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07/30/08 - SAC

Prohibited the import of Cotton cloth (ENGLAND) British Calico Acts 1701/1702
flying shuttle inventor KAY, John
spinning jenny inventor. Produced more yarn. HARGREAVES, John
piston to turn rotary wheel...led to invention of STEAM ENGINE WATT, James
Rocket. 1st Steam Engine STEPHANSON, George
Market for capitolism SMITH, Adam
Overpopulation: 1794-95 MALTHUS, Thomas
Improves iron . Coke (cheap coal) burns away impurities, makes iron production cheaper. Puddling
1800: 90%, 1860: 50% U.S. Agriculture Trend: 1800-60
1800: 24m, 1900:145m N/S America Population Trend: 1800-1900
Rockefeller - Oil, Carnegie - Steel (Bessemer Process: Gospel of Wealth), Morgan - Banking/R.R. 19th c. Monopolies
MITSUI, MITSUBISHI, SUMITOMO...don't compete. Cooperate. Japanese ZAIBATSU trusts
BELL- 1st marketable telephone. WRIGHT brothers - NOT the first to fly. FORD: Assembly line American Inventions
department stores, domestics. Women's roles
GERMAN med care and unemployment benefits in the 1880s. VAN BISMARCK
craftsmen guilds/unions protestig technologial advancements/poor contitions Luddite Protests
CAN/ARG/URU/S. AFR/AUS/NZEA 50% Primary, 50% Industrialized goods
Socialism. Marx: Capitolism splits ppl into capitolists/prolitariat." ENGELS: believed private property should be abolished. Marx/Engels
Surfs hindered econ. 1861: Abolished surfdom. BUT 15,000 slave revolts still/year. Disasterous Agriculture Alexander II
TIMBER, RAW MATERIALS. 1/2 world's OIL russian Russian Exports
Cotton gin = $$$, RE-invigorated slavery. 1m-6m: 60 yrs. WHITLEY
$15-16m. Doubles U.S. size. Louisiana Purchase
U.S. has RIGHTS to N. America 1840s - Manifest Destiny
U.S. Pays $15m= TX/CA/NM Guadelupe Hidalgo Treaty
A house divided against itself can't stand. Lincoln (quote)
BEGAN process --> Defeat slavery Emancipation Proclomation
post civil war --> 1876. Reconstruction
Extermination justified by religion Indians and Puritans
Indian's last gasp. "Ghost dance" to make whites dissapear. Army slaughters Indians b/c won't stop dancing. Wounded Knee
"TO engulph America. All Japanese migrations halted. 1882 Restricions immigrants Yellow Peril
CANADA. Granted to England curtosey 7 yrs. war. Repells U.S. invasions "New France."
Gives CANADA sense of UNITY against outside threats. War of 1812
1st Prime Minister independant Canada MCDONALD
1) Attracts migrants 2) protective tariffs 3) National transportation sys. Canadian National Policy
Matis rebel against CANADA. (Riel) NW Rebellion 1885
Led Matis revolt against CANADA. RIEL
"Machiavilli of the Pompus." ARGENTENIA dictator. Attracted Eutopean immigrants, esp. GOLANDRIAS (Italians). ROSAS
Italians galondrias
MEXICO dicatator. Constantly in/out of power 1829-55. Ruled 10-11 times. SANTA ANA
"To be Born A Man." ~Smart woman can't vote, but a dumb man can? ZIDMIO (Bolivia)
MEXICO dictator DIAZ
EGYPTIAN ruler. Overthrew Ottomans. Made Egypt autonomous. MOHAMMAD ALI
Only thing stopping RUSSIAN expansion  Ottoman land. Crimean War
Forced Ottomans to grant extra TERRITORIALITY  W. Europe (Rights to murder Turks w/o trial) Capitulation Laws
Reforms army by killing Christian Jannisaries (cripples nation) Muhmad II
Influenced by FRENCH legal systems. “Turkey should become like Europe.” Tanzimat Reforms
Killed/banished TANZIMAT reforms. Autocrat ruler. Continues using Tanzimat principals. 1909: Disposed of by young Turks Hamid II
Emancipation of serfs. BUT does little to Agriculture Key to Russian Social Reforms
JAPANESE sneak attack sinks RUSSIAN Pacific fleet Port Arthur 1904
JAPANESE sink RUSSIAN Baltic fleet. Russians slaughtered over territorial rights. Manchuria
Terrible. Left workers prone to Revolutionary Propoganda St. Petersburg/Moscow working conditions
U.S.A. Model for Japanese EDU/ECON
Burns stock of TEA…Instigates ENGLISH war with CHINA over Tea/Opium trade . Lin Xi Shau
Ends OPIUM war w/ENG,CHINA. Territoriality: $5. Treaty of Nanning 1842
CHINA believes leap to modern world can be accomplished by adopting Western tech  Chinese tradition Self-Strengthening Mvmt.
