Louis XIV sunKing; absolute royal power
indendants royal official who collected taxes, recruit soldiers
Jean Baptist Colbert Louis finance minister, high tariffs on imported goods
Versailles palace of Louis XIV
levee major ritual for waking the Sun King
Moliere The Miser, French playright
balance of power prevent any one nation of controlling Europe
1685 Louis revoked Edict of Nantes, Huguenots fled France
ruled France for 72 years, 1643-1715 Louis XIV
1603 James I rules England (Stuart)
1485-1603 England ruled by Tudor Dynasty
Elizabeth dies, Stuarts of Scotland rule 1603
Parliament clash James wanted divine rights
dissenters Protestants who differed from Church of England
Puritans want to purify Church of Catholic practices
King James version new Bible translation in 1611
1625 Charles I inherits throne
Petition of Rights prohibits king from raising taxes without consent of Parliament
1629 Charles I signs petition and then dissolves Parliament
The Long Parliament 1640-1653
Cavaliers supporters of Charles I
Roundheads supporters of Parliament, Puritans
Oliver Cromwell leader of Roundheads
1649 Charles I executed by Parliament
Battle of Marston Moor turning point in English Civil War when Roundheads defeat Cavaliers
Commonwealth of England established by House of Commons after abolishing monarchy, House of Lords, and Church of England
Charles II uncrowned heir to the throne
1652 Parliament exiled most Catholicsto Ireland
Lord Protector title given to Cromwell in 1653
1658 Cromwell dies
1660 Parliament invites Charles II to rule
Glorious Revolution William and Mary overthrows James II in 1688
James II Charles brother rules in 1685-1688
English Bill Of Rights: ensured superiority of Parliament over monarchy 1689
habeas corpus no person could be held in prison without being charged with a crime
Toleration Act of 1689 grants limited religious freedom to Puritans, Quakers and dissenters but not Catholics
Bill Of Rights: no Catholic could sit on throne; requires monarch to summon Parliament, House of Commons has power of the purse
limited monarchy legislative body limits monarch's powers
Thirty Years' War political and religious reasons; Defenestration of Prague
mercenaries soldiers for hire
Peace of Westphalia:treaty to end 30 year War 1648
Ferdinand Hapsburg King of Bohemia
Habsburg Empire Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland and Italy
Maria Theresa: daughter of Holy Roman emperor Charles VI 1727-1780
1740 Frederick of Prussia seizes Hapsburg province of Silesia
War of Austrian Succession Maria Theresa preserves Hapsburg empire
Hohenzollern family ruled north Germany in 1600s
Junkers nobles in Prussia
Frederick the Great Prussian ruler in 1740, Frederick II
Seven Years War: fought on 4 continents 1756-1763
Peter the Great Romanov czar of Russia, ruled 1689-1725
westernization adoption of western ideas, tech and culture
boyars Russian land owning boyars
warm water port free of ice all year long; Black Sea
War with Sweden 1700-1709
St Peterburg neww capital in Russia
Vitus Bering Danish navigator to explore Bering Strai between Siberia and Alaska
1725 Peter dies,
1762 Catherine the Great rules after husband Czar Peter III murdered, got Black Sea port
partition divide up
1772 Austria, Prussia and Russia partition Poland
Created by: Flexfive
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