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polar molecule a molecule that has electricity charged areas
capillary action the combined force of attraction among water molecules and with molecules surrounding the materiel
surface tension tightness across the surface of water caused by the polar molecules pulling on each other
solution a mixture that forms when one substance dissolves another
solvent a substance that dissolves another
solute a substance that is dissolved by a solvent
evaporation process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid adsorb enough energy to change to the gaseous state
condensation the process by which a gas changes into a liquid
photosynthesis the process by which plants use water, along with carbon dioxide and energy from the sun, to make its own food
transpirtation the process which plants give off water vapor through their leaves
habitat the place where an organism lives and where it obtains all the things it needs to survive
groundwater water that fills in underground rock and soil layers
precipertation water that falls to earth as rain, snow, hail, or sleet
water cycle the continuous process by which water moves from earth's surface to the atmosphere and back
tributaries a stream or smaller river that feeds into a main river
watersheds the land area that supplies water to a rover system
divides a ridge of land that separates one watershed from another
oxbow lake when a meander curves back on itself forming
mouth/delta where a river flows into another body of water
headwaters many small streams that come together at the source of a river
flood plain broad, flat valley through which a river flows
meander looping curves in a river
lake turnover when the warm water mixes with the cool water in a lake
volcanic lake a lake that forms when water fills a volcanic crater
glacier-made lake a lake formed by the movement of glaciers
human-made lake a lake made by humans used for irrigation, recreation, or drinking
nutrients a substance (such as nitrogen and phosphorous) that enables plants and algae to grow
euthrophication the process by which nutrients in a lake build up over time and increase the growth of algae
wetlands a area that is covered by a sallow layer of water during some or all of the year
mangroves salt water swamp
bayous fresh water swamp
salt marsh marsh with salt water
bogs kind of wetland (fresh water)
filters wetland plants that filter pollutants from the water
buffer a place where animals live
marsh fresh water wetland
permeable a characteristic of materials, such as sand and gravel, that water easily passes through
impermeable a characteristic of materials, such as clay and granite, through which water does easily pass
saturated zone the area of permeable rock or soil in which the cracks and pores are totally filled with water
unsaturated zone the layer of rocks and soil above the water tables in which the pores contain air as well as water
water table the top of the saturated zone or depth to the ground water under Earth's surface
aqufier an underground layer of sediment or rock that holds water
artesian well a well in which water rises because of pressure within the aquifer
desalination the process of obtaining fresh water from salt water by removing salt
conservation the practice of using less of a resource so that it will not be used up
irrigation the process of supplying water o areas of land to make them suitable for growing crops
water quaility measurement of substances in the water besides water molecules
concentration the amount of a substance in a certain volume of another substance
pH measurement of how acidic or basic he water is
hardness the combined level of calcium and magnesium in a sample of water
fliteration the process of passing water through a series of screens
coagulation alum is added to form sticky flocs which particles stick to
sewage waste water and the different kinds of waste in it
water pollution the addition of any substance that has a negative effect on water or the living things that depend on water
pesticides chemicals intended to kill insects and other organisms that damage crops
pollutants the substances that cause water pollutions
nonpoint source a widely spread source of of pollution that is difficult to link to specific point of origin
point source a specific source of pollution that can be identified
acid rain rain or another another form of precipitation that is more acid than normal
cholrea a disese caused by bacteria in human waste
DDT,nitrates & phosphates kinds of pesticides and fertilizers
drought a long period with little rainfall
flood occur when the volume of river increases so much the river overflows its channel
flash flood a sudden violent flood that occurs within hours
penstocks water flow through the penstocks creating kinetic energy
turbines water with kinetic energy turns the turbine blades creating mechanical energy
hydroelectric power electricity produced by the kinetic energy of water over a waterfall or dam
kinetic energy the form of energy that an object has when it is moving
potential energy energy that is stored and waiting to be used
Created by: miamacdonald
Popular Science sets




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