Sole goal: To gain and hold political power. Last 50 yrs. Of Dynasty. Ci Xi
Began 100 DAYS reform. Kang Yu Wei
FAILED Anti-foreign rebellion. $$$ indemnity Boxer Rebellion
Forces Japan to open to foreign trade. “Black Ships.” ~ Impressed by steam warships. Embraced U.S. ECO/EDU; GERMAN Armies, BRITISH navies. PERRY
50m # European overseas migrants
Controlled Europe. Richest 5% controlled 40% wealth. Aristocrats
Read Latin, Greek. Women: practical/domestic Pillars of Western education
Late 1800s, EUROPE/AMERICA Inventors of LEISURE
Late 1800s Open/Secret Alliances formed
“Survival of the Fittest.” Applied to humans, translated to Racism. SPENCER
Germans = only Pure Race CHAMBERLAIN
Europeans = intelligent and morally superior to others. DE GAUBINEAU
EUROS laid ground rules for African colonies Berlin Conference
VIETNAM (1859), CAMBODIA (1867), LAOS (1893) French INDO-CHINA
NEW ZEALAND. Put Maori under British control. Waitang Treaty
Settlement for British convicts New South Wales
JAPANESE war…for control: KOREA Sino Tsaino
SUDAN. Gen. Gordan killed. ENG claims Sudan from Egypt. (also desired by FRA) Battle of Ondurman
Explorer/missionary. Traveled C/S Africa LIVINGSTONE
TANZANIA. GERMANY brutally slaughters 75,000 Africans Maji Maji Rebellion
Whites 1st, Zulus 2nd S. Africa: Order of Settlement
RUSSIA Pushed into ASIA, alarming ENG The Great Gain
ENG allows wealthy Indians to elect representatives to local legislative councils 1909 Indian Elections
Nationalist CHINA 1920s. Under Gen. Matsui, JAPAN slaughters 100,000, rapes thousands more. Worst atrocity of the war.
“Authorizes” Nanjing massacre
Only BRITS left to fight GER
GER invades RUS. Fails due to timing.
Set up as bait by Roosevelt, to anger Americans into entrance: WWII
1)Weaken U.S. 2)Est. Jap. Perimiter
Initially Japan successful. Est. Great E. Asian co-prosperity sphere
CHINA’s policy. STILLWELL: (on DID) meant running until JAPAN…_________
Authored “Final SOLUTION.” Assasinated by BRITS in 1943.
Himmler/Heydrich agreed to FINAL SOLUTION: Holocaust
City Pop. Exterminated by GERMANS in retaliation for HEYDRICH’S assassination
U.S. crushes GER/EUR ~ Churchill asked Roosevelt to stall invasion; Let RUS/GER bleed themselves to death
JAPAN introduces KAMAKAZE piolets
Atomic bombs induce Japanese surrender. 1) 1m expected to die if mainland invasion required. 2)”Show” those Russians. 3) Racist. Yellow vs. white
Uncompensated until 90s.
KOREAN/CHINESE/others forced into prostitution for JAPANESE army.
Soviet alternative to Marshall plan (focus: E. Europe)
Buffer created by Soviets fearing German invasion. Sparks COLD WAR b/c Russians appear to seek global conquest.
1950, never ended. S. Korea overlooked; attacked by N. Korea/Soviets.
U.S. gives list of “untouchable” countries to Soviets. S. Korea OVERSIGHT.
Result of Koran War. “containing communists.”
Eisenhower: If we let one country go communist, others will follow
Wins RUSSIA after Stalin’s death. ‘56: Condems communism, begins de-Stalin-ization policy
Created by Russia
Expelled from Soviet Block. TITO. Independent of RUSSIA.
Allows E. Europe limited sovereignty
FRANCE president. Made FRA independent. Est. European community to help Europe become free of US/RUS (roots: E.U.)
Topeka, KS. Supreme court declares segregation illegal.
Operated until ‘70s. Hispanics “retarded;” forbidden participation in class/extra-curriculars.
Best: Foreign affairs; Worst: domestic affairs. 1972: “CREEP” Committee to Re-Elect the President.
Instituted by Nixon. “Turning war over to Vietnam.”
U.S. ends involvement: VIETNAM. 600,000-1,000 advisors in Saigon.
COmmunism collapsing in 80s...CAPITALISM reforms introduced
Rejected reforms BUT pro-Berlin wall. Kicked out in 1990…GER re-united.
Communists swept from office in free election
GORBACHEV: Economic/social restructuring. Ppl decide instead of gov.
GORBACHEV: openness of public criticism/admitting past mistakes
RUSSIA president. 1) Dismantles USSR 2)Pushed free market reforms
ROMANIAN dictator clutches communism. ’89: Overthrown/executed
KENYAN, led non-violent protests. Jailed.
Official policy of S. African Afrikaner National Party. “White Rule”
119 blacks murdered
ZAIRE 30 yr. dictator
MALAWI dictator liked by ppl
“Dry Your Tears Africa” ~ Encouraged Africans to turn away from European culture.
