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Pathology of the Musculoskeletal System

Achilles Tendonitis signs and symptoms aching or burning in the posterior heel, pain with increased activity, swelling and thickening in the tendon area, muscle weakness due to pain, morning stiffness
Adhesive Capsulitis insidious onset of localized pain often extending down the arm, subjective reports of stiffness, night pain, restricted range of motion in a capsular pattern. Avoid over stretching
ACL sprain Special test associated with ACL sprain - Lauchman, Anterior drawer test, lateral pivot shift test
Congenital Torticollis unilateral contracture of the SCM muscle. Lateral cervical flexion to the same side as the contracture, rotation toward the opposite side, and facial asymmetries
Meniscus Tear Etiolgoy - fixed foot rotation while weight bearing on a flexed knee S&S=catching or locking sensation special test=Apley's compression test, bounce home test, and McMurray test
Osgood-Schlatter Disease Repetitive traction on the tibial tuberosity apaphysis. S&S=Point tenderness over the patella tendon at the insertion on the tibial tubercle, antalgic gait, pain with increasing activity -Avoid squatting, running or jumping
Osteogenesis Imperfecta S&S=pathological fractures, osteopososis, hypermobile, bowing
Hip Arhtroplasty Anteriolateral=flexion, extension, lateral roation, and adduction Posterolateral=flexion, adduction, and medial rotation
aching or burning in the posterior heel, pain with increased activity, swelling and thickening in the tendon area, muscle weakness due to pain, morning stiffness Achilles Tendonitis signs and symptoms
insidious onset of localized pain often extending down the arm, subjective reports of stiffness, night pain, restricted range of motion in a capsular pattern. Avoid over stretching Adhesive Capsulitis
Lauchman, Anterior drawer test, lateral pivot shift test ACL sprain
unilateral contracture of the SCM muscle. Lateral cervical flexion to the same side as the contracture, rotation toward the opposite side, and facial asymmetries Congenital Torticollis
Etiolgoy - fixed foot rotation while weight bearing on a flexed knee S&S=catching or locking sensation special test=Apley's compression test, bounce home test, and McMurray test Meniscus Tear
Repetitive traction on the tibial tuberosity apaphysis. S&S=Point tenderness over the patella tendon at the insertion on the tibial tubercle, antalgic gait, pain with increasing activity -Avoid squatting, running or jumping Osgood-Schlatter Disease
S&S=pathological fractures, osteopososis, hypermobile, bowing Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Anteriolateral=flexion, extension, lateral roation, and adduction Posterolateral=flexion, adduction, and medial rotation Hip Arhtroplasty
Flexed position decrease pain, and extension increases pain. Numbness, tightness or cramping Spinal Stenosis
Degeneration of the femoral head due to a disturbance in blood supply. Limp, trendelenburg gait, mild pain in groin, medial knee or thigh, decreased ROM in hip abd and IR, atrophy from disuse Leg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Abnormality in collagen gene. Fragile bones, scoliosis, kyphosis, short stature and hearing loss. NO STRETCHING Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Painful condition of abnormal calcification within a muscle belly Myositis ossificans
Mechanism of injury is a fall onto shoulder with upper extremity adducted or a collision with another individual Acrominoclavicular and sternoclavicular joint
Occurs with a fall onto an outstretched upper extremity Proximal humeral fractures
Direct trauma at the cubital tunnel, tracture due to laxity at medial aspect of elbow, compressin due to a thckened retinaculum or hypertrophy of FCU; Medial elbow pain and parasthesias in ulnar distrib. + tinel sign Ulnar nerve entrapment
Occurs within pronator teres muscle and under superficial head of FDS; gripping activities; aching pain with weakness of forearm mms abd + tinel's sign with parast. in median nerve distr. Median Nerve entrapment
Entrapment of distal branches (posterior interosseous nerve) occurs within radial tunnel as a result of overhead activiities and throwing; pain over supinator muscle and parast. in a radial nerve distrib. Tinel sign may be positive Radial nerve entrapment
Inflammation of extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus tendons at first dorsal compartent. DeQuervain's tenosynovitis
Pain at anatomical snuffbox, swelling, decreased grip and pinch strength DeQuervain's tenosynovitis
Fall onto an outstretched UE. Complications of median nerve compression can occur with excessive edema Colles' fracture
Characteristic "dinner fork" deformitiy of wrist and hand results from dorsal or posterior displacement of distal fragment of radius with radial shift of wrist and hand Colles' fracture
Patient is experiencing swelling, parasthesia and servere pain in lower leg. What is it and what is your respone? Anterior compartment syndrome is a medical emergiency
Entrapment of the posterior tibial nerve or one of it's branches within the tarsal tunnel Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Excessive pronation, overuse resulting in tendinitis of the long flexor and posterior tibialis tendon and trauma may cause what? Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Pain, numbness and paresthesias along medial ankle to plantar surface of the foot. Positive Tinel's sign Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Inversion of forefoot when subtalar jint is in neutral Forefoot varus
Eversion of forefoot when the subtalar jint is in neutral Forefoot valgus
Created by: ckdabne
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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