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Ch.5 Review

Kong Fuzi Confucius' real name.
Laozi Founder of Daoism.
Confucianism Philosophy advocating social harmony through moral example. Pushed importance of education and the family as model of state
Daoism Withdrawal from the world into contemplation of nature. Ideals included simple living and the end of striving.
Upanishads Newer Hindu text in relation to the Vedas that gave expression to the classical philosophy of Hinduism
Vedas Older Hindu text containing ritual among other Hindu customs
Siddhartha Gautama Religious reformer that founded Buddhism
Buddhism Religion emerging in response to Hinduism in India. Would eventually move to China. Ideals included suffering caused by desire and that the end of suffering came through modest and moral living and meditation practice.
Zoroastrianism Possibly the first monotheistic religion to appear. Originated in Persia from the prophet Zarathustra. Featured a good god, Ahura Mazda, and a bad god, Angra Mainyu.
Zarathustra Persian prophet that founded Zoroastrianism. AKA Zoroaster
Judaism Another monotheistic religion originating in Israel. Good God, Yahweh and evil spirit Satan.
Greek Rationalism A philosophical outlook by Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Sought to explain things without using Greek mythology.
Socrates Greek philosopher executed in Athens for supposedly "poisoning the minds of Athens children".
Plato Philosopher and student of Socrates. Wrote "The Republic" outlining a good society.
Aristotle Philosopher and student of Plato. Taught Alexander the Great
Polytheism Belief in many gods
Monotheism Belief in one god
Mahavira Founder of Jainism in India.
Jainism The belief that all creatures have souls and purification comes through nonviolence. Believers were opposed to caste
Jesus Founder of Christianity
Christianity Resultant religion of Judaism. Belief in the Trinity and the resurrection of Jesus. Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ
Saint Paul Very influential missionary for Christianity.
Zhou Dyanasty Chinese dynasty beginning in 1122 BCE. Mandate of Heaven.
Mandate of Heaven Zhou Dynasty belief that heaven will decided whether or not a ruler is doing a good job and whether or not they should be overthrown.
"Age of Warring States" A period between the Zhou and Qin dynasties of political disunity and warring between various independent Chinese states.
Legalism The belief that the solution to problems is in clearly layed out and strictly enforced rules and laws with a system of rewards and punishments.
Han Fei A prominent Chinese Legalism philosopher
Shihuangdi Led the harsh reunification of China into the Qin dynasty.
Qin Dynasty Short dynasty lasting only around 15 years in which legalism was the state philosophy. Led by Shihuangdi
Han Dynasty Dynasty succeeding the Qin. Drew on the teachings of Confucius. Was the Golden Age of Chinese culture.
The Analects A compilation of Confucius' teachings by his followers.
"The relationships of Confucianism" Husband>Son Husband>Wife Older brother>Younger brother
Ren Confucian term for human-heartedness, benevolence, goodness, and nobility of heart.
Filial Piety The honoring of one's ancestors and parents. Big in Confucianism
Ban Zhou Female writer in China who advocated Confucius' teachings that women should subject themselves to men. Still advocated for women's advocation as a way for women to improve their service to men.
"Lessons for Women" Work by Ban Zhou outlining the implication of Confucian thinking for women.
Daodejing A short poetic volume penned by Laozi before he fled on his water buffalo.
Zhuangzi Daoist philosopher that expressed the Daoist ideas in a more explicity fashion following Laozi's exit.
Dao The central concept of Daoist thinking that refers to the way of nature, the underlying principle that governs all natural phenomenon.
Yin and Yang A Daoist image that expressed a belief in the unity of opposites.
Yellow Turban Rebellion A peasant rebellion from 184-204 CE fueled by Daoism as its central ideology.
Brahmins Hindu priests
Sanskrit A form of writing used in India normally read only by the cultural elite.
Brahman The Hindu idea of the World Soul, the final and ultimate reality
Atman The individual human soul in Hinduism
Moksha Liberation, essentially one reaching their ultimate form.
Samsara The notion of rebirth or reincarnation.
Karma The law stating that one's position in their next life is based on their actions in the present.
Nirvana Enlightenment, or heaven for Buddhists
Laws of Manu Hindu text defining the place of women
Created by: 1314Jacob_Taylor
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