“Palestine = Jewish homeland.” UN proposed Palestine division: Jews/Arabs. ’48: Israel made independent
Led Arab world. Nationalizes canal durind Suez war
ENG/FRA desire Suez; invade. U.S. forces their withdrawal.
ISRAEL/EGYPT sign and agree to recognize e/o
Signed self-rule agreement; fighting persists in spite of treaties
Signed self-rule agreement; fighting persists in spite of treaties
Supported by U.S. Benefits: 5% Iranians/ Traded U.S. TECH for OIL
Declared a Religious State
IRAN/IRAQ: almost everyone opposed
Was not overthrown by Bush I – COUNTERWEIGHT. Bush II: “To bring democracy to IRAQ.”
…to industrialize overnight. RESULT: 20-60m fatalities (famine) Mao ze Dung
Great Leap Forward. Idea: Make CHINA #1 Steel producer…but NO FOOD
Re-awaken Revolutionary spirit.Mao ze Dung.
Permitted after assisting British during WWII
Non-Aligned Mvmt. leader
“The only solution to the India problem is Pakistan.”
Sukamo, Indonesia. Beginning of NON-ALIGHMENT movmt.
VIETNAMESE president. Only strong man there. ’63: Assassinated by KENNEDY
US  Asia (HoChiMinh)  Japan
Based upon U.S. Only Americans invited to celebration
JOHNSON…600,000 sent to fight in ’68.
U.S. won…but press portrayed as a loss.
Seek out, apprehend, and identify Communism. 57,000 executed.
Seizure of American freighter
Gov. HELPS industry
Poorest nation in the world
Family run conglomerates
BRITS introduced Democracy before returning colony to CHINA
Ruled Mexico for majority of 20th c.
DISASTEROUS American-backed invasion by right-winged Cubans.
Free and fair election. “Guatemala for the ppl of Guatemala.” Nation virtually owned by United Fruit Co…Arbenz sent packing by U.S. tycoons.
CIA organizes killing of freely elected President Allende
US took control after queen overthrown. 1898: Annexed to US
Organized by ROOSEVELT against COLUMBIA for canal construction
Result: French resentment of Germans
Heir to Austrian throne, assassinated by Serb.
Draws ENG to war…invade through BELG
MAXIM machine gun halts GERMANS. ENG/BELG Alliance.
Gained a few thousand yards…420,000 dead
700,000 dead
DISASTER for Austrian, New Zealand, Canadian troops…machine gunned by Turks during cliff ascent
…to CHINA. Japan conquers German holdings in Asia; erects military air fields.
GERMANS sink BRIT civilian liner. Had war material. Germany sinks every American boat after trade blockade instituted.
Granted to Americans, other w. Europeans after WWII
Nicholas II. 1) disposed of ROMANOVS 2) Est. Reform provisional gov.
Bolsheviks (communists) take control
Signed by RUS/GER…ends RUSSIAN involvement
Poor PR handling…alienates everyone, including Republican Senate
Ottoman Empire dealings. GLORIFIED IMERIALISM…lands/colonies made mandates
FRANCE sets up Christian Lebanon/ Muslim Syria.
October 24, 1929. Stock Market crashes.
“Laizzes fair capitalism was ending.”
44% Banks out of business, 25% unemployment, 1929 average wage: $.55/.05 in 1933
Reds vs. Whites Russian Civil War
LENIN: Pure Communism not working. Implements free market reforms. New Economic Policy
STALIN. Successful, ruthless. Turns agricultural country into heavily industrialized. Killed all those unsuccessful in 5 yr plans. 5 Year Plans
Deprived German Jews of citizenship Nuremburg/Kristillnacht
Fathered psycho-analysis. “Neurotic behavior comes from a conflict between your conscious and unconsciousness.” FREUD
Architect. “Form should follow function.” GROPIUS
Artist. Influenced by primitive art of Tahiti GAUGIAN
Theologian. Attacked progress on Earth BARTH
“Man’s history one of steady failure.” BARIEV
UNCERTAINTY Principal: “We cannot determine the path of an electron.” HEISENBURG
Mahatma = great soul. Satyagraha = passive resistance. Retrieved salt from ocean after salt tax imposed. Boycotted British textiles; wove own clothes. GHANDI
1925 – dies Sunyat Sen
ARGENTINIAN Populist right wing dictator supported by U.S. PERON
ENG/FRA give GERM Czechloslovakia Munich Conference
By MUSSOLINI. League of Nations to weak to fight. 1935 Etheopian Invasion
Invaded by Japan Manchuria
GER/RUS secretly divide Poland. Hitler hates communism, Stalin hates Nazis. Nazi/Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
GER/IT/JAP alliance Tripartite Pact
Arrived back in ENG, announced “Peace in our time” CHAMBERLAIN
Created by: goldmeg89
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