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Immunization Information

What immunization is HBV? What disease does it prevent? How many doses are needed and when?Any special details about this immunization? HBV is the Hep B vaccine. It protects from Hepatitis B. 3 doses are needed and they are usually given at Birth, 1-2 months, and 6 months of age.The dosing schedule can be varied slightly, see immunization guideline schedule.
What vaccine is DTap? What disease(s) does it prevent? How many doses are needed and when?Any special details? DTaP is Diptheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis vaccine. It protects from Diptheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis. 5 doses are needed and are usually given at 2,4,6,15-18 mos, and at 4-6 yrs.Can be combined with IPV and Hep B (Pediatrix)
What vaccine is Hib? How many doses and when should they be given? Hib protects against Haemophilus Influenzae type b.There are 4 doses needed.*They should be given at 2,4,6,and 12-15 mos
What is IPV? How many doses and when should they be given? IPV is inactivated Poliovirus. 4 doses are needed and should be given at 2,4, and 12-18 mos, and 4-6 years
What is MMR? How many doses and when should they be given? MMR is a vaccine for Measles Mumps and Rubella. 2 doses are needed and they should be given at 12-15 mos and at 4-6 yrs.MMR vaccine is live virus, if not given at same time as varicella, there must be at least 4 weeks between administration of the two
What is Varicella? How many doses and when should they be given? Varicella is Chicken pox vaccine. 1 dose is needed for 12 and under. 13 and older need 3 doses. The initial dose should be given at 12-15 mos.
What is PCV-7? How many doses and when should they be given? PCV-7 is a vaccination against pneumococcal meningitis. 4 doses are needed at 2,4,6, and 12-15 mos.
When should Influenza vaccinations be given? at the start of the cold/flu season every year.
When should someone be given a Hepatitis A vaccine? If they are traveling abroad or are at high risk of exposure.
When should someone be given at PPV vaccine? When they are at high risk of exposure to viral meningitis.
What angle is the needle inserted when administering a subcutaneous injection? 45 degrees
What angle is the needle inserted when administering an intramuscular injection? straight into the muscle
What is the preferred site of administration on children 0-36 months? The vastus lateralis
What is the preferred site of administration on children 36months to adulthood? The deltoid
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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